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Displaying items by tag: 247 prayer

Thursday, 16 January 2020 20:37

Australia: faith and fires

Australia's prime minister, a Pentecostal, has said, ‘I have always believed in miracles'. Millions have been praying. Recently the crews battling Australia’s wildfires have seen a break in the weather. Cooler temperatures and mild winds have caused the fire’s behaviour to change, so firefighters are now fighting not fleeing. Please join 24-7’s online prayer, ‘God of all comfort, give strength to the emergency services fighting fires, the medics tending the sick, and the pastors conducting funerals and binding up broken hearts. We ask you to give wisdom to politicians as they seek to respond effectively to this crisis and begin to review long-term environmental policies in light of this disaster. Forgive us, Lord, for the damage we do by exploiting our environment and failing to care for your creation. You “cover the sky with clouds and supply the earth with rain”.’ For the full prayer, see

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