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Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:47

A briefing on the forthcoming Latin American elections by Yanira Gonzalez - IPC's Regional Representative and Leadership Team member

We really need God’s intervention in the next presidential elections in Latin America. We are facing the DECEPTION of the enemy that makes us pray for our nations not according to God’s perfect will, but according to the manipulation of the media, our bias and agendas.

Please pray for gubernatorial elections that will affect 3 strategic countries:

  • Argentina general election - 27 October 2019
  • Bolivia general election - 20 October 2019
  • Uruguaya general election - 27 October 2019

Like the rest of the Continent, Latin America 2019 presidential elections presents two visions: Conservatism or progressivism & socialism; biblical faithfulness or political correctness. We definitely need to 'Watch and pray'!

The Bible, in Timothy 2:2 commands us "to pray for those who govern and for all authorities." An act of reflection and responsibility. This role has changed in the last 20 years in Latin America, where Christians have formed and strengthened political movements capable of obtaining legislative seats, influencing presidential elections and transferring the debate from ideas to beliefs.  Four of the last election campaigns in the region have been under the influence of Christian parties. The candidates supported by these parties won the first round in Brazil (Jair Bolsonaro), Colombia (Iván Duque) and Mexico (Andrés Manuel López Obrador).

Prayer points in regards to the presidential elections of these 3 countries & Latin America:

  1. That our nations in Latin America would turn back to God. May God help us. We need him desperately to renew our hope and restore our land. We need his forgiveness and healing. May His Spirit sweep across our nations and draw many out of darkness. May believers everywhere draw close to Him and seek his face like never before. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” Ps. 33:12
  2. That Latin America would be faithful in praying for leaders and those in authority, knowing that their decisions directly affect us too. May God give them wisdom and courage as they lead our nations. May He give them a desire to listen for his voice and follow his ways. May God in His mercy, appoint principled, godly men and women into positions of authority in our nations. “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Prov. 29:2
  3. That Latin America would recognize God’s Sovereignty over all. His word reminds us that He is the One who ultimately has the power to position all those in leadership, and to remove them. It is “God who changes the times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Dan. 2:21 “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” Ps. 33:11
  4. That Latin America would recognize the real battle is not fought against what is seen, but what is unseen. The real enemy is not a person or political party, but is Satan himself, and his dark forces that oppose God and fight against Truth. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph. 6:12 “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 2 Cor. 10:4
  5. That Latin America would not succumb to worry, fear, or defeat. That we wouldn’t grow so weary that we just give up, and tune out...God is the One who sets free and has the power to restore our nations.

    "They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord."  Ps. 112:7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
  1. That Latin America would pray for those in authority who are unjustly attacked and accused. That God’s protection would cover His people, that He would surround them with favor as a shield. “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn…” Is. 54:17
  2. That Latin America’s hope would remain in the Lord. That we would recognize His great Power. That we would trust Him and believe that He is Able, and nothing is impossible with Him. “Look at the nations and watch-- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Hab. 1:5

Yanira Gonzalez - IPC Latin America Representative / Leadership Team

More at:

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:47

Many people are looking for articles to learn more about what God seems to be doing in our generation through what we call "Church Planting Movements."

This book is very much that - a 'best of' compilation written by some of the leaders of these amazing works of God, who have been led to partner together in the 24:14 coalition.

It contains inspiring testimonies about how these movements are breaking out around the world.

24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples is available now on Amazon (for Kindle and paperback), as well as on a number of other platforms such as Apple Books (free) and Barnes & Noble (free).

Our goal is to make it as widely available as possible. On Amazon, the eBook is priced at the minimum allowable price of $0.99, and on many other platforms it is free.

We long to see the gospel proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all people groups in our lifetime. We hope you will catch that vision as you read and join us in praying and serving to start kingdom movements in every unreached people and place.

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:46

This is a second edition of this widely read and highly acclaimed book written by the respected father of the worldwide Prayer Movement - Brian Mills.

Have you ever wondered just why the darkness in the world today seems to be getting darker, and what can be done about it?

This book sheds fresh light on this topic, and on the spiritual nature of this darkness. It shines the light of Scripture on the evil one and on the way in which so many have become bewitched. This is a clarion call to the church and individual Christians to get ready to do battle with the powers of darkness, and to shine Christ's light more powerfully.

Brian Mills writes out of many years of experience in international prayer ministry. He is a senior advisor in the International Prayer Council and is one of the leaders in the International Reconciliation movement. He has ministered in over 75 nations and authored nine books to date. He is also part of a global group that is seeking to understand more about the dark spiritual powers at work in the world.

Excerpts from some recent reviews:

"The most informative book for our times I’ve read for a long time." (John D Robb - Chairman, IPC Prayer)

'Thought provoking insights into the spiritual aspects of today's world and reminder of our role to pray. Well worth a read.' JRB - Amazon

'An easily read and timely call to vigilance and to personal holiness. Much needed. We've bought a number of copies for passing on to friends.' RC - Amazon

'Strategic book for understanding tactics of the enemy! I have now read this twice it is so appropriate for preparation for mission, for church leaders and intercessors!' Anon - Amazon

This version includes some minor revisions, lay-out changes and is increased to 150 pages.

Order ‘Window on the Darkness’ by Brian Mills in print or Kindle formats from:

Amazon USA $11.36 Paperback | $3.74 Kindle

Amazon UK  £8.99 Paperback | £2.99 Kindle

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:45


OCT 20 - NOV 03, 2019

Our 3rd annual Hindu World Prayer Focus calls Christians to spend 15 days learning about and praying for our world’s 1+ billion Hindu neighbors.

These 15 days also coincide with the important Hindu Festival of Light.

The informative 32-page prayer guide booklets will help you know how to pray for the people within this major and very diverse world religion.

The Hindu World Prayer Guide (third annual edition) is now shipping.

Go to www.15daysprayer.comfor information.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019 07:17


WSC Spanish October 2019 Calendar

Thursday, 19 September 2019 10:59


WSC English Sept 2019 Calendar


WsC spanish September 2019 calendar


WSC Finnish September 2019 calendar

Friday, 30 August 2019 11:26

The Queen will suspend Parliament in September and open a new parliamentary session on 14 October, when Boris Johnson will set out his agenda. This prorogation leaves less time for MPs to pass any new Brexit laws; the Speaker, John Bercow, called the move an outrage. There are many conflicting opinions about this move. We can pray and declare that the voices carrying godly wisdom will be heard above every other voice. May the public recognise in the melee of opinions what is true and just, discerning when a decision made on behalf of the nation is upright, wise and based on facts (see Proverbs 8:7-9). Father, may the United Kingdom be a crown of splendour in Your hand, no longer isolated from Your purposes, but united with Your Kingdom plans directing all You have called, gifted and prepared for such a time as this.

Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:37

“Our Father in Heaven, your Kingdom Come…” -Matt 6:10

This second petition of the Lord’s prayer began to explode in me in our recent gathering in Hong Kong, July 22-27th. Several thousand Chinese came to pray in unity together as family from Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, and mainland China.

We joined with these precious saints to seek First God’s kingdom in the midst of a swirl of political chaos, turmoil, and increasing violence. Many protests have been launched against the Chinese government asking for democracy, religious freedom, and autonomy in the city.  Several times during our gatherings, we cried out, “Father Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” with a great sense of urgency. To pray this second petition of the Lord’s prayer is one of the most radical things we can pray as human beings. It turns out that in this petition we are asking God to bring about the most massive revolution imaginable. 

In using the term Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven the Hebrew writers were not just thinking of a place over which God would rule, but rather it was a way of expressing, “God is acting as King.” The Hebrew prophets longed for the day when God would impose his kingly rule over all of creation, ushered in by God’s Messiah, ‘the anointed one.’  On the final day, the ‘Day of the Lord,’ God would judge human wickedness, and wipe away all evil, forever reversing the effects of the fall of man! He would vindicate those who trusted in him and fill them with his Holy Spirit, bringing about the restoration of all things according to God’s original design! 

Jesus asks to pray this way “Your Kingdom Come.”  We are given the amazing privilege of inviting God’s glorious future, heaven invading and occupying earth! Not only is God’s kingdom coming, but Jesus declared in Mark 1:15, “the time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand.” The term at hand literally means, ‘come near.’ Jesus means that the reign of God, God acting as King has come near!

Does Jesus mean it is about to arrive and therefore we should get ready?  Or does Jesus mean it has arrived and we should grab hold of it and enter in?! I believe he means both!  It is here right now -already- and it is yet to come!  Jesus is announcing that in him and because of him the future reign of God has now broken into the present! 

When Jesus healed the sick, cast out devils, raised the dead, calmed the winds and the waves, multiplied bread and fish to feed the hungry, championed the poor and the needy, filled ordinary people in and with the Holy Spirit- that is the Kingdom – the blessing of the future breaking into the present! And yet Jesus also says several times that the Kingdom was still to come, sharing with his disciples several parables to be waiting and watching – ready for his return! Therefore, in Jesus, this glorious, redeeming, restoring ‘reign of God’ is already -not yet!

In another sense it might be compared to ‘veiled’ versus ‘visible.’  The already – not yet is a matter of ‘hidden’ versus ‘manifest.’ The really good news is that in Jesus, the Kingdom is already among us but often in a veiled and hidden form. When the King is present, so is the Kingdom! Indeed, the Kingdom is present only where Jesus Christ is King! Certainly, the King is here- right where you and I are – in our everyday lives, in our homes, at our workplaces, in our hospitals- and yet just behind that thin veil of hiddenness. At any point God could pull back the curtain and we would all fall on our faces and worship!

One of the interesting keys to understanding this prayer is to see how Jesus uses the verbs, ‘hallow, come, be done, give, forgive, deliver.’  Surprisingly the verbs are in the imperative. They are commands not requests. To pray the Lord’s prayer is to command not to request, “Be done - your will, Hallowed – be your name, Come - Your Kingdom” This may seem a bit audacious, but this is how Jesus taught us to pray. These verbs are also in the passive voice, which means only God can hallow his name, bring his kingdom, do his will!

The prayer is not what many believers have thought it to be, ‘let us hallow your name.’ ‘let us bring your kingdom,’ ‘let us do your will.,’ important as those things may be. Rather the prayer is, ‘Father you do it! You hallow your name on earth as it is in heaven. You bring your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. You do your will on earth as it is in heaven!

Professor Stendahl of Harvard university reminds us that the prayer, “asks for the establishment of the kingdom of God, by God for us, not by us for God.” We are asking God to do what only he can do!

So then how ought we to pray, “Your Kingdom Come?” Of course, with each of these simple phrases you can include the who, when, where, of places, circumstance, situations and peoples as the Spirit leads! It might sound something like this:

“Father before the coming Day of the Lord, Revealwhat is invisible, Manifest what is hidden!”

“Father Unveil your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.”

“Father let your Kingdom come in me, so it can come through me!” 

“Father act as King!  Extend your sceptre, reign and rule on earth as you do in heaven! May your Kingdom be established, be expanded, and be embraced!”

“King of Kings manifest your splendor, power and glory on the earth! Break through any darkness King Jesus! Make wrong things right! Heal the sick, bind principalities and powers, raise the dead, free the captives, reconcile enemies, reverse the effects of sin, restore broken humanity, Come and Reign without Rival on the earth!”

And at the end of each of these prayers as you add specific places, situations, peoples as the target of your prayers, you can also add, “So that’ your name might be hallowed! ‘So that’ your name might be honoredand treasured!  ‘So that,’ your name might be treated as infinitely valuable here on earth (in your home, school, church, city, nation, etc.)  as it is in heaven!

Come Thy Kingdom!

Dr. Jason Hubbard – IPC Executive Coordinator

Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:36

‘In honor of our elder brother, Ben’

Ben A. Jennings, Th.B., D.D., our elder brother in Christ and a father to many of us in the international prayer movement has graduated from this life and gone into the presence of his Lord on Saturday, August 3rd. Ben was just short of his 96th birthday, having lived a full and fruitful life of varied ministry as a Youth for Christ minister, a pastor of several churches, and finally as a Campus Crusade for Christ staff person. His obituary states that “Ben's focus at Campus Crusade was on prayer and ministering to people around the world through prayer, conferences, published books, and seminars. His passion was that people would understand God's love, and His power to change people's lives through prayer.” That quote describes Ben’s heart for the Lord, for people, and for ministry so well. We in the IPC appreciated him so much and will never forget his loving, kind, wise and prayerful character.

Ben was the primary instigator who brought together a number of international and American prayer leaders to New York City in early December 2001 just weeks after 9/11. He invited us to discuss and pray about the formation of an international network that would coordinate prayer for global issues like terrorism, wars, HIV AIDS as well as the completion of the Great Commission. That meeting’s deliberation as well as our praying together at Ground Zero resulted in the formation of the International Prayer Council that was launched the following year.

Ben continued to serve on our Board of Reference and to take part in IPC events and initiatives. Even at age 90, Ben travelled all the way to Jakarta, Indonesia to join us for the World Prayer Assembly in 2012. There he was a hit with the youth during a Q and A session, who asked him and other admirable elders any questions that they might have about life in Christ, prayer, or any other topic they were interested in. You can hear Ben’s rich baritone voice share some encouraging tidbits about the power of united prayer during this video from the WPA.

Below is an article that he wrote in 1999 entitled 'God's Wonderful Plan for Prayer'.

John Robb

Chairman, International Prayer Council/Connect

'God's Wonderful Plan for Prayer'

Prayer leaps beyond our finite world. Shaped by God’s very nature, it deals with the Creator, and launches people into the vast arena of God Himself.

Romans 8:26, 27 describes the action: “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray (for) as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which are not spoken. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to (the will of) God. (NKJV, adjusted to reflect original Greek)

02bPrayer can be pictured as a cosmic circle engaging four major participants. At the zenith is God the Father, to whom prayer is rightly directed. Three intercessors engage in the action.

The first intercessor, at a “three o’clock position,” is God, the Holy Spirit, who does not articulate His passionate longings, but uses human intercessors to do it. (See verse 27.)

The second intercessor, at a lowly “six o’clock position,” is the praying Christian who needs to improve in prayer.

The third intercessor, at “nine o’clock,” is Christ Jesus, identified in Revelation 2:18, 23 as the Person in the Godhead who searches human minds and hearts. He prays for prayers He receives from His people.

A dramatic scenario unfolds here: God the Holy Spirit continually receives the Father’s purposes and craves their fulfillment. He expresses these groanings within praying Christians as cares, burdens, and even anxieties.

God, the heart-searching Son, receives those yearnings through His praying disciples. He perfects and empowers them; presents them back to the Father; gets them answered (John 14:13); and thus completes the circuit of God’s action in the world!

Four conclusions stand out in this panorama:

  1. When you pray, you step into the arena of God’s plan for mankind.
  2. Your praying connects the passion of the Spirit with the power of Jesus.
  3. Praying does not change God’s will; it effects His will. (Matthew 6:10)
  4. Praying is God at work through you!

Article is adapted from The Arena of Prayer, Dr. Ben Jennings, © 1999, New Life Publisher, re-published with thanks to Campus Crusade for Christ International

Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:36

Global Outreach Day is a Global Missions Network that calls the Church worldwide to focus on praying and sharing the Gospel with the un-churched in the month of May each year.

This coming year, May 2020 the vision is to mobilise 100 million people in united prayer. 

We are calling this initiative Go2020!

Already, Christians in 250,000 churches across 140 nations are part of this global outreach strategy to pray and witness towards the fulfilment of God's great commission.

Can you imagine with me - God calling 100 million Christians to united prayer for the global harvest?! 

We know that Jesus said that the harvest is ready, but the workers are few. Pray then to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest fields of the nations. (Luke 10:2 ESV Paraphrased)

Would you join us in praying for Go2020?!

Together, we can reach 1 billion people with the Gospel!

For more info and to sign up,

Dr Jason Hubbard - IPC Executive Coordinator