IPC Connections
"First a BIG thank you for standing with us in prayer before and during the conference! Much appreciated!! We had three wonderful days together in prayer, worship and strategic analyse of Gods YES to our countries and solutions of the big issues of our time! We came together from all…
"But the Lord said to me, 'Do not say, "I am only a child." ...Now I have put my words in your mouth. See today, I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:7, 10) "History…
"Last night was a great and moving night in the city of Nijkerk, Holland, where in 1749 a powerful revival broke out, but had died down in 1752 because the church leaders and the government leaders chose human control above the moving of the Holy Spirit. We had chosen to…
Monday, 31 August - Friday, 4 September 2015 Over recent years trumpets have been blown in many parts of our Continent as an act of obedience to the Lord. In the UK it started in Birmingham in response to the reading of the scriptures in Numbers 10: 9 which says,…
“In a letter dated May 18, 2011, inviting the 49 other Governors to join him, Governor Rick Perry cited Joel 2 as the answer for the challenges facing America. We are to gather across racial, ethnic, denominational and other differences to represent the full Body of Christ on behalf of…
A number of events, mandalas and initiations all based on the Kalachakra Tantra (Time God) Intended to alter the age of the world. (out of the Christian age into Aquarius and the rule of the Chakravartin) Agree with those on site in the USA who are mobilizing prayer and also…
August 1-30, 2011, will be the dates of the international prayer focus for the Muslim World. With humble beginnings, a small group of Christian leaders met for prayer for the Islamic world during a meeting in the Middle East in April, 1992. Millions of Christians worldwide have since joined the…
As usual, nearly 2,000 children will gather to prayer for the Nations and the coordinators of Children House of Prayer from different cities and nations will also be joining us. Our focus this year will be on training Spiritual Parents. Many countries are desirous to start a Children House of…
The 10:10 Campaign now draws to a close, after two years of prayer, awareness raising, building working relationships and initiating action. The first year saw hundreds of people in the UK and the other countries praying for children accused of being ‘witches’, and praying for all levels of society to…
The U.S. National Prayer Committee announces the release of its new magazine, Prayer Connect. “Can Prayer Save America?” is the timely theme of the premiere issue, which will release the week of July 4. Orders are being taken now at www.prayershop.org. Click on “Prayer Connect Magazine”. (if you want to…
Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.…
You have an opportunity to shape history by participating in the World Prayer Assembly! WPA 2012 will be a “new wave” to strategically connect and empower the global prayer and mission movements as 5000-6000 Christian leaders from up to 220 nations join with the Lord and each other through united…