IPC Connections
During our recent Aroma prayer call, the Seed Company highlighted translation work among the Inupiaq people of Alaska. In the Arctic Circle, in the northernmost city in the United States, translators have been working for years to make the full Bible a reality. Watch the Aroma Livestream for more details.…
2020 a year of evangelism across the UKhttps://advance2020.org/ Global Week of Prayer for S-I-K-H-SSun 29 Nov - Sun 6 DecE: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The Light has Come – Dec 17thhttps://watchmen.org/upcoming/2020/12/17/the-light-has-come Messiah's House Hanukkah Celebration - 18 Dec, 6.30pmwww.reconnectingministries.org GO Christmas! Share your faith at Christmashttps://www.go2020.world/en/go2020continues Latin-American Continuous Prayer Vigil – 26 Dechttps://vigiliaunanime.clamor.global/index.php/en/…
There have been numerous significant regional and international gatherings over the last few months. We would encourage our partner networks to continue to use these wonderful replays and resources that are available on the YouTube channels listed below. They are a hugely valuable resource! World Prayer Together on 19th September…
A prayer report looking at November 2020 Covid-19 Hot Spots and Progress with developing Vaccines - with Prayer Pointers and Links to Resources: As of 30th October, the total global figure for people infected by Covid-19 stands at 45.1 million according to Johns Hopkins University. In addition to this, the…