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Thursday, 03 January 2013 19:23

Two health workers and five teachers were shot dead in north-west Pakistan on January 1st. They were all Pakistani citizens and were attacked near a school and clinic, specializing in maternal health. Militants targeting a vaccination programme are suspected. In December a series of attacks killed nine health workers employed in a national polio vaccination drive. Pakistani Taliban have long denounced the vaccination drive as Western plots to gather intelligence or to sterilize Muslim children. The killings have prompted the UN children's agency and the World Health Organization to suspend work on polio campaigns in Pakistan. Pakistan is the only country where there is public opposition to immunization programmes and health workers are paying a heavy price for their efforts. Thousands of them hit the streets every couple of months to immunize children across the country and they do it despite a growing risk to their lives.

Pray: the clerics using FM channels to decry health programmes would stop challenging and resisting those trying to help the poor and sick in deprived areas; may polio be eradicated from Pakistan.



Thursday, 31 January 2013 17:02

Younis Masih, a Pakistani Christian, who was sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy – he had asked some Muslims to ‘turn down the music’ of a Muslim religious song - and has been suffering in prison for more than seven years, has had his appeal against the death sentence adjourned until February. Mr Masih, who suffered a serious heart attack on January 8, 2013, was in court on January 23, 2013, and one eye-witness, Mr Sardar Mushtaq Gill, an advocate with the Legal Evangelical Association Development (LEAD) team later told Wilson Chowdhry of the British Christian Pakistani Association, about the intimidation that occurred in the courtroom during the hearing. ‘When the call for arguments was made, there were about 40 Muslims present wearing black turbans and were makings gestures and comments with intent to cause fear and apprehension,’ he said.

Pray: that the appeal against Younis would lead to His freedom and release from any further suffering. (2Tim.1:8)



Friday, 25 May 2012 08:34

Police in Pakistan charged a young Christian man with blasphemy after an argument with Muslims over a billiards game in Punjab Province’s Sheikhupura district. Sajid Inayat, aged 20 was arrested on Friday (May 18th) and charged with desecrating the Quran under the country’s controversial blasphemy laws. Section 295-B makes wilful desecration of the Qur'an or use of an extract in a derogatory manner punishable with life imprisonment. His relatives told Compass by telephone that he had been falsely accused after an argument with some local Muslim boys over a billiards game just two days before the alleged incident. On Friday he met the Muslim boys with whom he had previously squabbled, they accused him of setting alight ‘holy pages’ placed in a box on an electricity pole. He asked them why he would do such a thing. An argument ensued, a mob gathered and he was arrested. There are no witnesses to the charges made against Inayat.

Pray: that the truth would come out, true justice would be done, and an unjust law would be abolished.(Ps.119:86)



Thursday, 11 July 2013 15:45

Pray: against a culture of state sponsored Islam and social and legal repression of Christianity. Pray also that God will protect and sustain Christians. (Ps.140:4-7-8)


Thursday, 26 January 2012 20:13

The case of Asia Bibi, the Pakistan Christian mother-of-five who was sentenced to death for alleged blasphemy, has taken an extraordinary turn. According to a story monitored by the ASSIST News Service, Qari Salam, who accused Bibi of blasphemy charges, which resulted in a jail sentence and possible hanging, is reported to have 'ostensibly' regretted filing a blasphemy charge against the impoverished Christian woman. ‘The source of his guilt is the realization that the case was not based on facts but on hyped religious emotions and personal bias of some village women, including his wife.’ Bibi has been languishing in Sheikhupura jail since a sessions court gave her a death sentence for insulting Prophet Muhammad. Qari, according to some of his close friends, was now thinking of not pursuing the case anymore and expressed his desire to some of his friends, only to find himself in a difficult situation when activists of an Islamic religious organization ‘convinced’ him not to change his mind. (See Prayer Alert 10-2011)

Pray: that the case against Asia Bibi will now be dropped and she will be set free. (Ps.142:7)


Thursday, 27 September 2012 15:31

The Bishop of Peshawar in Pakistan is asking Christians to pray after a church was destroyed. According to Anglican Alliance, thousands of people stormed the compound in Mardan, near Peshawar last week. They burnt down the church and destroyed the homes of two priests and the head teacher of the church school. The attackers also looted newly installed computers from the school before setting it on fire. No one was harmed in the attack but Bishop Humphrey Peters said the damage had been ‘very severe’. ‘We will need to rebuild. We are asking for people around the world to keep us in their prayers,’ he said. ‘The government and faith leaders in Pakistan have a role to play in educating people that they have the right to protest, but to damage property and terrify people in this way is completely wrong. The government and faith leaders should provide the lead in preventing attacks,’ he said.

Pray: that God will come alongside the believers and protect them from those that persecute them. (Ps.119:157)



Thursday, 27 September 2012 15:26

The US State Department has condemned a Pakistani minister's offer of $100,000 (£61,600) for the death of the American maker of an anti-Islam film. It said the step was 'inflammatory and inappropriate’. Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour made the offer after a wave of protests against the film across Pakistan and the wider Muslim world. Sunday saw a fresh round of protests over the film in Pakistan, Nigeria, Greece and Turkey. A State Department official told the BBC: ‘The President and Secretary of tate have both said the video at the core of this is offensive, disgusting, and reprehensible - but that is no justification for violence, and it is important for responsible leaders to stand up and speak out against violence.

Therefore we find Mr Bilour's announcement is inflammatory and inappropriate. We note that the Prime Minister's office has disassociated itself from his comments.’

Pray: against inflammatory offers and remarks such as Mr Bilour’s that they would fall on deaf ears and not lead to more violence. (Ps.7:9)



Monday, 02 August 2010 09:31

The Intercessors Network of Pakistan has arranged a 40 Day Prayer and Fasting Campaign from 1st August to 9th September 2010. The cry of Islamabad and Rawalpindi will be ‘Heal the Land’. Hundreds of believers from 70+ churches will be participating daily to pray for the healing of the land. Eleven churches from other cities will also be participating. The ‘National Day of Prayer’ will also be celebrated on 14th August. Prayer needs: Unity among Christians/church leaders and denominations: Abolition/repeal of the blasphemy laws: Christian brothers and sister in prison facing trails falsely accused under this law: Safety and security of Christians living under threat of being persecuted under this law. For sustainability of 24/7 and other prayer watches that are going on and that the Pakistani church will understand the power of corperate prayers and move into a culture of prayer.

Pray:  for a spiritual awakening of the Church on a national level so that the Gospel can spread across the country. (1Thes.5:10,11,17)


Thursday, 16 May 2013 17:27

Elections were completed last weekend. Although there were demonstrations and terrorist attacks (sadly over 130 lost their lives) those elected are relatively clearly defined and the country can move forward. Pakistan is on the brink of economic collapse and its citizens have suffered horribly from a recent spike in terrorism. Please pray for the new government to successfully employ wise tactics for both these desperate situations. There are tensions with neighboring Afghanistan and India, along with the frustrating and unpopular counter-terror partnership with the United States. Please pray for wisdom for Nawaz Sharif, that he may turn his country in the right direction. In the past Sharif displayed more interest in consolidating his political power than governing effectively. If his third time in office is to be different, he will need to focus on the economy, domestic order and foreign relations.

Pray: also for the openness of new leadership to hear the voices of the religious minorities and allow them to live in peace.( Pr.4:6)



Sunday, 10 February 2013 15:26

This year an election will be held in Pakistan to elect a new president. Already there is much discussion about how to make the election fair and honest amid charges of potential fraud. Potential candidates are positioning themselves to run for nomination. We are asked to start praying now for the preparations for the elections to result in a free and fair event that the people will see as legitimate. Pray also for the candidates to be persons of honour and righteousness, able to govern effectively and for the region to move further towards freedom and justice. Taliban and al-Qaida affiliated groups with safe heavens in the north-west of Pakistan (see item 1 below) are very active in operating terrorist activities against the present ruling Awami National Party. The upcoming election process may turn into a battle ground and law enforcement authorities may find the situation very difficult to control. See also and For INSIGHTS into how to pray into terrorism rooted in Afghanistan and Pakistan click the 'Info' button.

Pray: for God to rule and reign throughout the region as it attempts to go through a transition towards peace and stability. (Pr.8:15)
