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Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:18

Faith is one weapon we must use against the fear of COVID-19. Many ask, can faith in God work at this time when COVID-19 is devastating the world? The answer is a big, Yes. Faith in God can make a difference whether we survive this time of adversity or not. Fear kills, but faith keeps alive. The well known Biblical adage, “the just shall live by faith” is very much relevant now. Faith can make a difference between matters of life and death, between our ability to survive or not. In times of adversity, like we face presently, faith  distinguishes those who inherit the promises of God and those who do not. Faith in God gives us strength in the inner man. Like Proverb 18:14 state, “The will to live sustains you when you’re sick, but depression crushes courage and leaves you unable to cope” (TPT).

The most extreme conditions of COVID-19 is not above God’s power and control, therefore trusting God who knows all things, and has all power to control all things, strengthens us. Faith in God, however, does not preclude us from  complying with the rules of social distancing and personal hygiene that is being recommended by medical experts. Times of adversity like COVID-19 don’t last, but those who have faith in God, outlive adversities.

Faith is the assurance that what God says in his word shall come to pass in any situation of adversity. For instance, Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you” (Isaiah 43:2 NKJV). Again in Ephesians 6:16, Paul commands us to use the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of Satan. This means, that when Satan assails us with coronavirus, by faith we can reject it from harming us.

Exercising faith against the destructive power of COVID-19 may seem stupid to the carnal mind, but let us not forget that even from Bible times, faith in God has always worked for those who believe in Him. Think of those who don’t have access to medical facilities, or those who face extreme situations between life and death. All they can do is cling on to God in faith. In this time of COVID-19, we are seeing the best of medical practices inadequate, and in some cases fail outrightly.  So, why doubt the intervention of God; why doubt the ability of faith in God to rescue man?

Speaking about the importance of faith, Jesus said, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:22-24 NKJV). The key word is in verse 24, which states that whatever things you ask when you pray to God, we can receive them, provided we believe.

David’s attitude in time of adversity is one of persevering faith, “Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord” (Psalms 27:13-14 NLT). We cannot afford to do otherwise now that we face COVID-19.

Pastor Austen Ukachi
IPC Leadership Team / IPC West Africa Coordinator

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:17

Global case counts of COVID-19 quietly clicked past 1 million 2nd April afternoon on the Johns Hopkins tracking map, revealing the disease’s startling speed and reach since it emerged 4 months ago.  

The pandemic is afflicting countries unevenly as the US muffed its early response, while China acted with strong-armed efficiency, and many others are yet to be tested.

Global Highlights

The US: Though the novel coronavirus has emerged in all 50 states, the media focus has zeroed in on New York, which has more than 92,000 cases. That will likely change in the coming days as new hotspots emerge, according to Scientific American.

The American South is at special risk with high numbers of cases per capita. Albany, Georgia has 13 per 10,000 people, for example. And, as  Bloomberg News points out, the region already has some of the poorest health indicators in the country (4 of 5 states with highest diabetes rates) and a lack of health care access that includes shuttered rural hospitals. Of the 239 coronavirus deaths in New Orleans, “40% had diabetes, 25% were obese and 21% had heart problems,” Bloomberg reports.

Africa: WHO has announced that new COVID-19 cases are being reported in Africa at a dramatically accelerating pace as the number topped this week, according to The Citizen (Tanzania). Another worrying sign: Cases are beginning to emerge outside capitals and other large cities. The coronavirus has been detected across South Africa, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Senegal.

Also: Very few of the more than 300 clinical trials that are underway to seek a COVID-19 treatment are in Africa, Nature reports. The Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative is part of the new COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition seeking to remedy this.


South Africa: Though the country has the most cases (1,462) on the continent, President Cyril Ramaphosa and Health Minister Zweli Mkhize are being lauded for leading an effective and efficient battle against COVID-19, according to the BBC. However, the response also has included rounding up 1,000 homeless men and forcing them into a sports stadium in Pretoria, CNN International reports.  

Ecuador: Officials in Guayaquil report more than 400 deaths in recent days as morgues have been overwhelmed and some bodies have been wrapped in plastic and left on street. UPI

Indonesia: The 170 COVID-19 deaths reported in recent weeks have surpassed nearly 2 decades of bird flu deaths. The Jakarta Post

North Korea: Assertions that the country is coronavirus-free has been viewed skeptically. The Guardian 

Reporting from Johns Hopkins University: https://www.globalhealthnow.org/2020-04/1-million

Further data on Europe and the world: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/geographical-distribution-2019-ncov-cases

BBC news article about the 18 countries who don’t have Covid-19 at the time of writing: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-52120439

Pray: Lord God, the One who has Almighty power, we agree according to your promise in Matthew 18:18-20 that this virus will be stopped in its tracks. That the medical researchers will get a download from Heaven on how to quickly develop a vaccine to counteract COVID-19 and a cure for those who have become infected.

We also agree in prayer, asking that the Body of Christ worldwide will rise up in love and boldness, trusting in your blood to cover and protect us and throwing off fear, so that we can be available to serve, bless, and bear witness to those around us who are terrified and depressed at being infected.

Let us seize this unprecedented opportunity to make you known to those without hope in Christ!

Thank you for your promise that surely, you will be with us "always, even to the very end of the age”  so that we can carry on with the mission you have given us for our world (Matthew 28:20).

Join in Online Prayers:

World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK – Virtual House of Prayer
iHop Kansas Prayer Room
247 Prayer Coronavirus Prayer Room

Praying for Unreached People Groups (UPGs) wholistically and in light of Covid-19 - Since 2018, The Extraordinary Prayer Task Force has focused on increasing prayer for UPGs through collaboration amongst leaders of church movements, mission movements & prayer movements. We meet on Zoom every two months, with our next global call April 20th from 9-11am US Central daylight time focused on praying wholistically for UPGs from the perspective of discipling nations. We will pray in light of Covid-19 outbreak, and also considering major spheres including healthcare, government, education, media and family as we pray for specific UPGs. If you're a leader of a prayer network and interested in joining the discussion, please contact David Sengupta (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information on how to connect to the April 20th call. Mention IPC.

Additional Prayer Resources for Coronavirus

A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE ON COVID-19 By Dr Ruth Valerio and Gideon Heugh (Tear Fund)
A coronavirus prayer from Pete Greig
19 Things to Do in response to Coronavirus
Prophecy Today UK’s Responses to Coronavirus
PrayerCast Video and Prayer Briefing
Operation World's Covid-19 Prayers for the Nations and Prayer Calendar

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:16

Certainly our good Lord is using Covid -19 to bring great outcomes in the Latin American nations.

As the epicentre of the corona virus pandemic moved from China to the USA, Europe, Latin American countries started to prepare for an outbreak.  In a context of global emergency, not only the Body of Christ have called and cried out to God for help, but many presidents and politicians in our continent have also been outspoken about the need to “Pray and Fast“ as the only/ultimate hope against the deadly pandemic.

After President Donald Trump called for a National Day of prayer for the United States on March 15th, a wave for National Prayer & Fasting had been convoked by the Presidents of our nations on the following dates:

  • March 18th President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele.
  • March 18th President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández.
  • March 20th President of Paraguay Mario Abdo Benitez.
  • March 21th President of Guatemala Alejandro Giammattei.
  • March 21th President of Bolivia Janine Añez.
  • March 21st President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez.
  • March 23rd President of Panamá Laurentino Cortizo.

Suddenly we have started listening on the TV news & radio from the mouth of the State leaders : “May God bless Guatemala" (Giammattei) “May God bless Brazil” (Bolsanaro). Hallelujah!

Former Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales expressed publicly “In these moments, we people of Guatemala should be united, leaving aside the eternal political division, we should pray continually. I confess that, during my government, the prayers of millions gave us strength and victory in times of crisis”.  Morales shared the Bible verse from Ephesians 6:18: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people”.  

The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, “This is a secular state that allows freedom of worship, but there are many believers. I want to ask them to pray and together ask God that he helps us to overcome this virus”. “We are going to face a tribulation, but I am sure that with the help of God we will be able to go ahead. Those who don’t believe in God, feel released of this”, the President said, “but for those who believe, I ask you to bow our heads and let’s pray and ask God for our country”. After these words, all members of the government and the Republic in the room prayed together.   (Enfoque Evangélico Marzo 18,2020)

PARAGUAY: “TOGETHER IN PRAYER” In Paraguay, the highest political authority also called to pray for protection. “I hope the whole people can spend time in family, in unity. We should not forget the spiritual field. One family together in prayer”, said the President of the nation, Mario Abdo Benítez. “The power of prayer, I am sure, will protect the nation. God will protect Paraguay and will continue to bless this country”. (March 18,2020 / Enfoque evangélico)

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

In the midst of the shaken of the nations, we say THANK YOU LORD for giving us the opportunity to return our hearts to you, to prayer, fasting, for going back to your word, experiencing revival in our living rooms, experience what family was supposed to be .. Mathew 12:21 “In his name the nations will put their hope”. We surrender to you Jesus!

Rev 11:15 NLT “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.” Amen

Judith Yanira González - Executive Team
International Prayer Council
+1 (480) 529-5399 direct

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:15

As coronavirus ravages the world, many are now watching Wuhan slowly emerging from 2 months complete lockdown - cautiously with masks and gloves moving about.

The world is now in an extraordinary and precarious situation watching what happens in Wuhan for a glimpse of what might lie in store for the rest of us.

Will there be a second coronavirus wave in Wuhan? Almost inevitably yes but how big a wave and are hospitals better prepared.

How will the Chinese government respond to this second wave after mismanagement and misinformation of the first outbreak? Will they keep damaging information secret.

A recent report on the number of ash urns stacked at Wuhan funeral homes put the true death toll over 40,000 not the official 2,500 deaths.

Pray for transparency in communication and sharing of strategies in China and across the nations in order to craft effective responses to unfamiliar challenges.

Pray for competence in the next phase based on honest experience and heaven’s wisdom (Job 6:24)

More at: https://www.gzeromedia.com/watching-wuhan-but-can-you-believe-your-eyes
(Thanks to www.Prayer-Alert.net)

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:15

Afghanistan has begun its first face-to-face talks with the Taliban on exchanging thousands of prisoners.

Details of the initial meeting in Kabul emerged on Wednesday 1 April, ahead of a planned second day of talks, as Afghans observed tight restrictions on movement because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Under a US-Taliban deal, the government will free 5,000 Taliban prisoners, while the militants will release 1,000.

The talks took place against a backdrop of continuing violence in the country. Authorities blamed the Taliban for an explosion in the southern province of Helmand on Wednesday that killed eight civilians, including several children.

How much progress has been made in talks?

The prisoner swap had been due to take place in early March, as part of a US-Taliban deal signed on 29 February, but there have been a series of setbacks. Until Wednesday, the two sides had only met by video conference.

With talks due to resume for a second day on Wednesday, Afghanistan's Office of the National Security Council said that progress had only been made so far "on technical matters".  The talks were overseen by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the focus was on the release of security force and national defence captives as well as Taliban prisoners, the ICRC said.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the meetings did not amount to negotiations, telling AFP: "There will be no political talks there". The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo called the beginning of the talks "good news".

The Taliban had been due to send a large team to the Kabul talks, but in the end sent a three-man delegation because of the covid-19 virus outbreak. A spokesman for the militant group said the trio would monitor the prisoner release process and take the necessary technical measures.

Though US troops began withdrawing last month under the terms of the deal with the Taliban, movement on the prisoner swap has been slow because of disagreements between President Ashraf Ghani and his main political rival Abdullah Abdullah.

More at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-52123951

Pray that these breakthrough talks will lead to a successful exchange of prisoners and that the face to face talks between the government will continue.
Pray for an end to the ongoing violence that is devastating the lives of many Afghans.
Pray that the coronavirus will be arrested in its tracks and that it will not spread.

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:14

GO 2020 takes place with Social Distancing

The Corona-Pandemic is impacting the world in a short time. Many people are in fear and crisis. Also, church life is impacted. In many countries it is no longer possible to meet in a service. It is time to sincerely pray for God’s intervention, protection and a new openness to the Gospel.

But it’s also time to take a stand: A fearful world needs a bold and courageous church. It’s time to share the hope and peace that can only be found in Jesus Christ!

PRAY for the world,
CARE for the people,
SHARE the Gospel.

GO 2020 is still taking place in May 2020. Share Christ amid the crisis.

The principle remains the same: Every Believer is a Witness! But we focus on online and media Gospel sharing.

Please respect the corona guidelines of your government concerning social distancing. We don't want to put people in risk to get sick. There are many good ways you can still share the Gospel.

We invite every believer to pray for he’s friends, colleagues, neighbors, to practically care about their needs and to share the Gospel and the personal testimony to them. In times of social distancing this can be done by phone, email, on social media etc.

Everyone can reach at least 5 people with the Gospel!

To mobilize and train we invite ministries and denominations to do online mobilization and training. You can use www.zoom.us, Skype, Youtube Livestream, WhatsApp, phone etc.  Whatever works best in your locality.

Let’s share HOPE beyond fear – NOW more than ever!

The brochures can also be used to give others the vision of Go 2020 (some translations and more resources are available at www.go2020.world/prayer

All through 2020, a series of 40-day prayer guides will help us pray daily for those still unreached and for the harvest to be brought in.  April theme is LABORERS for the HARVEST:

Download the GO2020 Global Daily Prayer Guides HERE www.ipcprayer.org/go2020

Do join us and hundreds of thousands of believers around the world for an online global Prayer Meeting on 1st May 2020 between 10am and 6pm Pacific Time!

Prayer Room Link:

Download the flyer:

More info and sign up HERE www.go2020.world 

John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council
& Go 2020 Prayer Mobilization Task Force

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:13

In conjunction with Revive Israel — LIVE on YouTube and Facebook

Join us on the 7th of April (3pm Jerusalem)!

As the nations are shaking, in distress and great turmoil, many across the global Body of Christ are sensing that the Spirit of God is highlighting Passover this year in a significant way. They are hearing God summoning His people, Jews and Gentiles, to gather as one and commune at the Lord’s Table for this year’s Passover memorial. There is a holy alignment that God is birthing in His Global Church, His Ekklesia, that we may be one with one another and with Him.

On the very first passover, more than 3000 years ago, the Israelites were protected from the angel of death by the blood of the lamb that was applied to the door posts of their homes. They came under the protection of the Almighty God. Later that same night, they were called out and freed from Egypt that they might go and worship God, being led by His Presence to the promise land.

We believe we, His covenant people, are in such a time yet again. The Lord is summoning us to come under the shadow of the Almighty, and be covered by the blood of our true Passover Lamb, Yeshua. He is calling us out of our Egypt, our Babylon, the world systems and spirits that have defiled and entangled His Bride. It is time for the Global Ekklesia to rise and shine as One army in holy array, in the alignment of the Oneness of God, as One global family with His Presence!

This is the hour when Yeshua will be revealed and unveiled to the eyes of all, Jews and Gentiles, and to see His glory and for a great multitude to be brought into His family. It is time to enter the fullness of the unshakeable Kingdom of Jesus, the Messiah as it is manifest now, more than ever, in the midst of these global shakings. We are at the threshold of the greatest global revival the world has ever known.

For King Jesus and His unshakeable kingdom!

The event will be live-streamed on our Facebook account and YouTube channel.

Watchmen for the Nations
3163 – 20800 Westminster Hwy
Richmond, BC V6V 2W3

Website: www.watchmen.org/passover-perfume
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watchmenforthenations
Facebook: www.facebook.com/watchmenforthenations

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:12

72-hours of non-stop worship - LIVE on YouTube & Facebook

April 7th, 8th, 9th, 2020

This year, as we celebrate the Passover, and enter into a holy alignment of One Global Bride in the spirit of the Oneness of God, and as the 40 days Jesus Fast is coming to end, we have felt the Spirit of God calling the nations to come and bring their perfume of worship.

The nations will pour out their love and adoration at the feet of Jesus, pouring out their oil and ministering to the King. We believe this will usher a new chapter for the Global Ekklesia. Continuous worship and incense will rise from many nations, peoples, tribes and tongues, consecrated to the audience of ONE.

We believe this will set the tone for this new era that the Spirit of God is ushering us into, where Jesus is the only source of the Bride, the centrality of all things, where everything will come under His rulership. The Global Bride will have eyes only for her Bridegroom, and a new song will spring forth from her heart, crying out in unison with the Spirit, “Come Lord Jesus”.

Join us on April 7th, 8th & 9th for 72 hours of “Perfume of Nations” with non-stop worship from across the globe - from different nations, tribes, people groups, and languages.

The event will be live-streamed on our Facebook account and YouTube channel.

Watchmen for the Nations
3163 – 20800 Westminster Hwy
Richmond, BC V6V 2W3

Website: www.watchmen.org/passover-perfume
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watchmenforthenations
Facebook: www.facebook.com/watchmenforthenations

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:11

Greetings from the secretariat of the Caribbean Prayer Summit.  We are excited about hosting the 4th Caribbean Prayer Summit (CPS) on May 22-23, 2020 which will now be ONLINE under the theme “A United Caribbean Church …a Regional Revival”.

Since its inception the CPS has been convened in Barbados (2007), Suriname (2008) and Jamaica 2009. The CPS was initiated by the International Prayer Council through Rev Maria Harbajan, their Caribbean Coordinator and Representative.

We believe that intercessory prayer changes things and in light of the myriad of issues facing the region at this time, including the challenges facing CARICOM, the CPS aims to target Intercessory Prayer leaders throughout the region and beyond with the following objectives:-

  • To provide a forum for the networking of Intercessory Prayer leaders across the Caribbean – no island is to stand alone in its spiritual war
  • Strategic planning for the setting up of National Prayer Networks on islands where there might not be any in place – every island needs one
  • To have the island representatives present the most critical needs of their nation and have the regional gathering uphold them/their nation in corporate intercession and spiritual warfare – together we will win the war
  • Development of links, networks, and initiatives in the region; exposing what already exists – exposing opportunities available for training; impartation.
  • Prayers for healing of the nations in the wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
  • To encourage the Caribbean youth and children to become more involved in intercession – raising up Millennials to be powerful and effective in prayer. (Special online program sessions – see website)
  • To introduce the concept of a day of National Repentance to be presented to Governments and assist in having it executed in all the islands of the region.

We would be happy to have you join us ONLINE for this historic occasion. Please view this as our invitation to you and/or at least one other Intercessor who could represent your nation at the Summit.

How to Register

To register you may visit our website at www.caribbeanprayersummit.org – which will be online shortly or contact the Secretariat by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alternatively, you may call (876) 398-2299 between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.  Also, we will be creating a WhatsApp group for the flow of continuous information to all our delegates and to facilitate questions and answers (Q & A) that will benefit all who will be in attendance. Please let us know if you do not wish to be added to such a group.

Sharon Hermitt/Secretary (for)

Rev. Maria Harbajan

CPS Convener/Member, CPS Secretariat

Member, International Prayer Council

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:10

History belongs to those who connect with God and one another in prayer!

If you are a prayer leader or intercessor with a heart for America, please join us at the 2020 National Prayer Assembly to seek the face of the Lord and be His history-changers!

View our video invitation HERE!


Register Now!


National Prayer Assembly schedule and accommodations:

Wednesday, October 14 - 9 am to 9 pm (fasting is encouraged if you are able to do so; otherwise there are restaurants available nearby). Beverages will be served throughout the day. Please arrive by 8:45 am so we can start promptly.

Thursday, October 15 - 9 am to 5 pm (a deli lunch will be served along with beverages available throughout the day). Your beverages and lunch are included in your registration fee.

If you need a hotel during your stay, you can find the best deals on Trivago.com or Booking.com. Please make your own accommodation arrangements. There are several reasonably priced hotels within a few blocks walk to the National Housing Center.

The NPA is an alliance of prayer networks and ministries that enables us to flow together as One Body for the revival and transformation of America.

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. (Ps 134:2)

Let's come together to praise our mighty King and lift up His name for our nation.

It takes place here:
National Housing Center
1201 15th St NW
Washington, DC 20005

Tracey de Blank
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egq16hr746cc94db&llr=xhwszpbab&showPage=true