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Monday, 18 April 2011 21:49

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has announced the start of 16 new debt counselling centres to help some of the poorest people across the UK. The counselling centres are being set up in local churches, where volunteers have been trained to restore hope and help people find a way out of their debts. The expansion reflects the scale of the need, with the total number of CAP debt counselling centres now standing at 160 across the UK. In addition to the new centres, four existing centres have taken on extra debt coaches to cope with the demand for the service. Many of the charity’s clients are in financial difficulty because of job loss, pay cuts or illness, but the charity is expecting the numbers to rise in the tough economic climate. The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) predicted yesterday that household disposable income would fall by 2pc this year.

Pray: that as the work of CAP expands, many more will be helped and set free from debt. (1Sam.22:2a)



Thursday, 29 August 2013 21:36

The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned that the Anglican Church is moving towards the ‘edge of a precipice’ amid disputes between liberals and traditionalists. Justin Welby said the church was in danger of abandoning its core beliefs while also falling into a ‘ravine of intolerance’ in the way its deals with divisive issues such as gay marriage and female bishops. Speaking during a visit to Mexico, he likened the behaviour of the Church to a ‘drunk man’ staggering close to the edge of a cliff and drew parallels between the crisis afflicting the 77-million-strong Anglican community and the atmosphere in the Civil War. ‘I sometimes worry that as Anglicans we are drifting back in that direction. Not consciously, of course, but in an unconscious way that is more dangerous,’ he said. ‘It is a dangerous place, a narrow path we walk as Anglicans at present.’

Pray: for the church as it seeks direction and less confusion. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide our leaders with clarity and true vision. (Ps.48:14)

More: http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/church-like-drunken-man-nearing-a-precipice-1-5978385

Thursday, 14 July 2011 14:10

The Church of England has voted to tackle claims of a ‘pale, male and stale’ leadership with a new campaign to recruit more ethnic minority people. Members of the General Synod voted overwhelmingly in favour of positive action to recruit ethnic minority clergy into the church's leadership. The move came after a report by the Venerable Daniel Kajumba, Archdeacon of Reigate, showed only 1.1% of bishops, archdeacons and cathedral dean's posts are filled by ethnic minorities. The four ethnic minority clergy in these roles are Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, the Rt Rev David Hamid, Suffragan Bishop of Europe, The Very Rev Rogers Govender, Dean of Manchester Cathedral, and himself in his post as Archdeacon of Reigate, he said. 'This was in spite of congregations of up to 90% ethnic minorities in inner cities, he added, 'and a growing proportion of ethnic minority worshippers in rural and suburban areas'.

Pray: that the Lord will raise up church leaders to reflect and represent all groups in the church congregations. (Heb.5:1)

More: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/church-votes-to-recruit-minorities-2312024.html

Tuesday, 01 January 2013 14:50

The Diocese of London is set to establish the first new church presence in a new community in London for 40 years. It has entered into a partnership with Lee Valley Estates for a new facility at the heart of the Hale Village regeneration project in Tottenham that will include use as a church. This is the first time that the Church of England in London has entered into a long-term relationship with a developer to put urgently needed community facilities, including a place of worship, in the heart of a major regeneration area. Under the terms of the agreement, the Diocese of London will take out a 250 year lease on the facility. The £14million development secured planning permission in July this year and will include a community centre, nursery, café, residential accommodation. It will also be able to hold community events and religious ceremonies like weddings and baptisms.

Pray: for regeneration in Tottenham and especially for spiritual renewal too. (Ac.2:47)

More: http://www.christiantoday.co.uk/article/church.secures.place.in.regeneration.project/31365.htm

Thursday, 23 June 2011 14:33

The Church is in danger of being driven out of public education by Government reforms and a generation of teachers ignorant of even the basic tenets of Christianity, a senior cleric has warned. A rush to introduce new academies and changes to the curriculum could threaten the very ‘survival’ of the church schools system unless urgent action is taken, according to the head of the Church of England’s Board of Education. The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, also warned that a tide of secularisation had undermined the standard of teaching of the Christian faith. Even in schools run by the church itself many teachers now lack a ‘default understanding’ of Christianity, he said. The warnings are contained in a hard hitting report about the state of faith schools and religious education to be debated by the Church of England’s General Synod next month.

Pray: that the Church would take up the challenge to bring faith back to the centre of church school life – see also previous story. (Dt.4:9)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/8587613/Church-schools-under-threat-warns-Bishop-of-Oxford.html


Thursday, 29 March 2012 18:45

Church schools must robustly assert their Christian ethos in the face of challenges and attacks from secularists, a Church of England report has warned. Launched at Lambeth Palace on Friday, The Church School of the Future report says that the challenge facing all Church schools is to maintain their distinctive character in an increasingly fragmented education system and increasingly secular society. 'Church schools must be responsive to parents and the communities they serve while celebrating their distinctive Christian ethos,' the report states. 'More than ever, as economic pressures drive a utilitarian approach to education, children in Church schools should experience Christianity as part of their moral and spiritual development, reflected throughout the curriculum. We believe that the opportunities afforded by such significant changes should be grasped confidently.' The report is based on evidence from clergy, school leaders, politicians and other stakeholders in education.

Pray: for our Church schools to be places where the Gospel message is lived out in a clear and relevant way. (Pr.4:4)

More: http://global.christianpost.com/news/church-schools-must-assert-christian-ethos-amid-secularist-attacks-72040/

Monday, 31 October 2011 13:20

The Church of England may withdraw the millions it has invested in internet companies unless they take action to curb internet pornography. Senior officials are conducting a wide-ranging review of the Church’s holdings in Internet Service Providers (ISPs), which are worth tens of millions. A Church spokesman said that its Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG) was considering new guidelines on pornography, which address the ease in which hardcore sexual images can be viewed through modern media. The review, which is expected to be concluded in the coming months, will recommend how part of the Church’s £5.3 billion portfolio should be invested in relation to Internet companies. The Church refuses to invest in firms that fuel problems against which Christians campaign. According to Church documents, the criteria for investing in media companies is that they have a ‘positive influence on society by educating, entertaining and uplifting individual experience’.

Pray: for the Church, through the EIAG, to bring its influence to combat the evil that pervades electronic media. (Ps.34:16)

More: http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/

Wednesday, 19 May 2010 14:56

The Church of England has published prayers to help voters as they consider their options in the forthcoming General Election. The prayers remind voters that they can make a difference, ask that the concerns of all may be heard and seek protection from despair and cynicism. The prayers, for personal use or during church services, were specially written by the Mission and Public Affairs Division and the Communications Office in association with National Worship Development Officer the Rev Peter Moger. They are published on the web alongside details of relevant debates in the General Synod over the last five years.

Pray: that through the Holy Spirit these prayers will have the power to encourage those who use them. (Ep.6:18)

More: http://www.cofe.anglican.org/news/pr3310.html

Monday, 18 April 2011 21:43

The Church of England and Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales have released new prayers ahead of the royal wedding this month. The Church of England’s prayer for Prince William and Kate Middleton is posted on its website and is also for all those ‘made one in marriage’. The prayer has been adapted from Common Worship and joins one made available earlier for schools and young children. The new prayer asks God to ‘look in favour’ on the royal couple and ‘all who are made one in marriage’. It also asks God to ‘deepen their love’ and help them to keep their vows to each other. The Catholic prayer asks for God’s blessing upon Prince William and Miss Middleton and to give them strength to serve God, the country and the Commonwealth ‘with integrity and faithfulness’.

Pray: for William and Kate as they prepare to marry and for their wedding to be a positive model for many other young couples. (Jn.2:1-2)

More: http://www.christiantoday.co.uk/article/churches.release.prayers.for.the.royal.couple.ahead.of.wedding/27799.htm

Thursday, 28 April 2011 15:12

Church planting is back on the Baptist agenda - but though more congregations are being started it's harder to reach people, as fewer know the Christian story. The results of a survey about new Baptist congregations from 2005 and the denomination's latest work were posted on the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) website last week. The information shows the number of new churches is rising with more on their way, while a renewed focus on the subject at national level is seeking to recapture the Baptist heritage of 'radical mission, risky pioneering and planting', and fund and equip those who wish to do it. Nevertheless, for this activity to have a meaningful impact there needs to be a sustained commitment across the denomination. 'Church planting is harder now than 20 years ago as we increasingly encounter communities and individuals with little or no knowledge of the gospel and negative perceptions of the institutional church,'

Pray: for all new churches and those that are planned that they will be effective in delivering the Gospel message to more and more people. (Ac.16:5)

More: http://www.baptisttimes.co.uk/news1.htm