Displaying items by tag: Africa
Sudan: battle for control
Plumes of smoke fill Khartoum’s sky as Sudan’s military and paramilitary battle to control Sudan. Fighting that erupted on 15 April has killed hundreds, wounded many more, and damaged homes, hospitals, airport and residential water supplies. The power struggle is between General Burhan, commander of the armed forces, and General Dagalo, head of Rapid Support Forces. They were allies and orchestrated the 2021 military coup that derailed Sudan’s transition to democracy. Now they are killing each other in the streets, and the conflict could lead to Sudan’s collapse. Pray that this will not happen and for a return to dialogue. The region is already grappling with ongoing conflicts in Libya, CAR, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Chad. All of them are theatres of ongoing armed conflict and all share borders with Sudan. Their conflicts have killed tens of thousands and displaced millions more. If the situation in Sudan worsens, all the Horn of Africa will suffer. See also
Angola: landmines scourge
People are still dying or being maimed by one of the millions of landmines or unexploded ordnance left from the war that ended 20+ years ago. ‘I don't want my daughter to be the next landmine victim’, said Helena from eastern Angola. The 25-year-old mother has joined the ‘sapadora’ - Angolan women risking their lives daily to clear the scourge of leftover landmines. A national survey by the Angolan government in 2014 found that about 88,000 people were living with injuries caused by landmines. Organisations like the International Campaign to Ban Landmines say the true toll may be higher still, as there is no on-going official monitoring of casualties. Everyone in Angola knows someone who is injured. 7,300 hectares still need clearing. ‘We need to stop this cycle for the good of our people and our nation’, said Helena.
Jihadists release kidnapped missionary
After more than six years in captivity in West Africa, longtime Christian aid worker Jeff Woodke has been released. His wife Els was told that he was in good condition and expressed her profound thanks to the many people in governments and others around the world who have worked so hard to see this result and praised God for answering the prayers of Christians everywhere who have prayed for this outcome. No ransom or other conditions were part of the release.
Cameroon: Bible translator killed
Due to ongoing conflict in Cameroon between separatist groups and the government, as well as attacks by Islamic organisations, Bible translators are in persistent danger. Wuwih William Gemuh supervised Bible translation work in the Mfumte languages, in northwest Cameroon, facilitating workshops choosing words for dictionaries in a number of languages. When returning home from a workshop he was kidnapped and later killed by armed men. Wycliffe Bible Translators’ executive director says Bible translators are working in dangerous places because these are the most inaccessible locations both geographically and spiritually, where God’s word has yet to be translated. For Bible translators across vast swathes of Asia and Africa, this is the reality of their life and work. Please join us in prayer for all those affected by Wuwih’s death: his immediate and extended family, and his colleagues in the Mfumte project team, who have lost one of their leaders.
Algeria: praying for unreached Muslims
The Sahara Desert covers over four-fifths of Algeria. Nevertheless Algiers, the capital, is an oasis of culture and enterprise in the north. Many Algerians have become Christians in the past twenty years, but 99.9% of the country is still unreached by the Good News. Algiers has 2,854,000 residents: 96.5% are Muslims. Pray for God to protect and encourage the underground house churches as they send out teams, especially to the Arab people group. Pray for Holy Spirit wisdom to fill those translating the New Testament into the Chenua language. Pray for the exaltation of Jesus and the healing of the minds and hearts of new Jesus-followers. Pray for leadership schools to be established in Algiers that enable new believers to grow in their faith and boldness. During Ramadan, pray for the Kingdom of God to come through dreams and visions, freeing those trapped in darkness to see the Light of the World.
Nigeria: campaign to raise awareness of persecution
From April to June 2023 Release International is drawing special attention to the persecution of Christians in north and central Nigeria. The suffering of Nigerian Christians is causing an international outcry, concern and alarm. The ongoing violence targeted against Christian communities has led to mass killings of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Terror groups Boko Haram and IS West Africa continue to defy the authorities, and Fulani militants attack Christian villages with impunity. Reports indicate that in 2022 Fulani extremists killed more than 6,000 Christians and destroyed 17 villages. Please pray for peace for Nigeria, and also for protection of Christian communities from terrorists and extremists across the country.
Somalia: Christian Aid prayer for East Africa
43,000 people died during Somalia’s longest drought on record. 18,000 deaths are expected in the first half of 2023. Christian Aid is urging the UK's government to act immediately and for us to pray the following prayer. ‘Loving God, When Famine stalks the land, nothing grows. Plants cannot, people cannot, ideas and dreams cannot, and everything dies. It is a violent anomaly of your will for the world, and it is multiplied by covid conflict and climate change. God of flourishing fields, there is enough to feed everyone. Call us to that sacred sharing neighbour to global neighbour Your gifts of food, water, a chance to live the life so delicately crafted by your divine spirit. May we turn towards each other with generosity and justice-driven compassion that searches for solutions. Famine stalks the land, so may our outrage grow, may our determination steel itself, and may our solidarity spur us into action. Help us feed each other. Amen’
Nomads: Unreached people
There are about 30-40 million Nomads, moving their cattle to find pasture in Africa, Tibetan yak herders, Siberian reindeer herders. Service nomads travel to offer their wares and labour. Gipsies are the most common example. Other nomads travel with funfairs or portable shrines. The Indian Lohar are blacksmiths. Many Gypsies have turned to Christ in Western Europe, yet they are culturally isolated from their fellow believers in settled communities. Pray that the Gospel may dwell in the hearts of nomadic people who have no permanent dwelling. Pray for more labourers to work among them, and for discipleship programs among them, especially ones that will empower indigenous Christians to reach their own people. Pray for Christ to bring peace and understanding between settled peoples and nomads. Pray for nomads to find a way of life that suits the 21st century. Many are isolated from health and education provisions.
Global: Water Conference
From France to Zimbabwe and America to Chile, water shortages drive social and political conflicts. Rich countries can’t ignore it as a poor country's problem. So, between March 22 -24 the UN held its first water conference in 50 years. 6,500 policymakers, NGOs, water experts, and private sector groups attended the wake-up call to action. Water supply and demand is expected to reach 40% in eight years, making life as we know it virtually impossible for millions, possibly billions, of people. Governments and companies were asked to make ambitious commitments to form a ‘Water Action Agenda’. Progress on pledges and targets will be monitored over time, with the hope of significantly reducing the supply-demand gap by 2030. Pray for governments to upgrade ageing infrastructures, effectively fix system leaks, and improve tracking and billing capacities. Pray for the provision of incentives to ramp up research on water stress, and wastewater treatment solutions and develop new technologies.
Malawi & Mozambique: Record-breaking Cyclone Freddy
Freddy has weakened then re-intensified breaking all records and has the highest-ever accumulated energy for a single cyclone. This long-lasting cyclone refuses to dissipate, tearing through Malawi and Mozambique. 190 have died in Malawi, many more are injured and 5 are confirmed dead in Mozambique, but the extent of damage and deaths is not yet clear and expected to rise. Mudslides are hampering searches for survivors and many affected areas are cut off. The church is already responding with shelter and food for those whose homes are destroyed and giving psychosocial support to the bereaved as they bury the dead. Malawi's power supply has been crippled with most parts of the country experiencing lengthy blackouts. Cyclones are expected this time of year, but they are becoming much more intense and dangerous due to climate change. Pray for God to wrap his arms around all who are affected by this disaster.