IPC Connections
Please undergird these important efforts being carried out by brothers and sisters in Christ who prefer to be unnamed for obvious reasons. Pray for His wisdom, protection and great favor as they engage in these sensitive and delicate missions. SudanIt is about nine months since Sudan divided into two countries.…
There is a great influence coming from outside in the name of human rights which aims at violating Christian ethics. Such a wind is very strong to an extent of silencing the Christians. We have experienced heavy spiritual warfare. Homosexuality is opening its doors in the name of aid. Pray…
Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter…
PayPal is an online banking service that can receive donations from over 30 currencies worldwide through automatic draft and credit cards. It is safe and secure. International Prayer Connect is a non-profit ministry funded through the Transformation Prayer Foundation and relies on individual donations to keep the work going. If…
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Sharps, IPC Administrator IPC Website (free resources and information for all ages):www.ipcprayer.org NOTE: Constant Contact is our mass e-mail service. If you have unsubscribed from the newsletter through Constant Contact, you will not be sent other information you might be expecting from IPC. To get back on specific database…
The situation for religious freedom throughout Central Asia seems to be worsening across the region. Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have been difficult for several years already. Christians have been arrested and heavily fined and some have spent time in prison for their faith. It has become increasingly difficult to register new…
“The warning last month from Representative Peter King, the chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, was blunt: An investigation by his staff had determined that "hundreds" of people he described as "Iranian and Hezbollah terrorists" were in the United States. But interviews with U.S. intelligence and…
A young American English teacher who was executed by Muslims accusing him of proselytizing in Yemen was described by family and friends as someone who "loved his job" and had a heart for the poor. Officials said a motorcycle gunman and an accomplice pulled alongside the vehicle that Joel Shrum…
I'm sure everyone knows that the world is moving toward a pivotal juncture in time. Iran's leaders are aggressively pursuing nuclear weapons while simultaneously pledging to destroy Israel. Israel, on the other hand, has sworn that Iran will not get nuclear weapons. The watching world has increased crippling sanctions on…
“Pray4Saudi: Preparing the way for the Gospel of the Kingdom” (Pray4Saudi.com) launched on March 15, 2012. We are convinced that as churches, ministries, prayer networks, and Christians around the world begin to pray, the Lord will visit Saudi Arabia in a powerful way. Please join us in this initiative –…
After stating repeatedly that the Muslim Brotherhood would not back a candidate in Egypt’s first presidential election since Hosni Mubarak was forced from office, the group reversed itself. On Saturday, March 31, the Brotherhood nominated Khairat al-Shater. This former political prisoner now serves as one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s three…
PRAY: • For all hidden activity of the Sinaloa cartel to be exposed.• For supernatural wisdom and protection for all local and federal law enforcement that deal with taking down all the illegal trafficking by the Sinaloa cartel.• For all Arizonians to be alert to any unusual activity within their…