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Saturday, 09 March 2013 15:07

A Cairo court has ruled the government must destroy all tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, a route for smuggled weapons and a lifeline for Palestinians. Egypt's ruling Muslim Brotherhood has close ties with the Hamas movement that runs Gaza. Many Egyptians fear the enclave is a security risk for Egypt. The national security adviser said Egypt will not tolerate the two-way flow of smuggled arms through the tunnels that is destabilising its Sinai peninsula. Also this week for the first time since the dawn of Catholic and Protestant missions in the 17th and 18th centuries Egypt’s Christians formally stand united as the heads of the five largest denominations - Coptic Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox, and Anglican - created Egypt's first Council of Churches. In recent decades, tension has dominated ecumenical relations with theological disputes, and accusations against minority denominations as sheep stealers. See:

Pray: for the light of Christ to shine on and be in every decision made by Egypt’s leaders at this time of transition. (1Tim.2:2)


Thursday, 12 July 2012 19:24

Egypt's Islamist-led parliament reconvened Tuesday - challenging the generals who dissolved it last month. The Supreme Court ruled the newly elected, Islamist president illegally summoned the assembly, heightening a confrontation between the head of state and an establishment that had served Hosni Mubarak. Muslim Brotherhood officials questioned the court's right to rule against the president's decree and vowed to fight on. Egypt's troubled transition to democracy is increasingly being fought in the courts, but that masks a much deeper conflict with an establishment rooted in six decades of military rule. In a war of attrition that may play out over years, Islamists are seeking to push generals out of politics and reform a wider establishment still filled with Mubarak-era officials. More battles lie ahead, such as a debate over the writing of a new constitution.

Pray: for any legal struggles around the constitution and the law to be peaceful and result in an open and fair society for all Egypt’s citizens. (Ps.19:7)



Thursday, 28 June 2012 15:06

Many Coptic Christians in Egypt have reacted gloomily to Mohamed Morsi’s election, fearing they could suffer with an Islamist in power. Representing over 10 percent of the population, the Christian community already complains of discrimination and has been the target of many violent attacks. However, one senior Christian told Euronews of his satisfaction at the democratic process, after decades of military leaders. ‘Thanks to the people’s will, it is really the first time that Egypt has chosen a civilian president in 60 years,’ said Coptic Archbishop Salib Matta Sawiris, explaining that since the July 23 Revolution in the 1950s, all of the country’s presidents have come from the military. In the election run-off, Christians overwhelmingly backed Morsi’s rival, former general Ahmed Shafik. While some in the Christian community might now fear for their freedom and safety, others seem willing to give the new president a chance.

Pray: for the new regime in Egypt that it will learn to work together in peace fully with the military. (Ps.133:1)


Friday, 25 May 2012 08:39

Coptic Christians are 11-15% of Egypt’s population and the largest Christian community in the Middle East. The Zabbaleen, known in Arabic as ‘the garbage collectors,’ are the largest single concentration of Egyptian Coptics (70,000). For eight generations they have been Cairo’s unofficial trash collectors, living in harsh conditions harvesting garbage from streets and businesses and transporting it to their communities in the hills where it is sorted and sold. Father Samaan Ibrahim presides over the Zabbaleen’s ‘garbage city. His church has supported many of the social services vital to the Zabbaleen people since the 1970’s. Like many in Egypt Samaan is uneasy about the future. Sectarian attacks have increased over the past year and conditions in the community have not improved since the fall of Hosni Mubarak’s government. ‘We are awaiting the new constitution that we might expect something good for us in it, especially the article concerning building churches in Egypt,’ he says. The building or repair of churches is outlawed.

Pray: for those who are and may become leaders in Egypt to represent the values of a society which God can bless; and for positive reforms for Christians.(1Tim. 2:1-2)

More: Article


Thursday, 11 October 2012 13:24

In the wake of the high-profile case of Rimsha Masih, a 14-year-old Pakistani Christian girl arrested for allegedly blaspheming the Qur'an, two Coptic Christian boys face similar accusations in Egypt this week. Nabil Nagy Rizk, 10, and Mina Nady Farag, 9, were arrested Wednesday for insulting Islam, but the attorney general ordered both boys to be released the next day ‘due to their young age.’ Both families agreed to return to court for questioning, but the boys

previously had been placed in a juvenile detention centre to await their hearing on Sunday. The village imam accused the children of tearing up pages of the Qur'an. Other reports say the boys also urinated on the pages, but the police chief said no one witnessed this incident. According to Ahram Online, Nabil's father Nagy Rizk says the boys are illiterate and did not know the content of the papers which they found in a bag near a pile of street trash.

Pray: for the protection of vulnerable young people from apparent false accusations. (Ex.20:16)



Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:38

Iran’s opposition leader hopes Egypt’s protests bring the change that has so far evaded Iran as he compared the uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen with Iran’s riots after 2009’s presidential election. However Iranian hard line rulers are comparing 2011 to the 1979 Islamic Revolution that replaced the Shah with clerics. In the climate of change across the region there are potential openings for democracy and Christian values to replace autocratic governments. There is also a great danger that radical Islamic groups could seize opportunities in the unrest spreading across the Middle East, and establish regimes comparable to Gaza or Iran. On Thursday Yemeni protestors with similar grievances will have street protests in a ‘Day of rage’. Christians can pray that after the dust of all this shaking settles the church will emerge strengthened and experiencing new freedom to express Christ’s love, and for a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit in areas where Christianity existed before Islam.

Pray: that the power of radical Islam is shaken and dark agendas exposed, so that nations may experience light and freedom. (Ro.4:16)


Sunday, 24 February 2013 15:30

Christians and rights activists expressed frustration over spreading anti-Christian violence in Egypt after another Church was destroyed by Muslims in an attack that slightly injured several believers. Hundreds threw stones then set fire to 20 year old St. Georgas Coptic Church which ministered to 200 families. Local Muslims claimed the church was ‘illegal’ and needed demolishing because of its close location to a largely Muslim neighbourhood. Recently ‘reconciliation’ meetings were arranged over similar persecution attacks. These are traditional forms of conflict resolution arranged by authorities to ease tensions between Muslims and Christians. An independent advocacy group said ‘The rights of Christians, which are now practically nonexistent in Egypt, are all but taken from them at compulsory reconciliation meetings. By their very nature meetings are used to excuse those responsible for attacks and shift blame onto victims, contributing to Egypt’s climate of impunity and encouraging further assaults.’

Pray: Egyptian officials would fairly and honestly investigate attacks on Christians and Church buildings. (Mt.16:18)




Friday, 07 October 2011 13:14

In mid-September Middle East Concern requested prayer for a situation concerning the renovation of a church building in Aswan province. Regretfully on 30th September, the church was destroyed by an estimated mob of 1,000 local Muslims who also damaged other property belonging to Christians. The security and fire services failed to intervene. The church was being renovated with all necessary building permits in place. In August there were confrontations between local Muslim and Christian residents. Church leaders agreed to forgo the construction of a spire and external cross in order to maintain communal harmony. But further threats demanded the domes be removed from the roof structure. Further meetings failed to agree a way forward.

Pray: for the situation to be defused and for Christians to know the presence and peace of Jesus. (Ps.3:3)


Thursday, 11 August 2011 15:56

Protesters are once again in Egypt’s streets calling for change fearing the revolution that toppled President Mubarak is in danger of being taken over by Islamists. ‘It's good news to go to the streets again to protect the revolution. The Muslim Brotherhood and the military council have hijacked the revolution,’ said Magdy Khalil, spokesman for Coptic Solidarity. Khalil and other Egyptians believe the ruling military council has made a political deal with radicals, moving Egypt toward an Islamic state no different than Mubarak's corrupt regime. ‘They are looking to protect their positions, so who can accept this position? The Muslim Brotherhood, plan to control the whole of Egypt,’ Khalil explained. He says the Brotherhood is ignoring high level corruption in exchange for power and control. Egypt's parliamentary elections will be in November but some believe more time is needed to overcome the political advantage of the better organized Muslim Brotherhood.

Pray: for God to raise up and give His wisdom to an impartial and democratic political movement that moves Egypt into her inheritance in the Lord. (Jer.29:11)


Monday, 28 November 2011 21:52

Egyptian Coptic Christians living in the United States sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton imploring her to take more action against the ‘crime against humanity’ facing the Christian population in Egypt from the Muslim Brotherhood.’ Monir Dawoud, head of the American Coptic Association said, ‘The radical Muslim Brotherhood was attempting to annihilate Christians and other religious minorities in the country.’ Dawoud called for a guarantee of rights for all minorities to be included in the new constitution after Egypt's new government is elected in less than three weeks, and that aid to Egypt be conditional on the country's justice toward Christians and minorities. The letter states, ‘The Muslim Brotherhood is waging what it calls 'civilization jihad' against the United States and other freedom-loving countries in order to secure their submission to the Islamic totalitarian political-military-legal doctrine called Sharia.’ Repeated calls to stem the popularity of the Muslim Brotherhood have been heard in Congress.

Pray: Egypt’s government would choose to take a balanced attitude towards Christian minorities allowing them to openly follow Jesus Christ. (Ps.85:12-13)
