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Our Theme: CALL to the WALL (Isaiah 62:6-7)
Our Vision: Asian cities transformed through continuous 24-7 prayer...
The Purpose of this Summit: To encourage, equip and establish night-and-day prayer in every nation across Asia by 2033.
We are trusting the Lord for at least two delegates from each country across Asia/Oceania to attend this timely, strategic event.
Who should attend:
- All believers who desire a deeper walk with God.
- Leaders of existing 24-7 Prayer Ministries & Networks.
- Leaders with a vision to establish a 24-7 Prayer Watch in their church or city
Please share this invitation with your networks as you prayerfully consider inviting leaders who would be able to assist in expanding 24-7 Prayer in your city/nation.
More information and registration: https://www.asiaprayersummit.id
Presented by: Jericho Walls International Prayer Network | International Prayer Connect (IPC)
Thank you so much for being with us on this worship and prayer journey - Exalting Jesus, catalyzing united prayer for Kingdom transformation of peoples, cities and nations!
All Glory to the Lamb!
Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect
March 7, 2025
Starts 0:00 HRS (WAT)
Join us Online HERE (Code 32223)
This event is being convened at very short notice, in response to a burden being shared with IPC’s regional leaders a few days ago. If you share our sense of urgency, DO PRAY! – as and when you are able, or join us online.
We invite you to be part of this global prayer movement for Africa on March 7-8, 2025, as we stand in the gap for the continent's troubled nations, especially Congo and Sudan.
This 24-hour prayer event will unite churches, prayer networks, and intercessors worldwide, seeking God’s intervention for Africa’s ongoing crises.
Starts: March 7 at 00:00 WAT
March 6: 3PM Seattle | 6PM New York | 11PM London
March 7: 1AM Jerusalem | 4:30AM New Delhi | 6AM Singapore |
7AM Tokyo | 9AM Sydney
Pray from home, church, school, work – wherever you are.
Download Prayer Guide | Read the Full Invitation | 24HR Schedule & More Info
Join us Online HERE (Code 32223)
24 Hour Zoom Call starts at 0:00HRS (WAT) - Friday 7th March 2025
With wars, poverty, displacement, and instability affecting millions, now is the time to pray! Let it not be said that we stood idle when Africa needed intercessors. Will you stand in the gap?
I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. Ezekiel 22:30
Prayer and mission leaders from across the world will be hosting and leading our worship and prayers each hour during this 24-hour relay.
Join us and spread the word!
“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving” Colossians 4:2 (ESV)
I’d like to invite you to join millions of Christians of all ages, as we pray for revival across the Muslim world during the month of Ramadan.
We have prepared adult and children’s prayer guides that focus each day on a key Muslim world city that is ripe for revival! The guides are available online in 33 languages and 10 languages in pdf format.
Daily Prayer Fuel! - You can also receive daily prayer pointers to your email inbox during the 30 days and beyond, by signing up to the 110 Cities ‘Pray 4’ Guides HERE
Global Day of Prayer - March 27th
The 30 Days of prayer culminate with One Miracle Night - an annual, one-day event that unites Christians around the world to pray for 1.8 billion Muslims to encounter Jesus Christ.
Focused on 30 unreached megacities, One Miracle Night is a live, 24-hour prayer event that takes place on Thursday, 27th March 2025, starting at 9am EST.
During the One Miracle Night Global Day of Prayer, we invite you to join us in praying for Revival in 3 directions:
- Personal Revival
- Revival in your Local Church, and
- Revival across the Muslim World
These Muslim world cities are Ripe for the Harvest! I believe that God releases his power in response to the prayers of his people.
Do join us as you are able!
Please would you kindly cascade this invitation to your contacts, congregations and networks.
All glory to the Lamb!
Dr Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." — Philippians 1:3-5 (NIV)
We are pleased to bring you this Christmas and New Year edition of IPC Connections!
I trust that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read the articles, news and resources info this month!
A Heartfelt Thank You…
As we reflect on this past year, our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude for you—our friends, partners, and supporters.
I will share much more about what has been achieved this year, in January, but for now, I want to focus on you!
Your faithfulness and commitment to stand with us in prayer and support have been hugely instrumental in advancing our mission. Through our collective prayers together, we’ve witnessed the power of God moving across nations, transforming lives, and uniting hearts for His purposes.
We could not do this alone. It is because of your dedication and partnership that IPC continues to grow, reaching more people and places with the hope and love of Christ. Together, we are building a global community of prayer, united in faith and purpose, to see lives transformed and nations impacted for His glory! Amen!
We are especially grateful for your willingness to join us in faith as we have stepped into new opportunities to engage the world in prayer! Whether in personal devotions, local gatherings, or global intercession, I know that your dedication has strengthened our shared mission.
Together, millions of us are standing in the gap, lifting nations before the throne of grace, and declaring God’s promises over us, our communities and beyond to those as yet unreached peoples.
Thank you for believing in this vision and for being such a vital part of IPC’s journey. Your prayers and support are a testimony to God’s faithfulness through His people. As we move forward, we do so with confidence, knowing that we are united in His name and empowered by His Spirit.
Global Day of Prayer – 28/29 January 2025 – We invite you and your families, contacts and networks to join us for a Global Day of Prayer starting on January 28th – 29th 2025!
Across 24 hours, we will worship and pray where we are, together and online – however we are able.
Our aim is to dedicate time around the throne and around the clock for worship-saturated prayers for personal, local and global breakthrough! – with a special focus on the Buddhist world.
This is the first of 4 worldwide days of prayer for 2025! – we will also be praying for the Hindu Jewish and Hindu peoples during significant times in their calendars.
Will you join us on Chinese New Year to pray together, exalting Jesus Christ as King throughout the Buddhist world, asking the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to every unreached people group in 12 key cities and nations?!
The Global Day of Prayer starts Jan 29th 2025 at 1:00am (Beijing UTC+8)
(JAN 28th: 12PM New York | 7PM Jerusalem. JAN 29th: 2AM SEOUL, 4AM Sydney)
CLICK TO JOIN - Zoom Meeting ID – 84602907844 Passcode 32223
21 Days of Prayer for the Buddhist World - in the lead up to the Global Day of Prayer, we will be praying for 21 days - for breakthrough across 21 key cities and nations in the Buddhist World.
The 21 days runs from January 9th through to 29th, 2025.
We will be using some specially written adults and children’s prayer guides to help us focus our prayers.
The prayer guides conclude with the Global Day of Prayer involving millions of people offline and online.
The Children’s Prayer Guide, prepared by 2BC includes inspirational thoughts from Justin Gunawan, daily themes to build children’s faith, a 2BC Song and action points.
More info and prayer guides are HERE
2BC – 2 Billion Children – is a campaign conceived by IPC’s Senior Advisor and Exec Member, Tom Victor, with a vision to see the 2 billion children across our world empowered to share the message of God’s love with their friends and families. Tom has teamed up with Ann Low and several others, who are raising awareness for this exciting project. Read more Here.
Editorial – The editorial article in this edition is entitled ‘Jesus, our Good Shepherd’. In John 10, during the Feast of Dedication, Jesus declares himself the “Good Shepherd,” emphasizing his role as the noble and sacrificial leader who lays down his life for his sheep, fulfilling the promise of Ezekiel 34.
Against the backdrop of Hanukkah’s historical significance and its remembrance of God’s provision and the rededication of the temple, Jesus promises security, intimacy, guidance, and nurture, showing us his deep care and ultimate sacrifice as the Lamb of God!
Do watch the accompanying video HERE
New Year’s Day Sunrise Prayer Relay 2025 - Along with our friends at Canberra Declaration, we invite our brothers and sisters in Christ, prayer groups, and churches to join us all around the world to pray at sunrise on New Year's Day.
On January 1st over the past few years, people in over a thousand locations in over 70 nations participated in the Sunrise Prayer Relay and we are believing for even more in 2025!
More info and sign up link below!
$1 a month! - IPC Connections is brought to 15,000+ Individuals, groups, churches, ministries and networks, free of charge. As an organization, we are dependent on personal donations, legacies and occasional grant support for our income. A gift of even $1 a month would make a real difference to IPC!
In case you missed it, here is our recent ‘Exalting Jesus’ partners email with an amazing story about a young lad’s answered prayers for Damascus.
If you would like to sow into the IPC Vision, please click here. Thank you for your support!
As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, may I repeat it again - how deeply grateful I am for you! Your prayers, support, and partnership mean so much, and I am truly thankful that we get to be on mission together to exalt Jesus catalyzing united prayer for kingdom transformation of peoples, cities and nations!
Some people today think that God is distant, disengaged, and uncaring. But Christmas sets the record straight.
At Christmas, Jesus came in the flesh to reveal God’s heart of love toward us and to be our light, hope, and peace.
Wishing you a Blessed and Happy Christmas!
Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect
Disclaimer… The views and opinions expressed in IPC Connections and the articles on our website are those of individuals and our partner organisations. They do not necessarily represent the policies or views of IPC or its individual leaders.
We aim to respect the diversity within the prayer movement and yet embrace our unified calling to mobilise prayer for the nations. (2 Chron 7:14) If you wish to discuss the appropriateness of any articles, please contact us. If for any reason you do not wish to receive IPC emails in future, please click the unsubscribe link below.
Jesus, our Good Shepherd
In John 10, Jesus makes an audacious claim during the Jewish Feast of Dedication, known today as Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights.
“I am the good Shepherd… The good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”
The emphasis is on the adjective ‘good’. Literally it reads in the Greek text, “I am the Shepherd, the good.” The word ‘good’ hear means noble, praiseworthy, beautiful, fair, or important! He is the best shepherd, the one who will feed his sheep with abundance and bring them into good pasture! He is the shepherd of Ezekiel 34:15,
“I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I myself will make them lie down, declares the Lord God. I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, and the fat and strong I will destroy. I will feed them justice.”
If he is our good shepherd, then we are his sheep! Although most of us would like to be lions, we inherently know that we are basically sheep, easily frightened, easily distracted, very needy and profoundly insecure. However, we have a good shepherd who loves us, nurtures us, guides us and brings us into abundant life!
“I am the good shepherd,” says Jesus!
Jesus employs this imagery during the Feast of Dedication. The Bible mentions the Feast of Dedication by name in the Gospel of John.
“Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade” (John 10:22–23).
This was an 8-day feast, held in the winter, during the darkest and coldest time of the year. John states, ‘at the time of the feast of dedication’ meaning, what he had just proclaimed in John 10 and following was during the feast of dedication. John uses this statement as a marker to help us understand the context of what Jesus was sharing and demonstrating to the crowds and religious leaders. This is also the scene in which Jesus claims oneness with the Father, for which the unbelieving Jews try to apprehend and stone Him (verses 24–39).
This feast was not prescribed in the Old Testament but was initiated out of a painful time in Israel’s history. From 175 BC to 164 BC a powerful leader in the Middle East, Antiochus Epiphanes, ruled over all of Palestine. His headquarters were in Syria. He was devoted to Greek culture and ideals and wanted to Hellenize the world, changing all policy and culture to a Greek worldview. He wanted to civilize the world and destroy all ideas of a Sovereign God who leads and directs human history. He was a modern-day secular humanist. He believed man is the measure of all things, man determines what is right and wrong, and man shapes his own destiny. This, of course, put him in conflict with the Jews of Palestine.
Antiochus decided he needed to rid the earth of this religion. First, he began slowly and patiently, gradually changing policies and structures towards a Greek worldview. And then suddenly in 170 BC, he attacked Jerusalem and murdered eighty thousand Jews. The survivors were sold into slavery. He wiped out the Jewish treasury. He determined it was now illegal to own a copy of the Jewish law, the Torah, and anyone who did would be punished with a capital offense. He outlawed the observance of the sabbath, and circumcision. Mothers who circumcised their children were crucified and their children were hung around their necks. He took the Jerusalem temple as his own and set up an altar to the Greek god Zeus. He turned the priest’s rooms into a brothel. Finally on the 14th of Chislev, 167 BC, he offered swine blood on the altar.
This abomination and desecration of the temple continued for 3 years, until Judah Maccabee and his brothers rose up in heroic military revolt. They conquered this evil dictator and his Seleucid empire.
Judah Maccabee whose name means, “hammer” cleansed the temple, reinstituted the sacrifice and re-dedicated the temple to Yahweh! The feast of dedication was instituted each year to remember the oppressive reign of Antiochus Epiphanes and celebrate together the Maccabean revolt and re-dedication of the temple.
Watch the accompanying Jesus our Good Shepherd Video!
During the Feast of Dedication, Jews remember the courage and victory of Judah Maccabee and his brothers and most importantly remember with great joy the Living God’s promise to come one day and shepherd the people of Israel himself!
According to rabbinic tradition, the original Feast of Dedication involved a mighty miracle. When the Jews re-entered the temple they could only find one small, sealed jug of olive oil that had not been profaned or contaminated by the Seleucids. They used this to light the menorah in the temple. Although this oil was only enough to last one day, it miraculously lasted eight days - time for more oil to be made ready. This is the reason Hanukkah lasts for eight days. Because of this, some have referred to this Feast as the Festival of Lights and quite possibly an extension of the Feast of Tabernacles, celebrating God’s gracious and abundant provision in the midst of a difficult and painful season in Israel’s history!
During the 3 years of desecration and persecution by Antiochus Epiphanes, a number of priests betrayed their office as shepherds. The priests were the most respected leaders at the time, and yet many of them stood by and allowed Antiochus and the Syrians to pollute the holy place. Some of them even participated in this desecration and defiled the sanctuary with acts of sexual immorality. During the Feast of Dedication, the people would remember this awful betrayal where the shepherds of God’s flock deserted their sheep in their time of need. One of the texts of Scripture read each year during the temple service was Ezekiel 34, which speaks of God's judgment against the shepherds of Israel who had not been faithful to shepherd the flock under their care.
It is in this context that Jesus declares himself to be the ‘Good’ Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep (John 10). He doesn’t abandon the sheep but protects them and leads them to good pastures! Jesus claims the promise of Ezekiel 34:15,
“I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I myself will make them lie down, declares the Lord God. I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, and the fat and strong I will destroy. I will feed them justice.”
This is why the Jewish authorities took up stones to throw at Jesus. They understood he was claiming to be the one to do for the flock of God what God himself promised to do! In essence Jesus is saying (paraphrase),
“I am the noble shepherd of Ez. 34, who comes to feed my flock, to seek my lost sheep, to bring back the scattered, and to bind up the broken. I am the fulfillment of the promise that God would come to be your shepherd! Where your previous shepherds had fled, like hired hands, who cared nothing for you, I lay down my life for you!”
During this Feast of Dedication, and celebration of the reinstitution of the sacrifice on the temple altar, Jesus declares he will offer his life as the once and for all sacrifice. Four months later during the Feast of Passover at the very time the Passover lambs were being sacrificed, Jesus becomes the ultimate and final “Passover Lamb.” As a good Shepherd, he becomes a lamb, and lays down his life for his sheep!
This phrase ‘lays down his life for’ is substitutionary language. It means ‘in behalf of,’ or ‘in place of.’ This death is on behalf of someone else!
God to us as one of us … he is described as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world… it is so appropriate that Jesus was born in Bethlehem … Bethlehem was just 7 miles outside of Jerusalem… it was a small city set aside to breed lambs for one purpose - sacrifice - these were Bethlehem Lambs bred and born for sacrifice in the temple … the daily burnt offering sacrifices (morning and evening) and the Lambs needed for Passover – it was so appropriate that shepherds first attended the birth of Jesus, because they always attend the birth of lambs – especially sacrificial lambs … out on the hills of Jerusalem, shepherds would attend the birth of baby lambs, wrap them in swaddling clothes to protect them, and place them in mangers (feeding troughs) – this is why it was a sign to the shepherds – when they saw the Infant Jesus, looking into the very face of God – they understood him to be the Lamb of God - born for one purpose - to give his life as a Lamb!
Jesus is qualified as a Good Shepherd because he gave his life as a Lamb, he will lay his life down for his sheep!
Jesus gives us four basic principles in John 10 during this Feast of Dedication.
1. Security.
“Truly, truly, I say to you. I am the door of the sheep”-John 10:7
“My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand”- John 10:27
Jesus promises that no one can snatch you out of his hand! You are held in the noble shepherd’s hands. He doesn’t promise us an easy life. The wolves will still come, snarl at us and maybe even bite us, but they can never snatch us out of the good shepherd’s hands!
Jesus declares that He is the door/gate in John 10:7. In the Middle East there were two kinds of doors or gates used to protect the sheepfolds. The ones out in the fields, were often small caves, protected on three sides but without a door on the fourth side. Jesus is saying “I am the door…I lay in the open space! No sheep goes out unless it crosses my body, and no wolf gets in except over my body…” Jesus promises us that he will never desert us or lose us as his sheep. He promises to protect us from the wolves who come to steal, kill and destroy. We are safe and secure in his grace as we hear his voice and follow him! GLORY!
Sheep are not herded from behind. Sheep are always led from someone in front of them. Jesus calls us to new pastures. The noble shepherd is always leading us to new places we have not been before. His call is not ‘go on,’ but rather, ‘COME.” Jesus is not behind us, he is out in front of us inviting us to Come and Follow his good and perfect leadership!
2. Intimacy.
“I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father”-John 10:15
Jesus the good Shepherd desires an intimate, close, and personal relationship with us. In John 10:15, the word for ‘know’ is a word used for personal knowledge, or experiential knowledge. This is a staggering statement. He is saying even as the Father knows me, and I know the Father…I know my own and my own know me! Jesus is inviting us to come and experience him with the same depth of intimacy that he has with his Father! We are fully known and perfectly loved! To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. However, to be loved and yet not known is superficial. To be fully known and perfectly loved by our ‘good’ Shepherd transforms us!
3. Communication.
“The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before him and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.”-John 10:3-4
Four times in John 10 Jesus says, “my sheep know me or know my voice” (V3, 15, 16, and 27). Palestinian sheep were raised primarily for their wool. They would be with their shepherd for a long time. The Shepherd would come to know each of his sheep personally. A shepherd would give a separate and unique name and sound for each one. A sheep would even ‘Dance’ to the whistle of the shepherd’s voice! Jesus knows each of his sheep by name! He warns us of danger, woos us to his side, guides us through hills, leads us to nurturing pastures, and shows us the way forward. My sheep here my voice and they follow!
4. Nurture.
John 10:9, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”
The word pasture in John 10:9 implies nurture, feeding, and comfort. Jesus promises us a rich and abundant life. He has given us free access to all the blessings of the kingdom! He came to give us life and life to the full! I love the promise of Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” In Jesus there is no lack. He laid down his life for us and through his cross, he has provided all that we need! He promises to nurture us, to lead us to good pastures where we can find true rest, abundant provision, and secure protection!
Security, Intimacy, Communication, and Nurture!
No one speaks the way this man speaks!
For the Supremacy of Christ in all things,
Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect
The prospect of peace in Ukraine remains distant, as the European Union’s top diplomat, Kaja Kallas, emphasized this week. Speaking ahead of her first EU foreign ministers’ summit, Kallas noted that peacekeeping missions cannot be discussed while Russia continues its aggression. She highlighted Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s recent statements reaffirming Moscow’s commitment to its military objectives, underscoring Russia’s unwillingness to seek a peaceful resolution.
The ongoing war, which began over two years ago, continues to devastate Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for increased military, financial, and energy sector support, while maintaining hope for diplomatic solutions in the future. However, European leaders, including Dutch Foreign Minister Caspar Veldkamp and Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna, stress that immediate efforts must focus on bolstering Ukraine’s defenses rather than speculating about peacekeeping missions.
Zelenskyy is set to meet with NATO leaders and European officials in Brussels to discuss potential security guarantees if peace talks materialize. However, the EU ministers unanimously agree that Ukraine needs weapons, air defense systems, and robust financial support to withstand Russian aggression.
Meanwhile, the EU is intensifying its efforts to weaken Russia’s capacity to wage war. The 15th sanctions package, adopted during the summit, targets individuals and companies aiding Moscow in evading sanctions and acquiring banned technologies. These measures also include actions against a “shadow fleet” used to transport Russian oil and gas and sanctions on North Korean officials suspected of collaboration with the Kremlin.
As discussions about peace and rebuilding Ukraine remain conceptual, Christians worldwide are urged to continue interceding for Ukraine’s resilience and for wisdom among global leaders.
Prayer Pointers – Praying for Peace in Ukraine (Watch Sergey Shidlovskiy’s Prayer video HERE)
- Pray for God to bring peace to Ukraine, bringing hope and comfort to those in despair. Isaiah 26:3
- Pray for God to soften hearts, turning leaders toward reconciliation and away from violence. Proverbs 21:1
- Pray for protection over families and children, that God’s hand of safety surrounds them in conflict zones. Psalm 91:1-2
- Pray for God’s wisdom to guide world leaders and mediators as they work toward lasting peace. James 1:5
- Pray for God to heal trauma and brokenness in Ukraine, restoring hope through His love and power. Psalm 147:3
- Pray for the Church in Ukraine to shine as a light of hope and compassion, drawing many to Jesus. Matthew 5:16
- Pray for miraculous provision of resources and strength for displaced families and those reb building their lives. Philippians 4:19
Lord of peace, we pray for an end to the conflict in Ukraine. Strengthen its people, guide its leaders, and soften the hearts of those perpetuating violence. Amen.
Bible Verse
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” — Matthew 5:9
The fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government has ushered in a new era of uncertainty for the war-torn nation. Assad fled to Russia as a coalition of militant factions, led by Abu Mohammed al-Golani, seized control. Golani, once affiliated with al-Qaeda and a proponent of sharia law, has sought to rebrand his movement, claiming Syria is for all. However, Christians in Syria remain skeptical of these assurances, fearing the potential for continued instability and marginalization.
The 14-year civil war devastated Syria, killing over half a million people and displacing half of its 23 million population. While some Syrian Christians supported Assad’s regime as a source of stability, others hope the end of his rule will lead to a more inclusive society. Yet, rebel leader Golani’s promises face scrutiny due to his militant past and uncertain commitment to protecting minority rights.
Churches in Damascus and other areas remain open, but attendance has dwindled. Leaders like Harout Selimian, president of the Armenian Protestant Churches, have expressed unease about the opposition's unclear agenda. Presbyterian leader Joseph Kassab warns of a possible “Libya scenario,” where rival factions turn on each other, plunging the country back into chaos. This fear is compounded by the fragile coalition among militant groups and external influence from regional powers.
The global church is called to stand in prayerful solidarity with Syrian believers during this critical time. The challenges of rebuilding communities, promoting reconciliation, and fostering peace amidst uncertainty require divine intervention and bold faith.
Father of peace, we lift up Syria and its people to You. Protect Christians, guide new leaders toward justice, and bring hope to a weary land. Amen.
Prayer pointers from WEA:
Let us pray for:
Peace and Stability in Syria - Pray for a peaceful transition in the ongoing regime change, resulting in justice, stability, and prosperity for all Syrians. Kindly ask for God’s wisdom to guide global and regional leaders involved in shaping Syria’s future.
Protection of Christian Communities - Pray for the safety of all Christian communities, churches, and leaders in Syria as they navigate this period of uncertainty. Please intercede against threats posed by rising radical groups, asking for God’s shield over His people.
Wisdom for Church Leaders - Pray for clarity, wisdom, and strength for Christian leaders ministering to their congregations amid adversity. Kindly ask God to provide them with discernment as they shepherd His flock in this challenging times.
Return and Restoration - Pray for the safe return of displaced individuals, including approximately 10,000 Christians, to their homes in Aleppo and other regions. Please lift up those uniting into their communities, asking for resources, opportunities, and support for their rebuilding efforts.
Radicalism and its evil - Kindly intercede against the influence of radical groups, praying for the establishment of a just and secure society. Please ask God for peace to replace conflict and for God’s hand to dismantle forces of oppression.
Unity and Faith - Pray for unity among believers in Syria, that they may remain steadfast in faith and be a light to others. Kindly ask for boldness and perseverance in their witness, sharing the hope of the Gospel. 2 3 Let us approach this week of prayer with the faith and hope, believing that God is at work in Syria. May our sincere intercession contribute to peace, freedom, and God’s glory in the region.
Bible Verse
“The Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” — Psalm 9:9
Mayotte, a French territory in the Indian Ocean, has been ravaged by Cyclone Chido, the strongest storm to hit the region in 90 years. With winds exceeding 225 km/h (140 mph), the cyclone caused widespread devastation, leaving much of the island without basic resources. The cyclone particularly devastated impoverished communities, flattening slums built from fragile materials. At least 20 people have been confirmed dead, but officials fear the death toll could climb into the thousands as rescuers search through the rubble.
Over 85% of Mayotte remains without power, and only 20% of phones are operational. Emergency supplies are trickling in, but significant shortages of food, water, and shelter persist. The damage to key infrastructure, including roads, power lines, and water treatment plants, is hampering rescue and relief efforts. Many residents, already struggling with poverty, face hunger and thirst as they wait for aid.
Mayotte’s unique challenges complicate recovery efforts. The island is home to over 100,000 undocumented migrants, making it difficult to account for the missing or dead. The Muslim tradition of burying the deceased within 24 hours adds further complications to documenting fatalities.
French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau, along with military and Red Cross personnel, has deployed reinforcements to assist with rescue operations. Despite these efforts, the scale of the destruction is overwhelming. As one resident described, “You feel like you are in the aftermath of a nuclear war.”
Cyclone Chido also impacted neighboring Mozambique, bringing flash floods, structural damage, and power outages. Aid organizations, including UNICEF, have raised concerns about access to clean water, medical care, and the spread of diseases like cholera and malaria in affected areas.
This disaster underscores the vulnerability of impoverished communities to extreme weather events, which are intensifying due to climate change. Recovery will be a long and arduous process for Mayotte and its neighbors.
Heavenly Father, we pray for strength and provision for the people of Mayotte and Mozambique. Bring healing, relief, and restoration to those affected. Amen.
Bible Verse
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” — Psalm 34:18
Since the war between Hamas and Israel erupted in October 2023, the Christian population of Gaza has faced immense challenges. Of the approximately 1,070 Christians who lived in Gaza before the conflict, only about 600 remain. Many have sought refuge in churches like St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church, where 260 Christians have been sheltering for over a year. Tragically, even these sanctuaries have proven unsafe; an October 2023 bombing killed 18 Christians when part of the church collapsed. At least 30 Christians have died due to the ongoing violence.
The suffering in Gaza is universal, with all residents enduring severe shortages of food, water, and medicine. Electricity is scarce, available only for a few hours daily, and destruction across the city is extensive. Roads, utilities, markets, and historic buildings have been devastated, leaving the population in dire need.
Amid this turmoil, organizations like Open Doors are supporting Christians through financial aid for essential supplies and providing trauma and spiritual care. Despite the challenges, Christian communities strive to maintain faith and routine. Morning prayers, shared meals, and community activities help sustain hope in the midst of adversity.
One young Christian sheltering in Gaza finds solace in Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want,” recounting a moment of divine protection when he narrowly escaped a bombing. He and others pray fervently for an end to the bloodshed and the restoration of their city.
Lord, we pray for the Christians in Gaza. Protect them, bring peace to their land, and restore hope and healing to all who suffer. Amen.
Bible Verse
The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call out to Him in truth. Psalm 145:18