IPC Connections
IPC will be circulating resources shortly, along with further details of a joint prayer initiative to cover the forthcoming Cop26 conference in prayer. We are sharing some information and links ahead of that, which we trust you will find useful: Formal briefing on the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference (31 Oct-12…
In the midst of the current shakings, a number of Prayer and Missions networks are issuing a global call to prayer, fasting, and gospel proclamation based on the Biblical festivals of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. These Biblical seasons portray both a time of mourning, Return, and reverence of God, along…
Australia Prays - The Biggest & Broadest Call to Prayer in Australia’s History By Warwick Marsh Australia Prays held on the 22 August 2021 was an historic milestone in Australia’s spiritual history. What is even more miraculous is that this unprecedented prayer event came together within 18 days. It was…