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Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:30

Your Peace Returns to You     

Our last prayer topic was praying about finding a house were your peace would remain. In that house was a person of peace who would be key in moving forward the Good News in their family, with their friends and in their village. This prayer topic is about giving wisdom and freedom to the pioneer missionaries to move on to another village, town or city. Jesus tells His disciples,

"But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town we wipe from our feet as a warning to you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God has come near.’" Luke 10:10-11

Pray for pioneer missionaries to grow in knowing the Lord's peace

Pray for them to know when that peace has not returned to them as a sign to move on to the next village.
Pray for the disciples advancing the Gospel to have much wisdom in all of this.
Pray for cities to desire to repent.

Readers are invited to consider praying for a special project that will kick off on Monday, December 3rd.  If you’d be willing to intercede for Bosnia for 31 days from December 3rd to January 3rd, please print the ATTACHED PDF and put the 31-day guide with your quiet time or Bible study materials.

Prayer is such a crucial component in the breakthrough work we are asking God to do.

On December 4th, we will once again begin using social media to creatively find spiritually seeking people in two Bosnian cities, Sarajevo & Tuzla.  As you know, we tested this media approach last May and we were greatly encouraged by what God did in that 30-day test run. As our team begins to talk with people online, our goal is to move the conversation offline and meet them for face-to-face discipleship.

Please print the PDF on the link below and join us as we pray over the different facets of this initiative.  There is great potential for Kingdom expansion!

PDF LINK: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/04082d070bdc4d800eb8e81dc/files/3967eab1-b13b-4606-80d2-3b87715a2fd8/M2DMM_Launch_Prayer_Guide.pdf

Thankful for your partnership in prayer for Bosnia,

Pray4Bosnia Team
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:30

There is very serious and heavy fighting going on in many areas in the country. The defense minister Tariq Shah Bahrami said that battles are ongoing in at least ten provinces in the country and that the level of threats are beyond the capabilities of government. The battles are currently simultaneous going on especially in these provinces: Ghazni, Uruzgan, Faryab, Jawzjan, Sar-e-Pul, Kunduz, Badghis, Baghlan and some other areas.

On Wednesday Afghanistan’s Lower House of Parliament summoned the heads of the security institutions for the second time in a week on the situation in the country, particularly on Ghazni and Uruzgan provinces (where many Hazaras live). 

The defense Minister made this sad statement: “To be honest, the level of threats is very high and the current facilities available to security and defence institutions is not enough to repel these threats. Afghanistan’s enemies are plotting to bring us to our knees. The enemies and supporters of enemies (neighbouring countries etc.) of the people of Afghanistan including the backers of terrorists have made their final plots to break our back.”

Another statement from the Minister of Interior Mr. Barmak shows their desperation:  “the minister of defense and myself remain busy on the telephone until 2am and 3am (daily); we call here and there to this and that commander and get updates on the situations, and the commanders shout for help.”

The Taliban have attacked and conquered several areas of the minority Hazara Shia community and it is feared that they will commit many atrocities there. Often the Taliban killed Hazaras and even targeted their mosques and schools. Thousands of Hazaras are fleeing their villages and many have come also to the capital.

This situation is like a desperate cry, from the ministers and commanders on the field and the people that are suffering and we are wondering that how long the Army is able to push back the Taliban.

Please pray with us urgently and strongly

For the Lord to intervene in this very desperate and increasingly hopeless situation.
That the Taliban Forces would be defeated soon and that the government troops will be able to defend their country.
Especially now that they will be driven out of the Hazara areas and for protection of these vulnerable community.
For wisdom for the government and especially the Defence Ministry and Army and that they will receive all the help they need.

Thank you for standing in the gap for this embattled country. This has gone on for so long but we believe that as we earnestly pray for this country, once again we will see a breakthrough and a defeat of this that try to destroy this country.

We believe that even this situation will turn around as we pray!

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:28

Intercessors for Bolivia - “En la brecha por tuNacion” "In the gap for your Nation"

After Uprising Bolivia (Nov 29 – Dec 2, 2017) we have witnessed a spiritual revolution and a tsunami of convocations for fasting, praying and spiritual warfare training nationwide.  In order to maximize this amazing momentum and pray to God for a National Strategic Prayer Plan, we called the leaders from the different prayer networks that have attended these convocations and trainings during this year for a national unified gathering : "En la Brecha por tuNación / In the gap for your Nation", the summit took place in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia from November 8 to 10, 2018 .

This convocation gathered 230 prayer leaders from 28 different congregations and denominations  representing six cities : Cochabamba, La Paz, Sucre, Oruro, Tarija and Quillacollo . We also had a delegation of 5 leaders from Calama, Chile.

After a time of waiting on God’s presence, and praying over the words that God spoke to many during this year and during the meeting a Prayer Plan for Bolivia  was structured, believing that God will help the nation to enter in a new time of changes in all sectors of society.

Prayer strategies and Action plan:

  • Continue with the 24/7 prayer covering in the 9 departments of Bolivia
  • Prayer Vigils focused on the Unity of the Body of Christ
  • Fasting and Prayer Journeys in the 9 departments of Bolivia
  • National Altars of Worship and Intercession nationwide
  • Training more people to become involved as intercessors of the nation.
  • Identification of prayer efforts of distinct institutions to unite common points and bring solutions to Bolivia problems
  • Simultaneous Intercession in some strategic points in several cities of Bolivia.
  • Continue with the training of spiritual warfare and mapping of strongholds in the seven mountains of the Nation.
  • Bolivia - Plan for Identificational Repentance and Forgiveness
  • Prayer Guide indigenousgroups :Aymaras& Quechuas
  • Cooperate with the UPRISING Latin American movement

Prayer points:

  • Unity of the Body of Christ in Bolivia
  • Uprising of a Kingdom Army of prophetic warriors, intercessors,worshipers , missionaries in Bolivia
  • Pray for a spiritual and comprehensive reformation movement in Bolivia that includes the transformation of social, political, and economic spheres.
  • Pray for understanding of the church and national leaders about the destiny of the nation.
  • Pray for the reduction of the statistical indices of: violence, poverty, malnutrition, Illiteracy, infant mortality, demographic situation, fiscal and tributary problems, unemployment, social marginalization
  • Pray for an increase of the statistical indices of: housing, education, labor, social welfare, infrastructure, communications
  • Pray that Bolivia will experience and atmosphere of peace, security, political, social and religious freedom and prosperity.
  • Pray that God releases a spirit of reconciliation, adoption, repentance, confession, and restitution among the Bolivians .
  • Pray for the healing of the land.
  • Pray that Bolivia will be part of the GO2020 initiative.
  • Pray to reverse governmental laws supported by anthropologists, leftist politicians, Catholic priests that prohibit outreach of indigenous tribes: Aymaras& Quechuas.
  • Pray for "Transformation of the Holy Spirit" in the 7 areas of Bolivian culture: government, family, education, church, arts and entertainment, economy, and the media.

Judith Yanira González
International Prayer Council
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:27

Islam, Christianity, and Free Speech

We think of Europe as secular, progressive, and confidently post-religious. But try criticizing Islam.

Should governments be in the business of protecting people’s feelings? Most Americans, I think would say no. The European Court of Human Rights, however, thinks otherwise. In a historic move last month, the international court affirmed a conviction by a lower court in Vienna against a right-wing speaker who criticized the prophet Muhammad.

Identified only as “E.S.,” the woman, at a seminar in Vienna in 2009, described the founder of Islam as a “pedophile.” According to Islamic tradition, Muhammad was in his fifties when he married his third wife, Aisha, who was six years old at the time. Tradition also says Muhammad waited to consummate their union until the girl was nine.

For describing this relationship in direct though accurate terms, “E.S.” was reported to Austrian authorities, who charged her with “publicly disparaging religious doctrines,” which, believe it or not, is illegal in that country. The Austrian court convicted, describing her statement as “a malicious violation of the spirit of tolerance,” which was “capable of hurting the feelings” of Muslims, and of putting religious peace in Europe at risk.

After a lengthy appeal, the European Court of Human Rights reaffirmed this troubling verdict, ruling that the speaker’s remarks about Muhammad were not only “without factual basis,” but went “beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate,” thereby putting religious peace in jeopardy. So, peace is in jeopardy because Muhammad is critiqued, and not because of how his followers react to the critique?

Set aside for a moment the factual basis of Muhammad’s treatment of his nine-year-old child bride, and the fact that child brides are still shockingly common throughout the Muslim world. The rationale behind these rulings is genuinely scary for another reason.

This idea that speech should be illegal because it threatens “religious peace” is a capitulation to religious violence. Islamic extremists are well known for rioting and even killing whenever they believe someone has “insulted” the prophet Muhammad.

Exhibit A: Asia Bibi, the woman who was just acquitted by the Pakistani supreme court and taken off death row, where she sat for eight years after an alleged slight against the founder of Islam. Bibi now faces the very real possibility of retaliation or assassination by Pakistani radicals and remains trapped in the country.

What the European Court of Human Rights has essentially done is enact a blasphemy law like Pakistan’s, only in the West! Extremists who get violent over perceived insults have been granted veto power over citizens’ free speech. This, just a few years after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in which twelve people—including journalists—were gunned down in Paris over cartoons mocking (ironically!) the violent tendencies of Muhammad and many of his followers.

If guarantees to freedom of speech—which Europe has—do not include the right to say offensive things about religion, such guarantees are not worth the paper they’re written on. If anyone can shut someone else up simply by complaining of hurt feelings, your society is a dictatorship of the easily offended, not free. Caving to the threat of violence will ultimately embolden the violent, not appease them.

Protecting members of a minority religion from hurt feelings is unique to the West. Islamic extremists take advantage of Europe’s indulgence, demanding legal penalties against anyone who criticize Islam. They won’t, of course, ever return the favor. In countries like Saudi Arabia—the birthplace of Islam—a Muslim who converts to Christianity still, to this day, faces the death penalty.

Of course, religious tolerance and free speech arise historically from only one religion, and it isn’t the one founded by Muhammad. Those who think giving up freedom of speech will preserve peace in the long term aren’t insulting our religion. Just our intelligence.

More: http://www.breakpoint.org/2018/11/breakpoint-blasphemy-laws-in-europe/?utm_source=Colson+Center+Master+List&utm_campaign=cbe2533bb0-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_07_17_08_49_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_84bd2dc76d-cbe2533bb0-8581285

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:27

God is raising up prayer all around the world - and He is clearly using children in prayer to make an impact on a scale never seen before.

The Operation World team have released a new prayer resource for the world aimed at informing and mobilizing families and children - Window on the World. Although it's full of colourful photos and interesting facts, the purpose of this resource is to nurture in kids a spirit of prayer and a missional vision for God's world.

There are over 100 two-page spreads sharing stories and prayer needs of various countries, people groups, and religions around the world. It rests on Operation World's foundations of solid research, relational networks with Christian leaders all over the world, and a Biblical worldview in step with the Spirit.

This new edition (the previous one being published in 2001) includes a number of new entries in keeping with the needs of our world in 2018 - nations like Syria and South Sudan, peoples like the Rohingya and Somalis, and issues like Third Culture Kids. But beware: using with children might lead to them becoming intercessors, missionaries, or both!

If you have any specific ideas about movements and countries that might be interesting in larger scale purchases, I would expect that we might be able to negotiate special prices, or possibly even local print runs in other countries. One of the design elements was the ability to publish in full colour or in black and white if necessary. We're very keen to see it translated into other languages and printed and distributed where those other languages are spoken, for prices in keeping with those local economies.

Window on the World was Edited by Jason Mandryk and Molly Wall.

Order Window on the World: https://www.ivpress.com/window-on-the-world

Contact Jason Mandryk / Operation World: http://www.operationworld.org/jasonow-team

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:24

Awesome new book on prayer and mission by an IPC leader

“Dr. Leslie Keegel’s new book is full of signs and wonders and reads like the book of Acts!”-

John Robb, IPC Chairman

PDF - Digital Download $8.00


 Softcover $15.00


Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:23

A new “must read” book for praying people

Have you ever wondered just why the darkness in the world today seems to be getting darker, and what can be done about it?

This book sheds fresh light on this topic, and on the spiritual nature of this darkness. It shines the light of Scripture on the evil one and on the way in which so many have become bewitched. This is a clarion call to the church and individual Christians to get ready to do battle with the powers of darkness, and to shine Christ's light more powerfully.

Brian Mills writes out of many years of experience in international prayer ministry. He is a senior advisor in the International Prayer Council and is one of the leaders in the International Reconciliation movement. He has ministered in over 75 nations and authored nine books to date. He is also part of a global group that is seeking to understand more about the dark spiritual powers at work in the world.

"The most informative book for our times I’ve read for a long time."

Order ‘Window on the Darkness’ by Brian Mills in print or Kindle formats from
Amazon USA http://a.co/7zeqIKd

Amazon UK http://amzn.eu/0BMEL6l

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:23

Australia Calls the World to Pray

Sunrise Prayer Relay - New Year's Day 2019

Australia Christian prayer leaders invite their brothers and sisters in Christ, prayer groups, prayer networks and churches to join with them all over the world to pray at sunrise on New Year's Day 2018 at a public location such as a hill, lookout or landmark in your city or town. Already we have registrations from USA, South Africa, Namibia, Pakistan, Japan, United Kingdom, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Zealand, and Australia.   

See 2019 short promo video: www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=LSTHRAixKOQ

Warwick Marsh, coordinator for Australia’s National Day of Prayer & Fasting said, “David said in Psalm 108:2, “I will wake the dawn with my song.” During this time of prayer we want to focus on giving great praise to God. We also want to pray for revival and transformation, that God will bring healing to each of our nations: 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let us all pray for a great harvest of souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Marsh continued, “In declaring Jesus Christ as Lord at this worldwide Sunrise Prayer Relay we are circling the globe with prayer, praise and worship and surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Psalms 113:3 says, “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” Use the prayer resources on the website and social media and register your location at: www.sunriseprayerrelay.org   Our prayer is that with your help, this worldwide Prayer and Praise Relay will go viral.”

Pat Steele, a prayer and worship leader in Wollongong Australia, said, “We encourage you to pray the Lord's Prayer together aloud as the sun rises and make a declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life, your family, your region and your nation. At your location we encourage you to include praise and worship, prayers, and scripture readings. We suggest 30 minutes, but you can pray for longer. You could even take communion, shine a torch, or light a candle. What you do for your sunrise celebration is up to you.”

Share photos and videos from your location on social media.

Use the hashtag: #sunriseprayerrelay

Longer Video:www.youtube.com/watch?v=FybiSXxbl6Q
Contact: Warwick Marsh +61 418 225212 or Pat Steele by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:21

The theme of this international assembly of on-fire Millennials and youth along with those from other generations will be- Receiving the Moravian Lampstand: Prayer + Missions.” The organizers are envisioning to bring together a projected estimate of 4,000 youth and young adult leaders for a 3-day destiny-engaging convergence which will be held at the ICC-MGK in North Jakarta, and an estimated 10,000 for the Solemn Assembly which will be held at the Stadium Area in Senayan.

Like the first global gathering in Korea, we believe that this will awaken the young “Davids” to fight against their generation’s “Goliaths,” and against the injustices in the nations. It will provoke them to wake up and do something. And we believe that the greatest injustice today remains to be this: that JESUS is not worshipped in the nations. We know that only Jesus can bring true justice. So, the UPRISING will not just be a call for the youth to gather in prayer, but it will be a call to battle from a place of extravagant worship and united prayer as we launch a global generation to a global harvest, all unto the hastening of the return of the Desired of nations: Jesus Christ!

We will also be locking arms with Indonesia as she is being released to her destiny at this hour. We will join her in contending for the ancient doors to open up, as we believe that it will be the key for the other ancient gates in the nations to open too, toward taking the gospel back to Jerusalem, and preparing the church to welcome the King of glory (Psalm 24:7-10)!

The Moravians once cried, “may the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward of His suffering.” In the spirit of the Moravians, we long to see the Church prepared for His coming again. It is our prayer that this gathering in Indonesia in January will be catalytic in awakening a generation in the nations to have a deep longing for Jesus’ return, and thus, align their lives unto that.  

God is releasing a new wave of the Jesus Movement, of the Azusa Street Revival, of the Wales Revival, of the Moravian Revival on steroids… another great awakening is being sparked! This is the Psalm 24 generation that God has been waiting for. We hope you can join us in catalyzing these waves of youth-led global prayer and mission movements at the UPRISING, and together, let us labor for the Lamb to receive His inheritance in the nations.

19bHere is the latest video about the Global UPR which we would appreciate your sharing with your various networks and constituencies, especially the younger generation, encouraging them to take part in this life-changing, world-impacting gathering; all are welcomed to take part. UPRising promo video --https://youtu.be/3xrEl4UdsTE

Preview YouTube video World Generation Gathering: Global UPR 2019 Indonesia

More Info and Register HERE

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:20

Expecting 500,000, Ages 15-35.  They want to keep the attendance down since the country itself is only 2 million.....But in the past they have far exceeded 1-2 million.  It was begun by Pope John II in 1984.  He imagined the youth encountering Christ, being introduced to Christ, and and learning from Christ how to be "bearers of the Gospel".  

The Jesus Film will be represented during the conference as a tool for sharing the Gospel.



An outside glance of an international World Youth Day would spark a bystander’s curiosity as massive crowds of young people flood the city streets. Some might cringe at the thought of those words, wondering what delinquency is in store, but to witness this gathering would end those fears. The happenstance observer would witness not angst and malice, but smiles and joy, singing and dancing young people, culture upon culture and nation upon nation, proudly holding their flags high (or wearing them), greeting one another in peace, trading their tokens, humbly realizing how small they are in a world of people, and strengthened to witness so many who share their convictions. How did it all begin?


In 1984 at the close of the Holy Year of Redemption, over 300,000 young people from around the world responded to the invitation of His Holiness John Paul II for an International Jubilee of youth on Palm Sunday in St. Peter’s square. Looking out to the crowds who answered his invitation he said, “What a fantastic spectacle is presented on this stage by your gathering here today! Who claimed that today’s youth has lost their sense of values? Is it really true that they cannot be counted on?” It was at this gathering that the Holy Father entrusted to the youth what is now known as the World Youth Day Cross, to be carried throughout the world as a symbol of the love of Christ for humanity.

First WYD:

The following Palm Sunday, coinciding with the United Nation’s International Year of the Youth, Our Holy Father took the opportunity to welcome the youth of the world to Rome again. Later, announcing the institution of World Youth Day on December 20, 1985, and the first official WYD was held in 1986.

International WYDs:

The following year brought about a new tradition when the second event and first international WYD took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Every Palm Sunday has since been designated as a World Youth Day, alternately celebrated at the diocesan and international levels. There have been 12 International World Youth Day celebrations, where the youth continue to answer the invitation of the Holy Father in staggering numbers and carry home the message received there to be Christ’s light to the world. While these events are organized by the clergy and laity of the Catholic Church, youth of all faiths are invited to attend and encounter Christ, making this gathering truly universal.


In Toronto, the last International WYD in which JPII was present he told the 800,000 gathered with him at the vigil, “When, back in 1985, I wanted to start the World Youth Days… I imagined a powerful moment in which the young people of the world could meet Christ, who is eternally young, and could learn from him how to be bearers of the Gospel to other young people. This evening, together with you, I praise God and give thanks to him for the gift bestowed on the Church through the World Youth Days. Millions of young people have taken part, and as a result have become better and more committed Christian witnesses.”

John Paul II left a legacy for the youth in his institution of World Youth Day, which Pope Benedict XVI has faithfully continued, carrying on the hope of His predecessor for the youth of the world, inviting them and commissioning them as Christ’s disciples to be faithful living witnesses.

More: http://worldyouthday.com/

Let’s pray for this huge gathering of young Catholics that they may encounter Jesus Christ Himself through what happens there and for the Jesus Film team that will be reaching out to them.