Praise Reports
Robby was a homeless drug user after becoming addicted to opiates prescribed for a painful back injury. He said, ‘Opiates were the biggest lie I have ever been associated with. Only by the grace of God…
Recently, a joint military operation between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo successfully rescued over one hundred civilians who were being held hostage by the Islamic extremist group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF). The military task…
The Roman god Janus, after which January is named, has two faces, one looking forward, the other backward. In mythology he may represent a door or gateway. Praise God our call is to look forward, to…
As we enter a new year let us not forget that God dwells in eternity, outside of space and time. All of time is before Him, all at the same time, and God knows the beginning…
On 2 January two pastors, Al and Vivian Robinson, made headlines after going out into horrific snowstorms to save people trapped in 12-foot snow drifts that might have frozen them in record breaking -20C wind chill.…
Sean Dunn has brought one million young people to Christ through Groundwire by meeting young people through technology and opening their eyes to the Gospel message. Some youths look at their phones 100+ times a day.…