Displaying items by tag: abortion

Tuesday, 03 October 2017 05:32

Defending Unborn Babies - ACLJ Appeal

100 babies will be murdered in the time it takes us to read this article.

We're just hours from a major U.N. deadline to defend unborn babies.

It's estimated that now more than 28 million defenseless babies have been needlessly slaughtered worldwide by abortion - over a million by Planned Parenthood alone.

It's horrendous. It's sickening. If we don't act, more babies will die.

Even worse, the U.N. is poised to rewrite the international legal definition of the "right to life" to become the right to abortion.

For decades we've been defending life worldwide. We're aggressively engaged in two major pro-life cases at the U.S. Supreme Court - one could save lives; the other could devastate Big Abortion.

Today, we have a critical opportunity to defend babies globally. In just moments, we are making an urgent oral intervention at the U.N. defending the defenseless. And in just weeks, we're making a massive U.N. legal filing…

Following the horrific violations of human rights that occurred during World War II, much of the world recognized the importance of establishing laws to protect the inherent right to life of all persons. As such, Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states, “Every human being has the inherent the right to life. This right shall be protected by law.” Yet the U.N. Human Rights Committee is rewriting the definition of the “right to life” to mean the right to an abortion: the right to kill innocent children.

The ICCPR is a treaty that was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1966 and went into force in 1976. The ICCPR is part of the International Bill of Human Rights and enumerates the right to life, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. It has been ratified by 169 States.

The U.N. Human Rights Committee is attempting revise its General Comment on Article 6 to now include support for abortions and even assisted suicide. The draft forbids States from introducing “burdensome requirements on women seeking to undergo abortion,” and provides that States “must provide safe access to abortion.”

Babies are being slaughtered worldwide at a horrific pace, and it is estimated that 27 million babies have been aborted across the world already this year. This revision by the U.N. Humans Rights Committee will only further advance the slaughter of innocent babies across the world.

It is not only the unborn that are at risk, but also the elderly and sick. In the draft, they also include protections for assisted suicide: “State parties [may allow] [should not prevent] medical professionals to provide medical treatment of the medical means in order to facilitate the termination of life of [catastrophically] afflicted adults, such as the mortally wounded or terminally ill, who experience severe physical or mental pain and suffering and wish to die with dignity.”

This is just the latest move in the attack against the sanctity of life. Recently, we have witnessed Iceland embrace the practice of eugenics in order to “cure” Down Syndrome through abortion. In England, doctors decided to take Baby Charlie off of life support and leave him to die even when there were other options.

Every life is precious. Every baby deserves to live. Now we have an opportunity – and a responsibility – to act.

The ACLJ, along with our international affiliates, have been asked to submit critical legal filings at the U.N. to defend the lives of unborn babies. This is the most critical U.N. filing for life we’ve ever made.

American Center for Law and Justice website www.aclj.org

Jay Sekulow - ACLJ Chief Counsel

Pray for the ACLJ and other pro-life organizations to be effective and united in theiradvocacy with those in political power to overturn rampant abortion around the world. These are God’s beloved kids that the “liar and murderer from the beginning” wants to destroy so they do not fulfil their God-given destiny.

Friday, 23 June 2017 11:48

Doctors and abortion

Doctors in the British Medical Association (BMA) will vote on decriminalisation of abortion at its annual conference (24 to 29 June). The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) are campaigning hard for a change in the law, and senior figures in the BMA are reported to favour this. However, there is concern that pro-life arguments have not been fairly represented in the lead-up to the vote. Delegates have been given a ‘neutral’ 52-page discussion paper, written by several pro-abortion doctors, which neglects to mention the increasing survival rate of premature babies. The latest official figures show that 190,406 women had abortions in 2016: alarmingly, these included more than 1,500 girls under the age of consent. Also, more babies with Down’s syndrome were aborted than in 2015 (such abortions have increased by 46 per cent since 2010). This debate comes as research shows that many are uneasy about the current law and favour reducing the period during which abortion is legal. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 02 June 2017 00:09

Attitudes to abortion

Figures about public attitudes to abortion, particularly women’s attitudes, suggest a lot of unease with the current abortion law. Some suggest that this unease is to do with advances in prenatal screening. It is hard to compare a six-month cut-off limit for abortions with ubiquitous images of foetuses at twelve weeks looking embarrassingly, palpably, human. They may not be capable of surviving outside the womb - but they’re human all right. On the most important issue, the period during which abortion is legal, a large majority of women (7 out of 10) are in favour of reducing the time-limit, with nearly six in ten in favour of a limit of 16 weeks or fewer. There is also a large majority wanting parents to be informed when their underage daughter has an abortion, and a very large majority in favour of a ban on sex-selective abortions.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 26 May 2017 12:13

Italy: thousands march for life

Last Monday In Rome, thousands of Italians marched against abortion and euthanasia at their annual March for Life. Participants included Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan, and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the USA. The march is ‘taking on a life of its own,’ said a commentator. There were various groups of priests, Franciscan friars, youth groups, families, a group of bagpipers from Tradition, Family, Property, the Italian branch of Rachel's Vineyard, and many other Christian organisations. The march ended with a rally at which abortion survivor Gianna Jessen urged pro-lifers to be ‘unashamed of Jesus’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 24 March 2017 09:04

Pro-life campaign v abortion bill

Across the UK the Christian pro-life campaign, 40 Days for Life, is gaining momentum showing communities the consequences of abortion. Meanwhile Parliament is calling for the decriminalisation of abortion, without specifying any restrictions - allowing abortion up to birth, on demand, for any reason, without two doctors’ signatures. This bill should have its second reading on Friday, but the recent terrorist event, and parliamentary overload, may change this. Recently Prayer Alert readers were invited to pray about this Bill when it entered as a 10-minute rule abortion bill at its first hearing. Tragically it slipped through because it was timed to happen after the Brexit vote, when many MPs had left the house. If this bill goes through it could be passed into law. Few Bills introduced via the 10-minute rule become law, (Abortion Act 1967 was an exception). If enough people email their MPs and Theresa May (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) objecting to this bill, it will not progress beyond its second reading.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 March 2017 11:21

Proposal to remove restrictions on abortion

A bill on abortion rules will be brought before Parliament on Monday under the ten-minute rule. This bill calls for the decriminalisation of abortion, without specifying any restrictions - allowing abortion up to birth, on demand, for any reason. Conservative MP Maria Caulfied commented, ‘We are surprised and deeply concerned that such a radical proposal is being brought forward. Already within our current legal framework we have seen doctors pre-signing forms, gender-selective abortions being offered, live babies being left to die following abortions that have gone wrong and children with minor disabilities, such as cleft palates, aborted.’ Also please pray for Roger Kiska, who in a historic case on Tuesday will present oral arguments before the EU Court of Justice on behalf of the 1.9 million Europeans who signed the initiative to protect the unborn child.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 February 2017 08:27

Australia and USA: abortion issues

Queenslanders will be looking to their parliament to reject a radical abortion bill after it failed to garner the support of a parliamentary committee charged with investigating its merits, according to Australian Christian Lobby Queensland director Wendy Francis. She called on both major parties to stick by their election commitment not to change current abortion laws, in the face of growing community opposition to the proposed bill. Pray for this law to be rejected by all Parliamentarians. Meanwhile, recently in Washington tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists 'marched for life', spurred on by Donald Trump who has vowed to end taxpayer-funded abortion. Pray for babies to be protected when they are most vulnerable, in the womb, and for governments to give dignity and value to unborn children. A huge part of the pro-life movement puts these values into action See:

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