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Super User

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Monday, 02 August 2010 09:32

The state of Arizona has passed harsh anti-illegal immigration laws, including one that requires police to demand a person’s legal papers if there is reason to believe the person is in the United States illegally. The state government hopes that these laws will stem the flow of illegal Mexican immigrants across the Mexico-Arizona border. However, the targeting of ‘illegal aliens’ confronts Christian churches with their own moral dilemma because hostility to ‘sojourners’ runs counter to the teachings of Jesus, as Baptist minister Howard Bess argues in his essay (see link). Christian churches in Arizona of every kind – Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, liberal and conservative – offer services to people in need and seldom ask about immigration status. Typically, the churches provide services with a full knowledge that some recipients are in the US illegally. Thousands of helper/Christian people are thereby aiding and abetting law-breakers which, Bess argues, easily become a part of our Christian responsibility.

Pray: that a humane and Christian resolution will be revealed to Arizona’s policy-makers. (Ps.37:11)


Friday, 04 October 2013 09:28

The US government has shutdown because of the stubbornness of the executive branch, the President and Congress not being able to agree on the budget and the debt level. The GOP (Grand Old Party = Republican) is almost two parties these days - the standard Republicans and tea party Republicans. While not polar opposites, the factions have different approaches to changing government. Both want to cut federal spending, but for the tea party defunding the president's signature health care law and slashing deficit spending are causes worth staking a political career on. On Tuesday the president said it was ‘strange that one party would make keeping people uninsured the centerpiece of their agenda.’ The shutdown could cost the still-struggling U.S. economy about $1 billion a week in pay, a three- to four-week shutdown would cost the economy $55 billion. These things are important on the world scene and to the United States and its role within the world and the stability of the current world order.

Pray:    this high-stakes game of political chicken will not further damage American or Global economy. Pray for God to anoint His leaders with the wisdom and  humility needed at this time. (Mat.5:9)


Thursday, 24 January 2013 19:41

Last Friday the White House called on Iran to release a jailed American pastor facing a trial that could send him to the gallows. Saeed Abedini, a native of Iran and a naturalized American citizen, was expected to enter one of Iran's revolutionary courts Monday to face accusations that he is a threat to national security. His lawyers say he faces a lengthy prison term and even the death penalty at the hands of one of Iran's most notoriously severe judges. Abedini's US supporters say he was in Iran last summer to complete construction of an orphanage when members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard snatched him off a bus, confiscated his passports, and threw him in prison. Since then the pastor has been subjected to solitary confinement and beatings. Some of the evidence against Saeed that is going to be brought against him are actions he took on US soil. Update: The hearing took place. Saeed said his activities in Iran are only humanitarian, no political objectives. Verdict expected next week.

Pray: for Abedini’s family, attorney and the governments concerned to know God’s hand in this situation. (Ps.4:8)



Thursday, 19 September 2013 19:28

Rescue teams responding to the Colorado floods have warned residents to evacuate their homes or face being stranded for weeks without electricity, water or basic supplies. Amid apocalyptic scenes across the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, at least four people have died an d hundreds remain unaccounted for. Some areas have seen more than 15 inches (38.1cm) of rainfall in three days – above the average expected for a whole year – in what a county commissioner has called a “500- to 1,000-year flood”. State authorities say that with more rain forecast for the next two days, further fatalities are all but inevitable. With thousands more people stranded in rural canyon towns, and rescue teams impeded by waters washing away the state’s transport infrastructure, the authorities have issued a stern warning to anyone thinking about trying to stay in their homes and weather the storm.

Pray: for the communities affected by these floods and for those trying to provide help. (Ps.31:2)




Friday, 02 March 2012 08:45

14-year-old Sarah appeared before Maryland’s legislature last month urging lawmakers not to redefine marriage, asking a committee to vote 'no' on gay marriage. After her testimony appeared online she was subjected to attacks, threats of violence and death wishes. Sarah said, ‘I really feel bad for the kids who have two parents of the same gender. Even though some kids think it’s fine they have no idea of the wonderful experiences they miss out on. I don’t want more kids confused about what’s right and okay. I don’t want to grow up in a world where marriage isn’t such a special thing anymore.’ In Britain Conservative MP David Burrowes revealed he had received a death threat because of his support for the traditional definition of marriage. He made the revelation at the launch last week of Coalition for Marriage, a new grassroots campaign group dedicated to preserving the traditional definition of marriage.

Pray: for God to protect and encourage all who take a public stand in the support of traditional Christian values in the USA and elsewhere. (Ps.32:8)



Tuesday, 04 October 2011 16:04

Chuck and Stephanie Fromm have been fined for holding Bible studies in their home in Southern California. According to City officials they are in violation of a municipal code prohibiting ‘religious, fraternal or non-profit’ organisations in residential neighbourhoods without a permit. Without warning they were fined in May, then again in June, for $300 dollars and appeals were denied because they need a ‘Conditional Use Permit.’ Without the permit they face $500 for each additional gathering. A conditional use permit is costly and difficult to obtain as it requires traffic and environmental impact reports and making the home accessible to wheelchairs. The President of the Pacific Justice Institute said, ‘Informal gathering in a home cannot be treated with suspicion by the government just because it is religious. We cannot allow this to happen in America, and we will fight as long and as hard as it takes to restore this group’s religious freedom.’

Pray: for common sense to prevail and for God to use this situation positively for the community. (Ps.11:7)


Monday, 28 November 2011 22:07

Author Peter Schweizer has researched financial and political records of deals and stock trades, done by US politicians including the timing of briefings, votes on bills, and every other point of leverage in Washington to produce a book described as 'a manifesto for revolution'. It reveals how politicians get rich at the expense of ordinary Americans. Insider trading is illegal on Wall Street, but American politicians are exempt from that law and it is routinely practiced among members of Congress. Normal individuals cannot get in on IPOs at the asking price, but politicians can and have been funnelling hundreds of millions of dollars to their supporters, ensuring more campaign donations. An entire class of investors now make all their profits based on influence and access in Washington. Schweizer's research shows top politicians exit office with millions more than credible based on their salaries and perhaps some patient investing.

Pray: that the partnership between congress and Wall Street would be fully explored, with the research honestly investigated and questions answered clearly. (Mt.23:23)



Friday, 02 July 2010 19:16

On 28 June 2010 the Supreme Court issued a majority decision that a California Law School can require a Christian group to open its leadership positions to all students, including those who disagree with the group's statement of faith. This decision affirms the ‘all comers’ policy of Hastings College of the Law (Hastings), which requires all groups to open all positions to all students, regardless of beliefs. The case parallels events in 2007 at Exeter University, England, where the Christian Union (CU) had to resist an attempt by the Students’ Guild to remove a number of its long standing rights and privileges, the Guild claiming that the CU constitution did not conform to its Equal Opportunities standards. Andrea Minichiello Williams, Director of the Christian Legal Centre, commented: ‘It is vital that in a free and democratic society people should be able to organise themselves around core beliefs without interference’.

Pray: that the rights of Christians will be upheld by the courts. (Ps.94:8)


Friday, 17 February 2012 10:23

Chinese officials denied a visa to a top US State Department envoy and refused to meet with her to discuss issues of religious freedom days before this week’s high-profile visit to Washington by China’s vice president. The U. ambassador for international religious freedom (who previously was a New York Police Department chaplain) was scheduled to travel to China on Feb 8th but as the date drew near Chinese leaders refused to grant her meetings with government officials. The disclosure comes one day into the diplomatically sensitive visit by Xi Jinping (China’s presumptive next president) to the United States. During the visit the Obama administration hopes to ease tense in US-China relations.

Pray: for a new positive relationship between USA and China, allowing religious freedom issues to be positively discussed and implemented. (Pr.2:6-8)



Monday, 12 March 2012 09:02

Open Doors USA is working with candidates from both parties seeking the position of President of the United States to craft a religious freedom pledge. The pledge has now been presented to all of the presidential candidates to sign. A candidate’s signature indicates they commit to upholding religious freedom for people of all faiths in America, and prioritizing religious freedom concerns in foreign policy. So far, Rick Santorum is the only presidential candidate who has signed it. Meanwhile, a coalition of Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders are asking candidates not to lose sight of Middle East peace. Their statement reads, ‘While majorities of Israelis and Palestinians continue to long for peace, political problems on both sides inhibit leaders from moving forward. The months leading up to US national elections present a special challenge, we urge candidates not to use any rhetoric that could make prospects for peace more problematic.’ See:

Pray: that the next US President will uphold religious freedom and cultural justice into the national spotlight and preserve these most valued freedoms for future generations. (Ps.45:4)
