IPC Connections
A report from Elias Apetogbo – Prayer Covenant for Children Continental Leader and Fidele Zouma from Burkina Faso While much of original plan to train and mobilize children to reach out to their peers in May was put on hold by Covid-19, training did take place and the vision and…
Hi! my name is Hadassah Lawson and I’m the founder of Shaking and Shining Children Outreach. I started when I was 8 and now I’m 13. What inspired me was a vacation bible school I went to in the summer of 2015. I saw children get saved and wanted to…
This table helps us see what we sometimes miss.  There are more than 2 billion children under the age of 15, almost 26% of the world’s population. India has the most with more than 376 million. It is a major focus for Go 2020 Kids. More than 41% of Africa…
Core Values:  Love is the Greatest Super-Power Jesus told us to Go – To share His love with everyone, everywhere Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14) There is no Junior…
A prayer report looking at Covid-19 Hot Spots, Flattening the Curve, and Hopes for a Vaccine with links to resources As of the May 26, almost 5.6 million people have been infected by the novel coronavirus globally according to ECDC.  Moreover, more than 350,000 have died from the disease based…
Relief and recovery after Cyclone Amphan displaces 3 million in Bangladesh and India Super Cyclone Amphan, the "strongest storm ever recorded over the Bay of Bengal, hit the border of India and Bangladesh straight like an arrow last Wednesday. Thankfully, Indian and Bangladesh governments had been quick to evacuate some…
A challenging article ‘for these times’ written by Pastor Austen Ukachi – Co-ordinator of IPC West Africa and member of IPC’s Exec Team It is obvious that COVID-19 will permanently alter the way we live, travel and do business and ministry. The economic downturn, the remote working lifestyle, the glaring…
The secretariat of the Caribbean Prayer Summit were encouraged by the participation of delegates from across the region in their fourth summit, which took place online due to the pandemic.  The theme was “A United Caribbean Church …a Regional Revival”. The session recordings can be viewed online now at our…
The United Prayer Rising Europe team are planning an inspirational and epic programme of worship, prayer and teaching across three days – 30th June and 1st and 2nd July.  We believe God is going to release something special as we gather online together - in unity this summer.  Prayer is…
2020 a year of evangelism across the UKhttps://advance2020.org/ Passover to Pentecost - to 31st Mayhttps://louengle.com/pentecost/ Sound from Heaven 21-31 Maywww.facebook.com/praiselivenowwww.globalvoiceofprayer.comwww.jwipn.com 10 days in the Upper Room - 21st May-31st Maywww.10days.net Million Voices for Life  29-30 May 2020https://pray.millionvoices.org/https://www.facebook.com/events/s/million-voices-for-life/242238200206424/ Charismatic Catholic ONLINE vigil for Pentecost - 30 May 10pm Romewww.charis.international/en/pentecost-2020/ GO2020 Celebration…
CoVid-19 is proving a disruptive, distressing, and divisive force throughout the world. How do mission-minded Christians respond? What happens to the Great Commission when the world is on lockdown? In this short e-book, Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World, takes readers through a sweeping overview of the implications of…
What Happens When Ordinary People Pray to An Extraordinary God “God, don’t take my little girl. Please don’t take her. Please, God!” As Brian Alarid cried out on a hospital floor for his daughter’s life in May of 2016, he had no idea God was about to use him to…