Canon John Simons and Andy Page were privileged to attend the World Prayer Assembly in May, where John helped staff a Prayer Alert stand and Andy did some presentations on Using Technology for Prayer.
More than 9,000 people attended the event in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the Sentul Conference Centre - with another 2,000 on the waiting list. Delegates were able to visit a 24-7 prayer room at the top of a Prayer Tower, which overlooks the region.
John Robb, the event organiser said after the event, 'God by His Spirit was working so many agendas in the lives of those who took part that it is impossible to recount all that happened or was reported. So many said their lives and ministries would never be the same. We have received encouraging reports from a number of nations as participants have begun to implement strategies of prayer mobilization and other actions that they were inspired to undertake during the WPA. Praise God for all He did and continues to do through this gathering! Following the conference, Crosswinds team member, Andy Page was asked by Pastor Austen Ukachi to assist him with mobilising prayer for Nigeria after a spirit filled plenary session meeting of the 30 Nigerian delegates.
The Prayer Alert Team were delighted with the interest in the project, with many people signing up to receive the weekly prayer bulletin.