IPC Connections
An Invitation for Prayer Network and Organization and/or Denominational Leaders National Prayer Assembly, October 27-28, 2016, Washington, D.C. If you are the leader of a prayer organization or network, or a denominational leader, this is for you. You are warmly invited to an assembly of national prayer, denominational, and kingdom…
July 16 is coming quickly, and it’s time to solidify your plan for joining us there! Are you in? http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=34774542&msgid=118171&act=GRWC&c=1576068&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DpcudcfTExlY Let us help you get to Together 2016! Plan your schedule You want to make the most of your trip to Together 2016, right? So do we! Head here to…
As Pakistan began burying its dead Monday, authorities counted 29 children among those killed by an Easter suicide bombing in an amusement park, victims of a terrorist attack that has reinforced growing feelings of dread here. Although 2015 was relatively quiet, horrified Pakistanis are again asking what their government can…
Islamic State is likely to step up “the pace and lethality” of its attacks in the months ahead as it seeks to fan the flames of international conflict, the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency said on Monday. Speaking to a security conference, Marine Corps Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart…