Displaying items by tag: Africa
Africa: Pfizer to supply anti-Covid pills
The war in Ukraine has taken a lot of attention away from Covid, which is unfortunate because the pandemic has now killed almost six million people. There are countries where vaccination rates are still very low; this includes most African countries, where people should not be complacent as the virus still poses a grave risk. Africa’s top public health agency has signed a memorandum of understanding with Pfizer to bring supplies of the pharmaceutical firm’s Paxlovid antiviral pills to the continent. Also Moderna will build its first facility in Rwanda to sell, package, and distribute Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines.
Africa: potential new energy market
African countries have some of the world’s deepest gas reserves. President Hassan said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an opportunity for gas sales: Tanzania aims to secure a new energy market outside Africa and has been working with Shell to utilise their vast offshore gas resources and export elsewhere. He said, ‘Whether in Africa, Europe or America, we are looking for markets.’ Nigeria, Africa’s largest gas producer, has similar plans. They intend to build a trans-Sahara pipeline, taking their gas to Algeria and Europe. They recently signed an agreement with Algeria and the Niger Republic to construct the 381-mile-long Trans-Saharan Natural Gas Pipeline, beginning in northern Nigeria. However there are concerns over the historic lack of investment in gas infrastructure that has hampered the energy industry. Many African countries with massive gas reserves have struggled to attract investment to build gas infrastructure projects that would have supplied the European market. Ask God to use the current Russian gas situation to take many African nations out of poverty.
Kenya: global plastics treaty
A short drive from the United Nations complex in Nairobi where talks on a global plastics treaty took place recently is Kenya's biggest landfill - a mountain of garbage, carpeted in single-use plastic. The equivalent of thirty trucks full of throwaway plastic packaging, bags and containers is tipped onto Dandora dump every day - a trend set to worsen with global plastic pollution forecast to double over the next decade. This global waste crisis, which is destroying habitats, killing wildlife and contaminating the food chain, has sparked calls for radical action in a treaty billed as the most important environmental pact since the Paris Agreement. ‘Our expectation is that when the treaty is signed countries will commit to stop the production of such plastics’, said Hibrahim Otieno, and he is not alone. Three in four people want single-use plastics banned as soon as possible.
Sudan: pro-democracy protests continue
Sudan has seen weeks of large pro-democracy protests against a military coup that ousted the civilian transitional government last October. 81 people have been killed in rallies, many dying from gunshot wounds. The security forces repeatedly deny using live ammunition against peaceful protesters. Sudan’s women, who played a major role during the 2019 uprising, are again at the forefront of the demonstrations. Some have paid a heavy price for demanding civilian rule. Protesters and politicians have been abducted from their homes, offices, and even hospitals. In most cases, authorities deny the arrests or slam trumped-up charges against detainees. Noon Kashkosh, from the Democratic Coalition for Lawyers, is providing legal assistance to families of the detained. He said security forces are trying to discourage protests by pressing outlandish charges against young demonstrators. But the wave of detentions has fuelled the resolve of protesters to stay on the streets rather than back down.
Burkina Faso: goldmine explosion
About 60 people were killed and dozens wounded on 21 February in an explosion at an informal gold mining site in Burkina Faso. TV images showed a site of felled trees, destroyed tin houses and bodies covered in mats. The country is home to major gold mines run by international companies, but also to hundreds of smaller, informal sites that operate without oversight or regulation. Children frequently work in these so-called artisanal mines; accidents are common in one of the world's least developed countries. Islamist groups linked to al-Qaeda and IS seek control of mining sites to fund their violence and turmoil. Burkina Faso already struggles with political stability, rebel groups, and ethnic tensions. It can barely cope with additional religious terrorist attacks on both Christians and Muslims. See
Sierra Leone: kush – dangerous illegal drug
High on this new drug, young people are acting violently against others and themselves, even to the point of committing suicide. But this is only a heartbreaking symptom of a much deeper problem. Many recall the horrific civil war twenty years ago. Those too young to remember still suffer from a traumatised society and broken families. Sierra Leonians are reminded of the past when they see the many without arms or legs, a trademark of the rebels. Additionally, 10,000 child soldiers were used in this conflict. The nation is recovering, though unemployment is as high as 80%, and only 43% of the nation is literate. People are looking for something - anything - to cope with their pain. While many have heard the Gospel, only 11% are followers of Jesus. Although drugs may temporarily numb them, we can pray for the love of Christ to heal them.
Africa: more military takeovers
Africa has experienced more coups than any other continent. Military coups were a regular occurrence in Africa in the decades that followed independence, and there is concern they are starting to become more frequent again. 2022 has already seen two - a takeover by the army in Burkina Faso and a failed coup attempt in Guinea Bissau. US researchers identified over 200 attempts in Africa since the 1950s; half lasted more than seven days. Burkina Faso has had eight takeovers and one failed coup. Pray for a healthy balance of power between the executive, legislative, military, and judicial realms in these troubled nations, and for the many nations experiencing the aftermath of colonial control and without a history of ‘government of the people by the people’. May God give wisdom to the presidents and leaders of African nations as they try to maintain peace and order.
Libya: dangers of being a Christian
Libya is overwhelming Muslim: only 0.5% of the population is Christian. It is effectively a lawless land where to be a Christian is to live a secret life of faith. Those who leave Islam to follow Jesus face immense pressure to renounce their faith. Their community ostracises them, and they can be left homeless, jobless and alone. Telling others about Jesus can lead to arrest and even violent punishment. Believers are further exposed to danger since Libya has no central government, so laws are not enforced uniformly. Targeted kidnappings and executions are always a possibility for believers. Women generally live secluded lives under strict family control, making it extremely difficult for women who convert from Islam to Christianity. If discovered, they can face house arrest, sexual assault, forced marriage and even so-called ‘honour-killing’. A Libyan man becoming a Christian can lose his job (men are the family providers), be mentally abused and excommunicated from the family.
Kenya’s most wanted terrorist arrested
Rashid Mohamed Salim was cornered and captured by local youths on 29 January in a village in the DRC. He was handed over to the armed forces and arrested. University-educated Salim was radicalised as a teen at a popular mosque in Mombasa. He has been linked with recruiting youth into terror groups in East Africa, and with various terrorist activities. A source said, ‘This young man is a great terrorist. He is a very big player in the activities of slaughtering Christians. We have been receiving pictures and short films of him cutting Christians’ throats. He captures them or has them captured by fellow-rebels, then takes pictures of the murders on his phone and publishes them as propaganda.’ Kenya’s anti-terror police put a $100,000 reward for his capture. He was captured on his way back to Kenya from Cabo Delgado where he had joined Mozambique’s IS group.
Nigeria: militants kill Christians, soldiers do nothing
On 28 January a contact in Nigeria discovered over 500 bullet shells used in the killing of eighteen Christians in Ancha village, located about two hours from the capital of Plateau State. Villagers said the attackers were Fulani militants dressed in black while others wore the uniform of the Nigerian army. Thirty soldiers with AK47s were stationed in a classroom in the community when the attack happened. The converted classroom served as a barracks for the soldiers. Despite being stationed inside the village, the soldiers did not defend it against the invading militants. Instead, they stood by and watched as houses were burnt, cars and food were destroyed, and villagers were killed. During the attack, the soldiers protected only their two vehicles and the converted classroom. This attack is just the latest in a years-long pattern of militant violence committed against Ancha and neighbouring villages. Often bullet shells found belong to the army.