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Wednesday, 02 October 2019 13:45

Now is the time to register and make your plans to be with us on November 7-9, 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece.  The meeting place, Apostolic Church of Thessaloniki, is reserved.  The worship teams are preparing. Already people are starting to pray for this gathering which will be the 4th Balkan Call so far.

For those of you hearing about the Balkan Call for the first time:

The Balkan Call Prayer Event is a 3 day (6 session) call to prayer to all believers everywhere in the Balkan nations who are hungry and desperate to see breakthrough and revival come to this region.

6 Steps to being with us at the Balkan Call:

  1. Pray and seek the will of the Father.  If you have confirmation from Him then you can trust that He will guide you and provide for your way.
  2. See if there are others who also feel called and want to travel together.
  3. REGISTER TODAY at: www.balkancall.org
  4. ON YOUR OWN make lodging reservations. Some options are listed on the website or check out:
    www.booking.com or airbnb.com
  5. Recruit a prayer team to be praying for you and the Balkan Call 2019 gathering!
  6. Consider coming early and/or spending time in the dedicated 24/7 Balkan Call prayer room.

Click here for more information: Balkan Call Prayer Room


  1. Read over the website completely.
  2. Still questions? Send email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:54

The Feast of Tabernacles

At the time of Christ, the Feast of Tabernacles was extremely rich with symbolism, and theology. God gave his people two primary reasons to celebrate the feasts. First to remember, and second to renew hope. 

God gave them the feasts to help Israel remember her deliverance and her provision from Yahweh and also to renew their hope!  If God had delivered and provided for them in the past then they can trust him to do so in the future!

In Leviticus 23:34-43, God instructed the people to build temporary shelters (sukkah) and to live or tabernacle in them for 7 days to remind them that God tabernacled among them in the desert.  The Feast of Tabernacles was held in the fall where worshippers would live in little ‘huts’ or ‘tents’ to recall the days when their ancestors lived in tents as they made their way through the Sinai desert.  They remembered how God-the Living God himself-graciously chose to come and live with them in a tent called the Tabernacle.

One of the major ceremonies during the feast of tabernacles at the time of Christ was the light ceremony. Jesus claimed, “I am the light of the world; follow me and you will not walk in darkness but will have the light of Life” (John 8:12). Jesus could have made that claim anywhere, to anyone, at any time but he chose to make it in a particular context during the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:2).

On the first night of the Feast, when the sun had set to the sound of joyful singing, they would light four, twenty-foot high candelabras, looming over the city so that all of Jerusalem was aglow with light!  During this ceremony they would recall how God had guided them through the desert with a pillar of fire by night and cloud of glory by day.  God could guide because God is Light.  For seven nights people celebrated God as Light and then on the eighth night the candles were extinguished and they looked forward again to next year when light would light up the city of Jerusalem again. It was on the eighth night when Jesus, walking through the court of women proclaimed, “I am the Light.  I am the Light of the World.” His statement is brilliant in every sense of the word!  It’s as if Jesus is saying, “I am the light that pierces the darkness every night, illuminating the whole world.” As William Barclay writes of Jesus, ‘I am the light that never goes out.’ Staggering! And not just light ‘of the world,’ but light ‘for the world.’ As it says in Isaiah 9:2,

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” 

As the apostle Paul declares, “God who said, let light shine out of darkness’ has shone in our hearts to give us the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ’ (2 Cor. 4:6).  Jesus Christ, the Morningstar, shines out during the darkest and the coldest time of the night.  He is the brilliant one. He is the dazzling one. He is the chandelier of heaven!  He is clothed in garments of light. His face shines brighter than the sun. His eyes are like flames of fire, with burning desire to do the will of the Father!

Jesus calls us to follow him and be the “light of the world” (Matt. 5:14-16). He calls us to reflect the light of his life to those around us!  Those who love the light come into the Light so that all will be exposed.  Nothing is hidden from God.  Light reveals and exposes all things.  There is no such thing as a “private moment.” 

The true acid test of whether we are being the light of the world, is whether or not we love one another.  I John 2:10, “Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble.”

As the IPC global family, we want to grow in radical love for Christ, love for one another and love for the lost and broken of our world.  One of the best ways that we can love well is through a lifestyle of prayer! 

All true intercession is born out of love. May God grant to us the grace to grow together in Love-motivated prayer. As Dr. Alvin VanderGriend writes, “Love motivated prayer is a love-motivated plea to a love-giving God, on behalf of love-needy persons who live in a love-starved world”

Let’s ask the Father to “Light up every nation” with the brightness of his glorious Son. Come Lord Jesus and ‘tabernacle’ in our midst as we mobilize love-motivated prayer across nations, denominations, and generations for the fulfillment of the great commission!

Dr. Jason Hubbard – IPC Executive Coordinator

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:53

Recently, a group of key Central Asian pastors and leaders gathered for 3 days of fasting and prayer. Out of this meeting our vision to raise up strong, unified, consistent prayer for this region of the world was re-ignited.

In partnership with Central Asian Consultation, we are launching "Silk Road Prayer". We will be sending out regular prayer updates with specific information on how to pray for current needs in the region. We will also be using Social Media to quickly spread information necessary for focused prayer. Within Central Asia, we will be working with pastors and prayer leaders to mobilize more united prayer!

Thank you for joining with us in this effort to see God move in a new and unprecedented way all along the ancient Silk Road!

"...The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]." James 5:16 AMPC

Eunice Danielson

Silk Road Prayer Coordinator

Current Prayer Needs:

  • Pray for believers and churches that are facing persecution across the region; pray for His great strength to stand strong
  • Pray for justice in a court case against a leading church in Kazakhstan
  • God is answering prayer for the church in Uzbekistan! The government now seems willing to grant registration to churches which in the past were unable to register. Pray for every church that is submitting applications to be granted registration so that they can meet freely without fear of persecution
  • Pray for the church in Turkmenistan to have favor with the government, pray that they also will be granted registration and freedom to meet
  • Pray for safe and fair elections to be held in Afghanistan this weekend
  • Pray especially for the Uighur (and other Muslim minority) people of NW China. Over 1 Million (possibly up to 3 Million) are being imprisoned and tortured in "Re-education Camps". This includes many of our Christian brothers and sisters. Pray for God to use this horrible situation to draw many to Himself.
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:53

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

Can you imagine with me - God calling 100 million Christians to united prayer for the global harvest?! 

We know that Jesus said that the harvest is ready, but the workers are few. Pray then to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest fields of the nations. (Luke 10:2 ESV Paraphrased)

Would you join us in praying for Go2020?!

Together, we can reach 1 billion people with the Gospel!

For more info and to sign up, visitwww.go2020.world/prayer

Dr Jason Hubbard - IPC Executive Coordinator

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:53

24:14 is a community of people catalyzing, nurturing, and supporting church planting movements globally.

The vision of the 24:14 Coalition is to see every unreached people and place engaged with a reproducing Church Planting Movement team by the end of 2025.

Strategic Prayer for Movements

The vast majority of new movements are started by existing movements. Supporting existing movements through prayer (receiving specific prayer requests from existing movements) gives strategic prayer access toward seeing more movements started, and thus, the fulfilment of the 24:14 vision.

God is joining prayer movements directly with mission movements through trusting relationships. As a result, the 24:14 prayer team has launched a unique prayer initiative for mission work today amongst the least reached peoples and places. They are receiving prayer news and requests from church planting movement leaders around the world, and sharing these with the wider Body of Christ.

These valuable insights into the needs and opportunities in movements, and work amongst unreached people groups, give strategic prayer access toward Kingdom advance. Each week the requests focus on a different region of the world. They are sent out via email on Sundays (September only), Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Join us as we pray for movements and movement catalysts to find and fill every gap where there is not yet CPM engagement!

Sign Up For Prayer Updates from Church Planting Movement Leaders

For more information about the 24:14 Prayer Team please email us at:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:53

UPRising South Africa - ‘PRAYER By Youth For Youth’ - 4-6 Oct 2019

The young people of UPRising (United Prayer Rising) are saying that as young people in the church, we are Uniting in Prayer, Rising as a body of young people, forming a revival wave, taking a stand, marching to the gates of Hell to give the devil back his surname and take our Identity back.

And Uniting in prayer together, black or white, every tribe, putting our differences aside and praying non-stop with every young person across South Africa, Africa and around the world. Because where there is United Prayer, (Psalm133:1-3) God is present and where God is, there is hope, love, transformation and honour.

UPRising South Africa aims to mobilise young people in every street, every township, every city, every province to Pray, BELIEVING.... and to see great and wonderful things happen as a result!

We will gather. We will pray. We will see change across our country.

4th - 6th October, Orange Farm, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Bishop Peter Sekhonyane - IPC Leadership Team

More at: www.uprising-south-africa.or

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:51

50 Days of Prayer for Revival of Korea and the Korean Church – 1 Sep to 20 Oct

Everyday at 8pm, ANI Centers (Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu)

10 Days - 24-7 Virtual Prayer Gathering - 29 Sep - 9 Oct 2019

12 Days of Prayer for Transformation of Iberoamerica- 1-12 Oct 2019


Nationwide Prayer Assembly - South Korea – 3 October 2019

United Prayer Rising – South Africa – 4-6 October 2019


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Go 2020 Prayer Gatherings - 1stMay 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


06bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising South Africa – October 4-6, 2019, Johannesburg
UPRising North Mindanao - October 28-30, 2019 - Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:50

ABUJA, NIGERIA –  Chuck Holton of CBN visited a refugee camp for people who have been internally displaced from their villages in the north and to the west. 'There are about 2.5 million internally displaced people within Nigeria, and that makes this one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world right now. And the thing that all of these people have in common is that they are Christians,' said Chuck.

Much of Boko Haram's terror is directed at Christians. Enoch Yeohanna was in a village invaded by them. "They started with burning churches, killing the pastors, and killing the members. Shutting them down," he said.

“On 29 September 2014 was the day that they attacked my village.  Around ten I had a call that they have killed my dad. They asked him to deny Christ and when he refused they cut off his right hand. Then he refused [again], they cut to the elbow. In which he refused, before they shot him in the forehead, the neck, and chest," Yeohanna went on.

Many of the 1,500 Christians living in this camp have similar stories.

The Nigerian military has mounted large offensives against Boko Haram in recent months, and even with heavy losses on both sides, there seems to be no end in sight. Despite the hardships, these displaced Christians are firm believers in the power of prayer.

"If there is peace, there is nothing that will stop us from going there," Enoch Yeohanna said.

"My faith has helped my prayer life and I believe the prayers of the saints around the world have helped us make it through these tough times,"

Enoch's neighbour, Aisha Walla said -"My hope is that God will bring all those displaced back to their homes so we can worship God together and live in peace."

Full story at:https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2019/august/when-he-refused-to-deny-christ-they-cut-off-his-right-hand-nigerian-christians-describe-horrific-attacks-by-boko-haram

Pray: for the thousands of families displaced in this disaster, largely Christian – that they will find strength to endure these times of hardship and that they will soon be able to return to their homes safely.

Pray: for those living with the traumas and shocking memories, for healing of their minds and peace.

Pray: that those aligned with Boko Haram will find Jesus, repent and turn from their wicked ways.

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:49

Iran has world’s ‘fastest-growing church,’ despite no buildings - and it's mostly led by women: documentary | Fox News

A new film tells the story of the "fastest-growing church" in the world, an underground, persecuted Christian movement in a country known for exporting radical Islamic terrorism -- Iran.

But the Muslim-majority nation's citizens are reportedly fleeing Islam in droves, as believers bow their knee to Jesus, and become aggressively pro-Israel.

“What if I told you Islam is dead?” one unidentified Iranian church leader says in the film, which was directed by Dalton Thomas and produced by Frontier Alliance International Studios.

“What if I told you the mosques are empty inside Iran?" he continues. "What if I told you no one follows Islam inside of Iran? Would you believe me? This is exactly what is happening inside of Iran. God is moving powerfully inside of Iran.”

The pastor adds: “What if I told you the best evangelist for Jesus was the Ayatollah Khomeini? The ayatollahs brought the true face of Islam to light and people discovered it was a lie...After 40 years under Islamic law — a utopia according to them — they’ve had the worst devastation in the 5,000-year history of Iran.”

The documentary, "Sheep Among Wolves Volume II," directed by Dalton Thomas and produced by Frontier Alliance International Studios, a non-profit group "dedicated to disciple-making," highlights the untold story of the persecuted church in Iran.

Thomas calls the movement "the Iranian awakening."

"It owns no property, no buildings, no central leadership, and is predominantly led by women," he said in a statement.

More at: https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/worlds-fastest-growing-church-women-documentary-film

Praise God - for the many testimonies to people finding Jesus through natural and supernatual encounters.

Pray: for those for whom renouncing Islam comes at a huge personal cost.

Pray: for this 'church without walls' to continue to grow and nurture those young in the faith.

Pray: for the Supreme Leader of Iran – using this videofrom PrayerCast

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:49

With ever-escalating political divides and turmoil sadly being superimposed on the church, many churches in Korea have split apart, made strife with one another, and altogether have been too eager to find reasons to be in antagonism rather than in unity.

Well-known leaders of the church publicly denouncing one another has earned the scorn of many and has left the younger generation disillusioned.

Young adults in the church are confused, leaving the church, or downright apathetic. And this is why we believe the turning point is near.

As many are disillusioned, a hopeful number of believers are springing up from various groups and churches all across Korea who believe this is surely the time to get down to our knees. Many are starting to cry out to the Lord with greater resolve to see revival.

Please pray for the Korean church to be united,not by ideological/political sameness but by sameness of our passion for Jesus and His Kingdom.
Please pray that the church would be fervent in our love for the Lord and for one another.
Pray that believers in Korea would diligently live out the calling to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
Please pray for those who are at the forefront of bringing unity especially among the leaders, that the Lord would give these reconcilers/intercessors words to convict, change and inspire hearts.

More info:


Becky Park - IPC Leadership Team

Let’s join with many across Korea (and worldwide) in 50 Days of Prayer for Revival for Korea and the Korean Church - September 1 'til October 20th.http://aniprayer.org/2247-2/