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Friday, 04 August 2017 10:39

British MPs from all parties called for the Labour leader to state his current position with regard to supporting Venezuela’s leadership. International censure of Venezuela’s Mr Maduro grew following two opposition leaders being seized from their homes in the middle of the night after the sham election. (see this week’s Prayer-Alert Venezuela article, below). Mr Corbyn has previously praised Venezuela as a ‘better way of doing things’ under Mr Maduro’s predecessor and mentor, Hugo Chávez, and welcomed Chávez to London in 2006. Mr Maduro has described Mr Corbyn as a ‘friend of Venezuela’. The Labour leader lauded Mr Maduro’s regime in June 2015, saying that its achievements in housing, health, education and jobs were ‘a cause for celebration’.  However, Venezuela has failed its citizens. There are food shortages, hyperinflation, citizens locked up, disappeared or murdered and there is a flow of cocaine from the country to Britain.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:38

Prince Philip, the 96-year-old husband of Queen Elizabeth, bowed out of public life on 2 August with a final solo appearance at an official event, ending a distinguished royal career (also marked by occasional gaffes landing him in hot water). Prince Philip has been by the queen's side throughout her 65 years on the throne and she has described him as 'my strength and stay'. Arthur Edwards, a Christian, who worked with the royals for years, remembered his royal duties with fondness. He described the prince’s best attribute as kindness, saying ‘We saw that with Diana at her time of trouble. He's a good Christian man, he attends a church service most weeks and when I've watched him in church he doesn't just sit there - he has his own private thoughts and prayers.’ See https://www.premierchristianradio.com/News/UK/Royal-photographer-pays-tribute-to-good-Christian-man-Prince-Philip.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:36

Last week we prayed for religious freedom to be protected and upheld in the UK when Victoria Wasteney took her legal case to an Employment Appeal Tribunal. (see: http://www.prayer-alert.net/british-isles-ireland-pa-site/item/9618-christian-nhs-worker-s-legal-battle )  This appeal was refused and she is now taking her case to the European Courts. Victoria's career has been damaged simply for reaching out to a Muslim colleague with whom she had a friendly, positive relationship, and who at the time seemed grateful for her Christian support. The ensuing court cases have not displayed justice. It evidences the increasing hostility towards Christians and Christianity in the UK.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:35

It is now time to pray for the many ‘transition arrangements’ that are currently being talked about by government ministers ahead of the UK’s transition from EU control to British sovereignty. Financiers, bankers and investors believe transition arrangements will become the battleground of Brexit, and could become as controversial as the subject of membership itself. Different aspects of the UK’s departure from the EU will progress at different speeds. Some negotiations will take months to complete, some may take years. The Department for Exiting the EU estimates that 57 policy areas are affected by Brexit, producing potentially 57 Brexit varieties. Pray for God to establish strong, clear, negotiations for the break from EU control in each of the legislations and policies for agriculture, fisheries, customs, repatriation, immigration and justice. All very comprehensive with many dimensions, may God be in the new details and implementation at every step towards completion on 31 March 2019. (Linda Digby Prayer-Alert Team)

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:34

Festivals are often ‘mountaintop experiences’ where we feel the presence of God and hear his voice as Jesus did at the Transfiguration. Each summer we gather thousands of young people, seeing many encounter God in life-changing ways. The vital thing they – and we – must hear is that they are beloved children of God with whom he is well pleased.Mike Pilavachi, Soul Survivor.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:32

God is advancing His Kingdom in Turkey, despite last year’s attempted coup and the president’s cruel retribution on his people. Christian media are reporting more and more Turks having vivid dreams of Jesus. Christian prayer groups are springing up, people watch Christ preached on the Internet and respond. New Christians are evangelising openly to friends on the Internet. May God give protection, wisdom and boldness to the new converts living in dangerous areas.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:31

Some of the most powerful Americans are gathering weekly to learn from God's Word. The Trump Cabinet Bible Study is making history. They've been called the most evangelical cabinet since Jimmy Carter - men and women who don't mince words when declaring where they stand on God and the Bible. Also on 11 July evangelical leaders spontaneously prayed with President Trump in the Oval Office during a day-long ‘listening session’ with the Office of Public Liaison. A former Liberty University vice-president posted pictures of the prayer time on social media saying, ‘It shows a substantive relationship between the evangelical community and this administration,’ See: http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2017/july/faith-leaders-enjoy-open-door-at-white-house.

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:27

Palestinian women are scoring a sweet victory against gender discrimination in the West Bank by breaking with tradition and working alongside men at the largest pastry factory in Nablus. They are ignoring prejudices and competing with men for jobs that traditionally belonged to men. However the women only earn half of the amount of the men, even though they have proved to be more competent than the men. Now the factory, supported by women’s rights organisations, plan to provide pastry courses for other women who want to work.

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:43

Friends, here is an update from Bernd Oettinghaus, the coordinator of the prayer effort in Hamburg and Berthold Becker of Kainos Ministries on what has been happening there during the recent G20:

Thanks for all who responded to our spontaneous prayer initiative joining in with the many initiatives mobilizing prayer around the globe.

The G20 finished peacefully and in a positive spirit which is an answer to prayer. Also on Saturday around 75,000 people were able to demonstrate peacefully and present their issues.

Saturday night there were riots again but much less than expected. This was certainly an answer to prayer. The force of the riots was extreme, much damage and around 470 police injured. However, the Lord hindered more evil.

The government leaders promised unbureaucratic help and compensation for all damage done over this weekend. On Sunday thousands of people of all ages spontaneously followed a grass roots initiative to clean up the streets. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=hamburg+clean+up+after+g20+youtube&view=detail&mid=169FB132E4C493CFFC7F169FB132E4C493CFFC7F&FORM=VIRE

It was great to be in a net of international intercession. The results of the Summit are less bad as expected. The heads of the 20 nations keep talking instead of walking alone or against each other. But we have to continue in prayer for the world leadership.

In my nation we are cleansing the political arena and weeping out a hidden sympathy for the extrem left wing and asking questions about the strategy of the police, why they let the anarchy situation on Friday night grow for 3-4 hours.

One other result is: The radical left-wing movement and their open-ness for violence is no longer accepted, which helps to stand against it, but on the other side as the danger in it to move in the underground scene.

We will have a prayer conference from 1st to 3rd September 2017 in Berlin where we want to target the leftwing spirit from the 68revolution including the philosophical movement of Adorno and Horxheimer  „Frankfurter Schule“, the terroristic movement of the „Red Army Fraction“ from the 90th. The beginning of this movement is over now for 50 years, and we want to deal with all this socialist movements, kommunist and maoisem/leninism in our nation and in Europe. We also invite Chinese prayer leaders to help in this issue. www.waechterruf.de

We take those days of the G20 as a God given insight in the chaotic powers behind this still alive movement in Europe/the world. We do not want a new wave of radical violent movements in Germany and Europe. Not on the right wing and also not on the left wing.

We do not want a police, which is not under the political control of democratic forces, even no unique individuals or groups among the police fighting their own battles.

We want to learn as the Body of Christ in my nation, to stand together in Prayer alongside the political leaders and the police forces. On 24th September 2017 we will have a national vote.

Blessings and thanks to all prayer warriors

Bernd Oettinghaus /  Berthold Becker  
www.waechterruf.de / www.kainos.de

Wednesday, 02 August 2017 06:39

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2017 is a very special year on God´s calendar, especially for Israel:

  • 120 years from the First Zionist World Congress
  • 100 years from the Balfour Declaration
  • 70 years from the UN Resolution 181
  • 50 years from the Six-Day war and unification of Jerusalem

Many messianic leaders in Israel have been convicted by the Holy Spirit that this is the year to worship and welcome Messiah, the King of Glory to Jerusalem at a special gathering on 9-13 October in Jerusalem together with brothers and sisters in Christ from all continents and nations.

It is the first time that the Messianic Body of Christ extends an invitation like this to the church from the nations. We believe this is of prophetic significance and therefore encourage all brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ and their friends to join us in Jerusalem this October.

For more details please see the invitation letter of Messianic leaders that follows, and please visit the www.wtkog.com website.

Looking forward to seeing you in Jerusalem October 9-13, and please also distribute this invitation within your churches and networks.

In Christ

Ioan Peia (Romania)
Berthold Becker (Germany)

October 9-13, 2017 - Ramat Rachel Resort, Jerusalem, Israel
The holy Convocation in Jerusalem to welcome the King of Glory!

Dear Family of God from the Nations!

Shalom from Jerusalem, the City of the Great King!

Two thousand years ago our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua, commanded his disciples to take the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20). Six hundred years before this, the prophet Isaiah saw that the glory of God would reach even to the islands from the rising of the sun (east), and also to the “ends of the earth” (Isaiah 24:15, 41:5, 42:10).

In our generation, these prophecies of the Great Commission are being fulfilled. The Gospel has reached to the distant islands of the Pacific, exactly on the other side of globe from Jerusalem. And now, peoples from every tribe, tongue and nation, are desiring to bring the Good News and the Glory back to Jerusalem - all in preparation for His glorious return!

We are a group of Israeli, Messianic leaders who have come together to “Welcome the King of Glory.” King David was the first to welcome the King of Glory when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. He did this both as an individual worshiper, but also on behalf of his people, Israel.

For many reasons, we believe that this year of 2017 is prophetically significant. Together with a remnant of believers from many tribes, tongues and nations, we desire to welcome the King of Glory into Jerusalem once more. We believe we are on the cusp of a new season of His glory residing in His Body worldwide - according to Isaiah 60. We also believe that this will mark a new season of God’s presence among His people in Israel, and the beginning of a season of the fulfilment of many End Times’ events. (We are not necessarily declaring this season as the time of His Second Coming!)

We want to invite you, your family, your tribes and nations, to come up to Jerusalem for this special gathering during Sukkot 2017.

More info and to register: www.wtkog.com