IPC Connections
Ascension Day is coming! - Thursday, May 18, 2023 Will you be ready to celebrate? We can help! - David Bryant We've got Christmas - Jesus’ incarnation. There’s Good Friday - Jesus’ crucifixion. Plus Easter - Jesus’ resurrection. The Church worldwide celebrates all three… But what about ASCENSION DAY -…
110 Cities Prayerwww.110cities.com Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room https://www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org/ Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App theprayercovenant.org/mobileapp/ GO PRAYApril 30www.gopray.world GO MONTHMay 1-31www.gomovement.world Holy Convocation, UKMay This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Isaiah 62 FastMay 7-28www.isaiah62fast.com Gideon 300May 7-28www.ihopkc.org/gideon300 Uk Coronation PrayerMay 5www.worldprayer.org.uk G7 Prayer SummitMay 20www.g7prayersummit.org One Miracle NightApril 17www.onemiraclenight.org Exalt JesusApril 27-May 18www.exaltjesus.life…
Prayer Global is an interesting new prayer tool that enables you to strategically pray for specific places and peoples in the world! The site has a method for integrating a community together to pray for 4,770 provinces/counties (1 "lap around the world") - "300 people, each praying 16 minutes, can…