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Displaying items by tag: moving forward

Friday, 25 June 2021 09:28

Moving forward - praying for the Church

We celebrate all that has been done in the past by God’s people across this nation: church planting, mission, transformation and social care. Many Christians believe that God is taking His people back to the very roots and foundations of His gospel, releasing and empowering a people who will move in the mandate of this season - to make disciples of all nations. Pray for apostles to arise in fresh levels of authority, building, empowering and equipping God’s people, so that the Kingdom will be released into all areas of society. Pray for teachers to be raised, to preach the word in all its fullness of truth, calling the Church back to its first love. Pray for evangelists to teach and equip the saints – so that the gospel is preached into all communities with signs and wonders following.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 25 June 2021 09:26

Moving forward - church evangelism

When Covid hit last year, our nation quickly turned to science - epidemiologists seeking to contain the virus and researchers creating vaccines. But how much did the church use the opportunity to point to our hope beyond death? On 30 June, a Church Unlocked livestream will feature Canon J.John and other evangelists talking about how the pandemic and lockdowns have changed evangelism. Has the widespread use of streaming technology transformed how the Church will reach out? What are the felt needs of those around us, post-Covid, and how can we help people see that Jesus is the answer to those needs?

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 May 2020 00:48

Moving forward

The following is based on portions of a post on the Passion for the Nation website: ‘As lockdown eases and transition begins, we can pray for a spirit of peace, prosperity, safety and well-being to rest on the cities, towns and streets of this nation. Let us ask for God’s mercy to be with every individual, ministry, businessman or marketplace leader struggling at this time; let us ask Him also to pour fresh joy, fresh strength and fresh life into those feeling failure, despair, disillusionment or loss. We thank God for the equipping of His church, and the work of His Spirit in individuals through this lockdown season. Please continue to pray for our government, scientists, researchers, economists and all advisors. May they work as a team with humility and mutual respect. “Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.” (Isaiah 9:6,7)’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 17 October 2019 22:01

Albania: moving forward

Albania was once the poorest nation in Europe, but poverty has been cut by more than half and the economy continues to show positive signs of growth. Despite having well-known gangsters, it has made notable steps in combating drugs, weapons and human trafficking. Last year the European Commission said that it had shown enough progress towards implementing the required reforms that accession negotiations can begin. Under Communist rule, no religion was allowed. Now, Islam claims twice as many followers as Christianity. Christian believers enjoy worshipping openly in a country that once restricted religious freedom, although most who claim Christianity are reported to be nominal in their faith. Praise God that children’s ministry is drawing whole families into church and multiple generations are coming to faith. Pray for isolated believers to find safe ways to meet with others, and for believers from Muslim backgrounds to be protected from pressure and attack from friends and family.

Published in Europe