Please Pray for Malaysia with us at this critical moment

Written by Super User 23 Nov 2022
Please Pray for Malaysia with us at this critical moment

Our nation is at a very important crossroad. One that will determine the direction and wellbeing of our nation in the years ahead. The next day (Wednesday) will be very important as our Yang Di Pertuan Agong (King) deliberates and decides on our next Prime Minister and the Coalition that will lead Malaysia.

Pray for wisdom for our Agong (King), the right Prime Minister and Coalition to be confirmed and also a peaceful transition. Proverbs 21:1

Righteousness guards the person of integrity, but wickedness overthrows the sinner. Proverbs 13:6
The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous stands firm. Proverbs 12:7

Please Pray for Malaysia with us 1

Pray with us…

  1. For the grip of darkness, witchcraft and shamanism to be broken.
  2. For the church in Sarawak & Sabah to speak up and not be silent.  Sarawak & Sabah must shake off their fear of man. Let them be filled with the fear of God. Let them be filled with the spirit of love, of power and of sound mind.
  3. For the Esther anointing to come on the Anak Sulong (natives) to approach the king. If they perish, they perish. Like Esther, she spoke up after the 2nd banquet. The Agong / King has given Sarawak a 2nd chance to speak.
  4. Let them see the vision of Sarawak & Sabah rising up to take back what the enemy has stolen, their land, riches, salvation and inheritance for their children and children's children.
  5. That if they do not speak out, God will raise another.
  6. Hear the collective cry of the church in Malaysia - Sarawak, Sabah & Peninsula Malaya. Lord, deliver us and our children from the fowler and the destroyer of our souls, the thief and robber.  In Jesus name, silence the enemy.
  7. That He will raise up righteous, God-fearing leaders whom He wants raised up and take down the wrong ones. Romans 13:1, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 29:4

Please Pray for Malaysia with us 3People like Cyrus who will help the people of God. Isaiah 45:1 “Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held - To subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings; To open before him the double doors; So that the gates will not be shut.”

Break down walls of enmity.  Ephesians 2:14-15  
Raise up those who love mercy and are humble.  Micah 6:8
Pray for who He raises up.  1 Timothy 2:1-2  
The church to change the land not politicians.  2 Chron 7:14
Pray for peace in the cities.  Jeremiah 29:7
Pray for God to transform, renew and bless the nation of Malaysia!   Malaysia will be saved!

Watch the Video Operation World Pray for Unreached People Groups News NECF - Malaysia

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