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Wednesday, 18 May 2011 12:00

Canon John Simons and Andy Page were privileged to attend the World Prayer Assembly in May, where John helped staff a Prayer Alert stand and Andy did some presentations on Using Technology for Prayer.

More than 9,000 people attended the event in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the Sentul Conference Centre - with another 2,000 on the waiting list.  Delegates were able to visit a 24-7 prayer room at the top of a Prayer Tower, which overlooks the region.

John Robb, the event organiser said after the event, 'God by His Spirit was working so many agendas in the lives of those who took part that it is impossible to recount all that happened or was reported. So many said their lives and ministries would never be the same. We have received encouraging reports from a number of nations as participants have begun to implement strategies of prayer mobilization and other actions that they were inspired to undertake during the WPA. Praise God for all He did and continues to do through this gathering! Following the conference, Crosswinds team member, Andy Page was asked by Pastor Austen Ukachi to assist him with mobilising prayer for Nigeria after a spirit filled plenary session meeting of the 30 Nigerian delegates.

The Prayer Alert Team were delighted with the interest in the project, with many people signing up to receive the weekly prayer bulletin.

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:56

Germans Opposed to Mass Migration are "Free to Leave"

by Soeren Kern  •  November 24, 2015

After factoring in family reunifications, the actual number of migrants could exceed 10 million, and some believe that Germany's Muslim population is on track to nearly quadruple to an astonishing 20 million by 2020.

N24 television news reports that up to 50% of the asylum seekers arriving in Germany have gone into hiding and their whereabouts are unknown by German authorities.

"It cannot be that offenders continue to fill the police files, hurt us physically... and there are no consequences. ... We are losing control of the streets." — Tania Kambouri, a German police officer.

"We are not excluding anyone, we are just trying to run a business. If we ignore the complaints of our female guests, we have to expect that many of our regular customers will stay away.... Financially, we do not know how long can we cope with this." — Thomas Greil, manager of the discotheque "Brucklyn," Bad Tölz, Bavaria.

"We are reproducing faster and faster. You Germans are not getting any children. In the best case you get two children. We make seven to eight children. Okay mate? And then we take four wives each, then we have 22 children. Maybe you Germans have one child and a dog. Huh? And that's it." — Video showing a Muslim threatening a German man openly on the street.

In Berlin, lawmakers are considering emergency legislation that would allow local authorities to seize private residences to accommodate asylum seekers. The proposal was kept secret from the public until November 9, when the leader of the Free Democrats (FDP) in Berlin warned the measure would violate the German Constitution. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller now wants to expand the scope for warrantless inspections to include "preventing homelessness."

"The same empathy we show for refugees we must show to our own people, the host society." — Mayor Ulrich Maly, Nuremberg.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (left): "The Chancellor has the situation under control. I Have My Vision. I Will Fight For It."

Asylum seekers from Africa, Asia and the Middle East are continuing to pour into Germany in record numbers, despite freezing temperatures and snow.

More than 180,000 migrants arrived during the first three weeks of November, on track to surpass the previous monthly record of 181,000 migrants recorded in October.

With 300 newcomers now arriving every hour, Germany is expected to receive more than one million asylum seekers in 2015, and at least as many in 2016. After factoring in family reunifications, the actual number of migrants could exceed 10 million, and some believe that Germany's Muslim population is on track to nearly quadruple to an astonishing 20 million by 2020.

Please pray for Europe and its leaders trying to cope with the huge migrant exodus happening from Syria, other Middle Eastern countries as well as those from Africa and even Central Asia trying to seek a better life. Pray for the Christians and churches to know how to serve and share the Good News with these desperate people. It is a huge opportunity but also one fraught with the risk of the further export of Islamic terrorism. Pray for His protection too over these nations.

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:54

Repentance is greatly under valued in the modern church world. Identificational repentance even more so and yet repentance was the message that laid the foundation for the operation of the power of God in the New Testament.

The message of John the Baptist was "repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand."Jesus message was the same, repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." Both of these messages were accompanied by open displays of the power of God. 

Peter continued the call to repentance in the book of Acts chapter 2 when he said "Repent... and save yourselves from this perverse generation," hardly a message that would see him invited to speak in many modern day churches, and yet this message released the power of God for the salvation of 3,000 souls.

In the Book of Revelation Jesus Christ called five of the seven churches to repentance, which would indicate, looking at statistical odds, that you and I need to activate repentance in our lives 71% of the time. Certainly a sobering thought to say the least. Repentance literally means in the Greek to 'have a change of mind and turn around'. But it is not just a state of the mind but a state of the heart. It has a lot to do with humility.

Nowhere is this more exemplified than when the prophet Isaiah, who we understand was a righteous man, prophesying against the evil of his day, spoke out regarding his own state: "Woe is me for I am ruined, I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell amongst a people with unclean lips." In doing so he at the least identified with sinfulness of the people of his own generation and asked God for cleansing.

The prophet Daniel who is one of the few bible characters who had no known sin recorded against him took it one step further in identificational repentance when he prayed to God in Daniel 6:9, "I and my forefathers have sinned."

This was the thought at the forefront of my mind when I learned of the evil behaviour of Australian citizens in San Francisco who arguably laid the foundation of evil that San Francisco was built on in the early days of the gold rush in the 1850's. I learned this from two Australian prayer warriors Merv and Sharon Stevenson who had spent several weeks in July 2015 researching and repenting for Australia's contribution to organised crime, prostitution, sex trafficking, murder and mayhem in the early days of San Francisco. 

The port area which was the hub of the city of San Francisco and the vice capital for the city was known as Sydney Town from 1850 -1865. It later became known as the Barbary Coast, but the continuing predominance of Australian immigrants in the criminal activities was a well known fact.

1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Ducks

2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_Coast,_San_Francisco 

In the book "The Barbary Coast - An Informal History of the San Francisco Underworld", USA crime historian Herbert Asbury said "The villainous inhabitants of Sydney-Town were popularly called Sydney Ducks or Sydney Coves, but more often the former. It was a common saying in early San Francisco whenever a particularly atrocious crime was committed, that 'the Sydney Ducks were cackling in the pond'. Unquestionably, these foreign felons gave San Francisco's underworld its initial flavour; they were the pioneers in the viciousness and depravity for which the Barbary Coast became famous, and the echo of their unholy cackling was not stilled for more than half a century."

I was shocked, to say the least, as I had been one of those who had pointed my finger in judgement at San Francisco, but typically I now found three fingers of my hand pointing back at me and my forbears. I was born in Sydney Australia and I had always thought that Sydney, being a sister city of San Francisco since 1967, had influenced us in a bad way.

Imagine my surprise to learn that it was us in Australia that had laid the foundation for San Francisco to become the immorality capital of the world in the sixties and seventies. Knowing  that we were on our way to speak at the World Congress of Families in Utah, Alison and I felt it was time to ask the people of San Francisco for forgiveness  and repent on behalf of our fathers and say sorry for their sins, not to mention my own spiritual pride.

On 31st October another Australian, my wife Alison and I gathered with seven other local intercessors from the San Francisco House of Prayer, led by Anne Trumbo. We also had Ps Jeff Daly from the USA Day of Repentance and David Bereit the Director of 40 Days for Life representing Christian ministries from all over the USA.

We prayer-walked the downtown area and then met on the 11th floor of the Trans America Pyramid, overlooking San Francisco.  A kind Christian businessman gave us access to an 'upper room'. We conducted a communion service together and we declared the forgiveness found in and through the blood of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God and jointly blessed San Francisco.

Our Australian brother, with Alison and I, washed an American brother's feet in heartfelt repentance and asked and received  forgiveness from those present on behalf of Australia. We expected God to do something but we were truly caught by surprise by what God was about to do.

San Francisco, and California, has been gripped in a record breaking four year drought, but I did not have the faith to pray for an end to the drought. My belief in the unmerited favour found in the blood of Jesus Christ and the supernatural implication of true repentance was far too limited. Thankfully God's grace is bigger than my own judgemental attitudes.

We were to witness the first part of the miracle first hand when rain began to fall within 24 hours of our repentance service in what turned out to be the largest fall of rain in San Francisco for 9 months. The good news is that San Francisco has had several more showers of rain that would appear to herald the end of one of the worst droughts on record. 1.http://www.mercurynews.com/drought/ci_29061079/autumn-storm-prelude-but-not-yet-el-nino  

2. http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Thunder-Booms-Lightning-Strikes-Rain-Pours-in-Bay-Area-343783312.html#

Even more amazing is that at exactly the same date we were having our combined repentance service in San Francisco, Saturday 31st October, rain began to fall at Barcaldine in central Queensland in the northern part of Australia. This area was also the centre of a record breaking four year drought which has gripped central Queensland.

1. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-11-02/weekend-storms-outback-queensland/6904972  

2. http://www.bom.gov.au/jsp/watl/rainfall/pme.jsp

Over the next two days Barcaldine recorded its greatest monthly rainfall on record. Better still more rain has fallen since and more is forecast in short term forecasts. The same is the case in northern California. It would seem that in both areas the weather patterns have changed and all things point to an end of the drought in both locations.

We cannot yet say the drought is over as we need 6-12 months of good soaking rain for that to occur. What we can say authoritatively is that both regional areas of our respective nations received an extraordinary outpouring of the grace of God within 24 hours of a combined Australian and USA repentance service being held in San Francisco. The scripture says that we serve a merciful God who sends the rain on the just and the unjust. God is Good!!!!!

It is our conviction that this rain is a miraculous display of the power of God's love released as a consequence of heartfelt repentance between our respective nations as found in 2 Chronicles 7:14  As the scripture says, "Where sin abounds there does much more Grace bound."

We pray that this natural rain is a sign of the supernatural rains of revival that the USA and Australia so desperately need. Let's continue  to covenant together to pray for revival and reformation for the USA and Australia. Soli Deo Gloria!

Much love Warwick & Alison Marsh


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Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:52

Some who have looked into what is behind the current climate change movement and its link to the Agenda 21 effort of the United Nations are concerned that this is not about climatic developments, the evidence for which numerous scientists have challenged. Rather, they allege, it is an effort by global elitists with Marxist and occultist connections who want to establish a new form of global tyranny. Of course, the spiritual being called “the prince of this world” does want to establish greater domination and control, the hallmark of the demonic realm, to enslave humankind through any means and agents that can serve this purpose.

Whether or not you agree with this assessment or not, it is crucial that we cover this event in prayer and that any effort to advance world government through diminishing national sovereignty with an appeal to “international law” and “sustainable development” be frustrated and even stopped. 

Let’s therefore pray in agreement for the following:

1.   An unveiling of any global elites behind the nice-sounding, seemingly altruistic language about safeguarding the environment and “sustainable development”. Some elitists are on record as wanting to greatly reduce the world population, eliminating up to 90% of humankind, and achieve world dominance for themselves through any means possible.

2.   That scientists who oppose the so-called data on climate change and point out that it has often been manipulated by those trying to push this global control agenda will be received and heard, not threatened or silenced as “climate deniers” that are “committing a crime against humanity”.

3.   That the increasing use of such international conferences and agreements will not be successful in advancing the global domination agenda of these elitists and that national leaders will refuse to go along with the surrender of their national sovereignty to faceless, unelected bureaucrats.

4.   That occult spiritual forces will be bound and unable to influence this process towards world government.

5.   That the global Body of Christ will wake up and see what is going on and oppose any deceptive moves towards world tyranny with both prayer and action. Pray for those, both Christians and non-Christians, taking a leadership role to be bold, fearless and protected as they stand up against this endeavor.

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:51

Thank you for your prayers for us here in Paris. Truly the Lord did a miracle in bringing us (Warwick & Alison Marsh) together with key French intercessors at such short notice to pray outside the Bataclan Theatre. 

Please also find the exciting prayer report from the Baxters below ours. Prayer is powerful and I had puzzled greatly with some inexplicable aspects of the terror attacks at the stadium. The death toll should have been much higher. The Baxter's prayer report below ours provides the answers. 

Alison and I gathered to pray with 20 French prayer warriors from Paris outside the Bataclan theatre which was the site of biggest death toll of all the terrorist attacks. http://www.smh.com.au/world/paris-attacks-australian-man-recounts-moment-shooting-started-in-bataclan-concert-hall-20151114-gkz8h3.html  

 Interestingly the Bataclan theatre was owned by a Jewish family for many decades but they had been threatened by Muslims for many years and had recently sold the Bataclan theatre to new owners only two months before the attacks. It is quite possible the Muslim attackers did not know this as they have a habit of attacking Jewish targets. 

We gathered in a small circle and lit candles for the deceased as a memorial and we then prayed both in English and French and sang worship songs together on the pavement outside the theatre. I brought greetings from intercessors in both the USA and Australia and assured them of our continued prayers and our support. Many other non Christian Parisians were there as well. TV crews wandered freely. 

The prayer gathering was led by Ps Carlos who had helped lead a Christian interdenominational gathering with 1,100 people in attendance only one month before in the Bataclan Theatre.  It was sobering to realise that the Christian gathering he led was spared this atrocity. Most of those attending the prayer gathering had been there at this special interdenominational prayer gathering only one month before so this prayer time outside the theatre held a great significance for them. 

Sadly the death metal group playing at the Bataclan theatre had just launched into their song called Kiss the Devil when the killings began. http://www.metrolyrics.com/kiss-the-devil-lyrics-eagles-of-death-metal.html  Their song was eerily prophetic in more ways than one, as the scripture says; "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."

Later on we celebrated communion together with wine and bread that Alison and I brought for that purpose. It became the first time that those prayer warriors had celebrated the blood and the body of Jesus Christ on the pavements of Paris. Hopefully not the last. 

Evangelical Christians in France live under overt and covert persecution whilst up till now Muslims have been favoured with special privileges. We need to pray for our French brothers and sisters.

Another French sister told me how her husband who was a pastor was beaten up by three Muslims. Muslims target Christians and Jews in particular. Civil authorities often turn a blind eye to such persecution. She also told me how her church kept getting "evicted" from its rented premises every few months. Even now the city authorities keep taking the church to court to evict it from its current building.

 Such persecution of evangelical churches and Christians  by civil authorities is common through most of France. France has sown a wind and reaped a whirlwind but our job as people of prayer  is to intercede and cry "Grace, Grace" over Paris and the nation of France. 

Kim Clement had given a very interesting prophetic word about revival coming to France after a period of darkness caused by Muslim influence. Alison and I felt emboldened to pray for a special sudden out pouring of the Holy Spirit using Acts chapter two as our scriptural mandate. Revival does have a scriptural mandate no matter what anyone says. No one can argue with God. 

We invite the Global Christian Community to join with us in prayer for Revival to come to France in Jesus Name. His Blood has made a way for all nations to experience His saving grace. Let us covenant with our French brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer for a miraculous outpouring of the Holy Ghost in France in Jesus Name. 

"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams off." Thank you for your ongoing prayers for revival in France. 

Much love

Warwick & Alison Marsh



MIRACLES IN THE MIDST OF TERROR by Robert & Kathryn Baxter (Nov 15, 2015)

First of all I want to thank all of you for your love and support during what is now hailed as the worst terror attack on French soil in the history of the nation.  People all over the world have communicated with us their solidarity.  And we are all extremely grateful for it.

The most recent update that we have received is that 129 people died in the carnage.  More than 350 are injured, 99 of whom are in critical condition.  I heard through a third source that one of the 99 is now deceased; but I have not been able to confirm that.

A story of providence has emerged through the smoke of mourning that brings hope to our hearts.  The three bombs that exploded at the national football stadium were all the work of kamikaze terrorists, equipped with explosive belts.  The friendly match between France and Germany attracted more than 80,000 spectators, among whom were the French President and the German minister of foreign affairs.  In the crowd was one of the members of our church.

The match was well engaged when the first terrorist detonated his belt, killing a passer by.  The stadium, which is only 10-15 minutes walk from our church is surrounded by stores, movie theaters, restaurants and apartments.  It is a very lively neighborhood.  And yet it would seem that the terrorist chose the one spot that he would do the LEAST amount of damage.

About 5-7 minutes later the second terrorist detonated his belt, killing only himself.  And minutes later the third terrorist walked to a back alley, away from any passersby and detonated his belt, killing only himself.  Another member of our church lives only a block away from where one of the terrorists committed suicide; with the warm weather Friday evening she and her son could have very well taken a walk, or gone to the fast-food restaurant for ice cream.

An anonymous source inside the Paris Police called the situation at the stadium a miracle. Had the terrorists exploded their belts as the thousands of people waited to go into the stadium they would have killed perhaps a hundred in the initial blast; and many more would have been killed or injured in a stampede that would have ensued.  Or if they had waited the end of game and exploded the belts as people filed out of the stadium, again the carnage would have extremely heavy.

Though we may never know exactly why these terrorists exploded their belts when they did, I would like to note here that our church has nearly daily prayer in our building just a short walk from the stadium. Our church is the closet church to the stadium. We are highly conscious of the effects of specific prayer and we pray regularly over our neighborhood.  And we often have evangelism teams visiting those areas.

On Saturday morning as our Bible school students gathered at the church, ignoring the Police order to stay at home, we set ourselves to pray for our city and our nation.  God revealed to us that there were terrorists related to this event, and other active cells in France.  So we began to pray that their covering of darkness would be pulled back and that all people related to this barbaric act would be revealed.

We learned just this morning that three people have been arrested near Brussels in relation to these events.  But we believe there are more.

We are calling the French to four days of prayer and fasting for our nation, Monday through Thursday (Nov 16-19).  I invite you to join us.  Pray with us for these things:

We are praying for God’s great mercy and compassion to be poured out on those who have lost a family member, friend, colleague.  We are praying for this evil to be turned into a wave of salvation for the French.

God has told us that there are other terrorist cells active in France; and we are praying that they would be exposed to the authorities, and dealt with adequately.

And finally, we believe God has called us to repent for the silence of the church as our society has slid into moral decadence.  We believe that the “normalisation” of immorality has destroyed God’s protection over our nation.  And He is calling us to repent.

Thursday evening our church members will come together for a time of collective prayer and intercession at 7:30 pm Paris time (1:30 pm New York).  We would be honored to have you join us.

Let's pray for our nations

Please pray with veteran YWAM prayer leader Sam Hofmann and those from Paris churches in a special prayer initiative in Paris starting tomorrow, December 1

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:46

We are still basking in the glow of what the Lord did among us and all the new awareness and encouragement received concerning both our national security and the way the Holy Spirit is raising up so many wonderful prayer initiatives for our country. There were many excellent presentations that we were able to capture on video that have been digitized. Some are now available for you to view and share with others. Let's please make use of them to mobilize prayer across the country and thus see that wall of spiritual protection built up to keep America safe in this time of great vulnerability.

The master power point of all the sessions and some of video segments we now have are attached below within the text of the program schedule. Others are attached at the bottom in links to a Dropbox file. We hope you can make use of them. Alternatively, you should be able to go to this website to access them and additional videos as they are made available after getting logged in: getamericapraying.com/nationalsecurity

May the Lord encourage and strengthen all of us in our all-important efforts to mobilize intercession for America!

National Security Initiative: Seeking God's Face for the Deliverance and Destiny of America

October 18-20, 2015, Hotel Elegante, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Master Power Point for all Sessions with prayer issues:


October 18

4:00-5:30 pm Session 1
· Welcome, Introductions and Worship

·     Overview of initiative and its rationale with Colorado Springs and its significance for this initiative 

·     Consecration and Connection- getting on the Lord’s wave length together through personal and corporate humbling ourselves in repentance and for the sins of our nation



7:00- 8:45 pm Session 2 at Jericho Center

Entering into Intercession for Our Nation

·     Children and youth in prayer for America 

·     Dick Eastman - Watching on the Wall Together



October 19

8:00-9:00 am Session 3

·     Issues for repentance, 7 abominations (Prov. 6:16-19) (statistics, national abominations)

9:00-10:30 am Session 4 

·     Philip B. Haney, Venatus Group / Retired Department of Homeland Security - Important Security Issues for Prayer  

      Pierre Bynum, Family Research Council- Will the Lord go with our Armies?: The “Accursed Thing” and U.S. National Security

11:00 am-12:30 pm Session 5

·     General Jerry Boykin- Current threats to the USA and why we should be in prayer


·     General Bentley Rayburn- Current Threats, part 2 plus Q and A

·     Kamal Saleem, former Muslim jihadist- Exposing the Invasion of “Isms” and Redemption for Ishmael


2:30-4:00 pm Session 6 

·     Ivan Doxtator with Wes Tullis- Land defilement, healing and transformation in the USA 


4:15-5:45 pm Session 7

·     Developing a strategy for national spiritual preparedness. What are we hearing from the Lord? How should we go forward?

·     Examples of prayer strategies that are working 

·     Upcoming prayer initiatives and events that we can rejoice in and pray for

·     Prayer and discussion with plenary sharing for an effective prayer mobilization plan

 7:30-9:00 pm Session 8

      Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel- Government Intrusion into our Religious Freedom


·     Dutch Sheets- An Appeal to Heaven

  Prayer_15_16_Dutch Sheets.mp4

·     Prayer of commissioning for one another, the implementation of our corporate strategy, and the national security prayer initiative

October 20

Praying for the Deliverance and Destiny of Our Nation

9:00-11:00 am Final Session

·     General Pat Caruana- Trusting God together for His deliverance and destiny for America

·     Final words and suggested strategies we are hearing from the Lord 


Additional videos that were used:

Dr. Leslie Keegel's prophetic word about America, the Coming Storm and the Great Outpouring of the Spirit  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tz5lfak9l7wt5ny/AACb2wfnFOa2zXnQ7Fx2nerOa?dl=0

Jason Hubbard "One Church, One Church" Prayer Initiative for Whatcom County: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pisy6t9pl02aaf/Whatcom%20Story%20Short.wmv?dl=0

Dr. Ed Silvoso "Adopt a Street" and "Adopt a Cop": https://www.dropbox.com/s/0iaudx3x3pgs4rk/Dr.EDSilvoso%20FoxNewsHQ%209052015.mp4?dl=0

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:28

Syria: Foreign Diplomats Set Timeline To End Civil War

November 15, 2015 | 14:04 GMT

Seventeen nations have adopted a timeline to end the Syrian civil war, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a joint press conference in Vienna, Bloomberg reported Nov. 15. As a first step, the United Nations agreed to convene Syria's government with opposition representatives by Jan. 1. A cease-fire between Damascus and recognized opposition groups should be in place within six months, and a new constitution should be drafted within 18 months to allow elections in 2017. Diplomats also decided to place the Islamic State and al Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra on a list of groups subject to military strikes even when a cease-fire is in place. Diplomats will reconvene in a month to review progress.

Searching for a Syrian Solution

In a notable breakthrough in negotiations over the weekend, the International Syria Support Group agreed during a meeting in Vienna to convene Syrian government and opposition representatives on Jan. 1, 2016, in formal negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations. The support group, made up of virtually every direct and indirect foreign state participant in the Syrian civil war, has aspired to find a solution to the destabilizing Syrian civil war, and progress has increasingly appeared to be within reach. However, serious obstacles remain that could rapidly undermine the gains the group hopes to accomplish going forward.


Please pray for the success of these peacemaking efforts and for a ceasefire to take effect. Pray too for those who have been displaced by the ongoing conflict, especially for the millions of refugees both within and outside the nation that need humanitarian assistance and to hear the Gospel and come to Christ.

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:27

Then I said to the nobles, the rulers, and the rest of the people, “The work is great and extensive, and we are separated far from one another on the wall. Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.”

 Nehemiah 4:19-20

INVITE:  You are receiving this by way of invitation to a necessary and important mobilization of watchmen across the USA.  We are in times of increased spiritual intensity requiring stronger relational effectiveness and communication to face them. The walls Nehemiah restored allowed people to walk, communicate and consequently defend Jerusalem.  Without these walls, Jerusalem was defenseless.  Now with technology and abilities to communicate, it is time to build up the “ramparts” of communication and relationships in prayer/worship in the USA. 

This call for mobilization of watchmen does not interfere with already formed ministries/churches but rather, when embraced and mobilized, will lend strength and advance to all involved.

Nehemiah 4:19-20 states this principle well, “The Work is great and extensive, and we are separated far from one another on the wall.  Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there.  Our God will fight for us.”  THe trumpet has sounded.  America is at a tippin gpoint.  No ministry is too big or person too small to participate.  It’s time to join together, rise and build the prayer walls across America. 

VISION:  A watchman call across the time zones of America for spiritual awakening, transformation and preparation of an alert and ready bride.

MISSION:  The distinctives of this effort are the following:

Awaken the body of Christ in prayer for the critical needs of the times

Build through relationship and identification of key watchmen willing to facilitate growth of the watch in their regions/nations and work as part of a global effort

Connect and build communication infrastructure designed for relational strength and dispensing of critical alerts

Disciple next generation and body of Christ in prayer/worship to expand the import and role of the watchman

Emphasize the importance of the 4th watch in the time zones of America to “Ignite the night” and expect God to move. 

Emphasis on the 4th watch (3am-6am) to "Ignite the Night":  Psalm 90:4 declares the impact of the night watches, “For a thousand years in Your sight, are like yesterday when it is past, and like a watch in the night.” In light of the intensity of the times, the 4th watch carries significant spiritual weight and transforming power. For more information on the 4th watch, click here. 

NEEDED NOW:  You are receiving this by way of invitation to help facilitate/participate in this effort in your time zone (PST, EST, CST, MST).  Whether church, group, or house of prayer, we can no longer face the challenges presented today alone. Basic requirements are the following:


•To contribute to the watch in their time zone with emphasis towards the 4th watch, 3am-6am

◦Seek the Lord for your call, decide to commit and sign up to take your stand click here. 


•Time Zone Facilitator: 

◦Facilitates mobilization, strategy, and serve cooperatively with other time zone leaders to build and connect the “ramparts” of America.

•Day of the Week Facilitator for each time zone:

◦Assists in communication, For day of the week in each time zone

•Qualifications for facilitators

◦Willing to communicate

◦Called to build relationships in their regions in prayer and work to build relationships in the nations.


•Participation will link you to a growing family of watchmen and give you the benefit of insights from others across America.

•Access to key issues and critical alerts across USA and other nations

•Access to communication tools to assist in dispensing critical alerts you are seeing in your time zone/nation for prayer support

•Contribution to the watch will reap you, your church, ministry the benefits of ongoing united prayer and the breakthrough from 4th watch coverage

•Receive support and help in mobilizing "watch" and culture of prayer in your church/ministries/communities


•Culture of prayer and worship to increase in our cities and regions reflected as corporate HOP, communities of prayer arise.

•Stronger collaboration between regions, prayer streams and ministries as barriers are removed and relationships develop

•Testimony of God’s intervention to rise across America through salvation, healing, restoration

•Realignment politically, socially with biblical values.

•Prayer ministries to increase and expand within churches as a functional identity of the church and increased support of HOP efforts from local church bodies

•Creative strategies released for needed social, political, and cultural intervention

•America to develop a model that will feed into the nations:  Psalm 132:17



TO FACILITATE YOUR REGION:  If you are interested in facilitating this effort in your time zone, please Contact us


•Report from The Trumpet Call West Coast:  Impact of watchman mobilization

•Vision/Mission for the USA Watch click here

•Western Wall Watch model  click here

•4th Watch emphasis to “Ignite the Night”  click here

•Functional foundations of the Watchman: Watchman shift from Watchman Call to Watchman Response click here

The trumpet has sounded, now who will respond, rise and build?   We believe we are in a time God is calling America and its watchmen to rise and build.   Without watchmen on the wall, righteousness cannot be established at the gates!  America will rise up when the church rises up, the church will rise up when the watchmen take their place!  Your invitation is waiting.

I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me.  Habakkuk 2:1

Fred and Sue Rowe

Transform World Celebration Challenge facilitators, “Trumpet Call to Nations” 

Co-founders The Living Wall

Peter Carlson

Co-facilitator Prayer Surge Now

Pray Oregon Leadership Team http://www.prayoregon.org Assistant Coordinator,

Oregon National Day of Prayer Task Force www.ndptf.org

National Prayer Council Western Region Director www.USNationalPrayerCouncil.com

Isebel Spangenberg


Global Prayer Resource Network

Liz Adleta/Honour Frazier

Ethne Global Support Team

Fellowship of Prayer Strategists

Wednesday, 02 December 2015 08:24

Burundi: Outside Powers Warn Of Spiraling Conflict
November 13, 2015

The United Nations, African Union and European Union all warned on Nov. 12 that political violence in Burundi is threatening to spiral into a full-scale regional ethnic conflict, Reuters reported. The U.N. Security Council adopted a French-drafted resolution on contingency planning to enable an international response to any further escalation in Burundi, asking Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon to prepare options for boosting the U.N. and African Union presence in the country. On Nov. 13, the EU mission in Burundi began reducing staff and sending family members home, while Belgium advised its citizens in the country to leave. At least 240 people have reportedly been killed and tens of thousands more have fled the landlocked country since April, when President Pierre Nkurunziza announced he would run for another term.

Violence in Burundi Raises Fears of Ethnic Conflict Elsewhere
Violence is once again rising in Burundi, and as the death toll mounts, the country's neighbors are becoming increasingly concerned that the conflict could spill across their borders. Several international organizations have even expressed fears that Burundi's political turmoil could spark broader ethnic strife throughout an already restive region. But these dire predictions probably will not come to pass, since Burundi's leaders - and its watchful neighbors - have every incentive to keep the bloodshed in check.

Please keep this little nation of East Africa and the wider region in prayer. In the 1990s, it and especially its neighboring nation of Rwanda experienced the full horror of ethnic conflict and genocide. Pray that such a thing will be kept from happening again and for God's peace to reign in Burundi and the whole region.

Tuesday, 01 December 2015 08:23

Below is a collection of articles and information referring to numerous cases where defectors from a variety of backgrounds have charged human experimentation is taking place on a massive scale within N. Korea.

"Seoul allegedly knew of experiments on political prisoners : N. Korea is said to test poisons" [2004] - http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/24/news/24iht-korea_ed3_.html?_r=0

"Testimony of Kwon Hyok, Former Head of Security at North Korea's Prison Camp 22" [BBC, 2004] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckTegBFbs0I

 "North Korea's Experiments on Human Beings Smack of Nazism" [Straits Times, 2004] - http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/4287

"Toxic Indifference to North Korea" - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2214-2005Mar25.html

"Inmates are used as human guinea pigs for testing biological and chemical agents, according to both former inmates and U.S. officials." [2003]- http://www.nbcnews.com/id/3071466/#.VZsmgPmqqko


Everyone knows about chemical weapons testing. I saw political prisoners being transported. My commanding officer said, "They are the people you are going to guard for ten years. If they attempt to escape or resist you can kill them. Several of them will go for human experimentation. If you help them escape you will share their fate."  [2004] - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/3933727.stm

"North Korea's grisly arms tests on babies" [2006] -  http://www.wnd.com/2006/05/36352/#9xjGt8ljO7QZ7UT2.99

"An Myong-chol heard about experiments on living people. He learned that Gulag doctors conduct experiments very much like those perpetrated by the Japanese Army's infamous 731st Unit and by Nazi death camp doctors... Mr. An said, however, he heard "hundreds" of accounts of experiments on living humans from doctors as he drove them to and from duty or drove them to the scene of accidents."

“Each military medical officer had conducted at least 50 experiments on living people," said Mr. An. "I heard their brave stories many times, how they opened up some hapless inmate free from medical flaw and cut out his liver or some other organ. So common was knowledge of these practices that camp guards universally believe that medical experiments create most of the camp's numerous cripples, many of whom are missing arms or legs." 

"Pak Nam: I've heard they throw people live into boiling water in a big pot. When they're boiled, they strip off the fat and render it like pork fat. I heard Hitler gathered human fat in World War II and used the oil to make cosmetics. I think that's how the 3rd Bureau uses it."

[1995] - http://monthly.chosun.com/client/dataroom/databoardread.asp?idx=9&cPage=5&table=dataroom

Mentioned many other cases within this piece - http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2013/10/11/a-srebenica-esque-massacre-has-recently-taken-place-in-north-koreas-killing-fields/

Please keep North Korea and its suffering people in prayer and also pray for the exposure and ending of its awful crimes against its own people.