North America

Displaying items by tag: North America

Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:40


The Alabama senate has passed a law that says abortions should not be allowed in any circumstances apart from ‘risk to the mother's life’. A British Christian researcher, Katie Brookfield, disagreed with Alabama’s ruling. ‘The reality is that making abortion illegal does not end abortion, it drives it underground where it's extremely dangerous.’ Meanwhile, a pro-life campaigner said, ‘The Alabama ruling is a fantastic step in the right direction. But you can't celebrate it without taking a long hard look at our own situation. The UK government is pushing to decriminalise abortion totally up to 24 weeks, not recognising there are two people in the case of abortion. This is happening because the UK church, like the priest and the Levi, is choosing to look the other way, walk on the other side of the road and not see the truth. These little human beings are being disposed of and denied burial through every single abortion procedure.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:03

Iran / USA: sanctions and sabotage

On 10 May US merchant vessels were warned of potential threats to commercial shipping and oil production infrastructure in the seas near Iran. On 13 May two Saudi oil tankers were attacked as they prepared to cross into the Persian Gulf. ‘Significant damage to the two vessels’ halted further movement. Meanwhile seven (Iran-backed) Houthi drones targeted two (US-backed) Saudi pumping stations along a pipeline carrying 5m barrels of crude oil a day; in response, the USA has deployed aircraft strike groups and B-52 bombers to the region. On 15 May Iranian newspapers reported that Tehran will resume higher nuclear enrichment (beyond the permitted 3.67%) in sixty days if no new agreement is reached about sanctions being lifted. The US embassy in Baghdad has ordered all non-essential and non-emergency staff to leave Iraq immediately, as tensions grow between Washington and Iran. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 May 2019 21:58

USA: national emergency over IT threats

President Trump has declared a national emergency to protect US computer networks from ‘foreign adversaries’. He has barred US companies from using foreign telecoms believed to pose national security risks. The order does not name any company, but is believed to target Huawei, who said that restricting its business in the US would only hurt American consumers and companies. The move is likely to worsen tensions between the US and China, which escalated this week with tariff hikes in a trade war. Huawei may not need the US market, but it certainly needs the key components that it gets from the US. On 14 May, Huawei’s chairman said that Huawei was ‘willing to sign no-spy agreements with governments’, as concerns over the security of its products used in mobile networks continues to grow. See also article 6 in the UK section.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 May 2019 22:20

Global: teen suicides

A US study found that teenage suicide rates increased after the release of a Netflix drama called ‘13 Reasons Why' - a story of a high-school girl who kills herself. Researchers estimated an additional 195 suicide deaths among 10- to 17-year-olds in the nine months after its release, an increase of 29%. The additional deaths mainly affected boys. In New Zealand recently hundreds marched to Parliament for teen suicide awareness because the government has not done enough to stem the trend. The marchers pushed through barriers set up at Parliament to place photos of their loved ones at the top of the steps. They then sang a waiata (a traditional Māori song) as hundreds more watched and filmed. In England, Rachael Warburton said her 12-year-old daughter, Jessica, left a suicide note with six reasons to kill herself after watching a Netflix show. See:  and

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:11

Canada: floods affect 2,300 homes

On 24 April, prime minister Justin Trudeau visited a flood evacuation centre in Quebec where 300+ people were sheltering from floodwaters caused by spring rains and a thaw which affected thousands of homes in the province. Authorities are monitoring water levels as rain continues, and water levels across the region are not expected to peak until 26-27 April. Soldiers stacked sandbags and built dykes as floodwaters kept rising from 22 April onwards. Roads were closed as rivers expanded. Premier François Legault indicated that Quebec may offer incentives for people to move out of areas that flood every year permanently. ‘If we have to force people to move, we will have to do it.’ The Canadian Red Cross has a disaster relief fund to help residents rebuild their homes. The provinces of New Brunswick and Ontario are also waterlogged. Soldiers have been deployed to help with sandbagging in communities affected along the St John River. 55 roads and bridges are affected, with 36 of them either closed or partially closed. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:18

Prayer tent meetings catching fire

A movement of prayer tents has been spreading throughout the USA, as believers are motivated to get outside the walls of the church and into the streets to promote the truth about Jesus Christ. There is no pretence or preaching, no law or Christian jargon, no offerings are taken. Juan and Patty Tirado joined this movement after watching Todd White ‘let Jesus be Jesus’ in communities. They started prayer tents in parks and other local venues. Soon testimonies began pouring in. For instance a lady whose granddaughter was a captive in an unknown location asked for intercession. She came back to the Tirados to report that the very same night, the perpetrator was airlifted to a hospital and her granddaughter was able to escape. Police found her and took her to safety.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2019 22:09

US / Mexico: Christians call for border reforms

An international Christian delegation went to the Mexico-US border and witnessed first-hand the situation being faced by those seeking asylum and refuge. They are now calling for the dismantling of walls, borders and facilities that contribute to dehumanisation, exclusion, isolation and victimisation of people. They want nations to enact laws that account for human dignity, human rights, righteousness and compassion. The delegates will take their message to Washington, where they will join other Christians at an ecumenical advocacy event. Meanwhile a group of Mexican churches, together with the Theological Community of Mexico, are providing pastoral and psychological support to the people who make a stop in Mexico City. Churches in the USA are providing legal counsel to those seeking sanctuary and asylum, and offering their houses of worship as sanctuaries. Pray for radical reforms that address the causes of migration and the way in which migrants are treated on their journey.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 04 April 2019 22:56

Miracles, signs and wonders in Alaska

In 1975 Billy Graham gave a prophetic word about Native Americans being the ‘sleeping giant’ that, when awakened, would help win America back to Christ. Craig Nicholia and his wife Rose are seeing that word fulfilled in Alaska. ‘God is pouring out His Spirit here. It's a harvest field that hasn't really been tapped into as far as souls are concerned. On a weekly basis, we're seeing signs, wonders and miracles - for Jesus' glory.’ In Fairbanks he is seeing the same power that healed his good friend Heidi Baker of multiple sclerosis over twenty years ago. He expects more of the same in June during a ten-day annual international Prophetic Fire conference which is expected to draw people from around the world to Fairbanks. ‘This is a move of God, not of man,’ Nicholia added.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 April 2019 21:12

USA offers Iran help (?)

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo extended condolences to the victims of the floods in Iran, and said his country was prepared to help. But in a sign that the offer may have been less than serious, he did so in a statement blaming Iranian mismanagement for the flooding, and without explaining how assistance could be directed to Iran without violating US sanctions. Pompeo rejected a claim by Iran that the sanctions were preventing donations to its Red Crescent. He said the USA was ready to contribute to international charities which could then forward the money to the Red Crescent for relief.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:11

Forty children miraculously shielded

A miracle story is emerging after a tornado struck Paducah, Kentucky, devastating a church building where forty preschool children and ten church staff were going about their day. The miracle? No one was killed or injured even though the roof was ripped off. As the storm raged around them, they sang songs like ‘Jesus loves me’ and ‘He's got the whole world in his hands’. The church suffered massive damage, but the only room not affected was the one where they were sheltering. By God's grace, they were kept safe. Later, members of the community showed up in droves to help the church begin its recovery efforts.

Published in Praise Reports