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Friday, 08 October 2010 15:48

Religion is largely irrelevant to most young people who rely instead on a ‘secular trinity’ of themselves, their family and their friends to give meaning to their lives, a new book claims. The study published by the Church of England concludes that people born after 1982 - known as ‘Generation Y’ - have only a ‘faded cultural memory’ of Christianity. For many young people, religious observance extends no further than praying in their bedrooms during moments of crisis, on a ‘need to believe basis’. Fewer than one in five young people believe in a God ‘who created the world and hears my prayers’, and teenagers were more likely to believe in the ‘nicer’ parts of religious doctrine than those about the devil and punishment. ‘It is undoubtedly the case that the Christian memory is very faint and in many respects Generation Y is a largely unstoried and memoryless generation,’ the study said.

Pray: for outreach to young people to give them the true Gospel message. (Ro.1:17)


Thursday, 22 August 2013 19:18

Nick Hurd, the Minister for Civil Society, believes young people are not getting jobs because they lack the confidence, self control and ‘grit’ needed in the workplace. His comments come as the number of 16-24-year-olds not working has risen to more than one million also revealing, almost half have never worked at all. Mr Hurd, son of former Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd, said a number of young people are out of work because schools are concentrating solely on education and ignoring the social skills employers look for. He said something was going wrong at schools that meant pupils were not being stretched and challenged to give them self confidence at a ‘critical time in their lives’ to prepare them for work. Latest figures show the number of young people not in education, employment or training (Neets) has risen to 1.09 million – with more than 600,000 having never had a job.

Pray: for young people who are without work that ways will be found to encourage them. (Rom.12:8)



Wednesday, 19 May 2010 12:20

The Message Trust prayer coordinator James Aladiran says ‘We have a heart to see God release a Great Awakening to the UK. We've got our next prayer gathering coming up on the 1st of May called Prayer Storm. The vision is to mobilise the youth of the Nation to a lifestyle of Intercession. With the Election coming up we believe this is a key moment for the church to rise in Intercession for the Nation. Have a look at this 1 minute video: youtube   In Prayer Storm, explains James, ‘We believe God wants us to be a people who pray not just because we should, but because it has become a part of our lifestyle.’ Prayer Storm, taking place at Audacious City Church, Manchester will focus on the needs of our country at a time of massive political change and will ask for God’s blessing on the next Government.

Pray: that God would listen to the cries of His young people. (1Ki.8:52)


Sunday, 31 October 2010 08:15

More than a third of young people in the UK aged 16 to 24 do not feel part of their local community, research by the Prince's Trust suggests. The study of more than 2,000 youngsters found one in 10 felt like an outcast. It said more than half ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ spoke to people over the age of 40 in their local community. And those who were not in education, employment or training were significantly more likely to feel isolated, the Trust said. Almost a third (30%) did not think there was a future for them in their local area. Almost a quarter (23%) felt ignored by older people. Martina Milburn, chief executive of the Prince's Trust, said: ‘It is a tragedy that so many young people feel separated from the people around them. ‘Being part of a community and interacting with a mix of people is a crucial part of a young person's development.’

Pray: for our young people and the opportunity for the church communities to engage with them. (Ps.148:12-13)


Saturday, 26 October 2013 15:18

Many children aged nine to 11 are indulging in very risky behaviour online, suggests a survey. Many are sharing personal information and playing games rated for much older children, fhe survey drawn up by the ISC2 IT security group found in addition, 18% of the 1,162 children queried said they had arranged offline meetings with friends made via the web. Meanwhile, a second survey suggests 55% of young people in England accept cyber-bullying as part of everyday life. Security experts have urged parents to help their offspring stay safe by being more involved with what they do online. ‘Many primary school children know far more about the internet than their parents do,’ said Tim Wilson, an information security worker who carried out the survey for the ISC2 organisation which helps schools educate children about web safety. In total, 15 schools in south-east London, Kent and Guernsey took part in the survey.

Pray: for our young people that they will be protected against the evil elements that pervade the internet. (Am.5:14)



Thursday, 18 August 2011 16:38

There's hardly a young person out there without a mobile phone and the HOPE movement is tapping into their technological dexterity with a new campaign encouraging young people to text about their faith. Textify was recently launched by Hope Revolution, the youth arm of HOPE, at the Redeemed Christian Church of God's Festival of Life in Manchester. As part of the campaign, hundreds of young people will use their mobile phones and social networks to begin conversations about Jesus. The campaign takes 1 Peter 3:15 as its inspiration, encouraging young people to use Textify as a way to ‘always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have’. Textify challenges young Christians to spend a week praying for three friends and then text them each a question or 'God-thought' as a conversation starter.

Pray: that the message of the Gospel would be spread in every way possible. (Ac.15:31)


Monday, 08 April 2013 18:11

Christian Concern's fourth Wilberforce Academy brought together students and young graduates at Trinity College, Oxford last week. The academy is held annually by the advocacy group to equip the next generation of Christian leaders in public life. The former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey opened the three-day gathering with a call to "maintain a public witness and stand just as much as Wilberforce was called upon to do in his day". "You are like shock troops who are called to lead in the battle… You are here to take the fight wherever it leads," he said. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali expanded on the themes of his new book, Triple Jeopardy for the West, in which he warns of the challenges posed by aggressive secularism, radical Islamism and multiculturalism. Roger Trigg, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick, highlighted the importance of religious freedom as a cornerstone for other vital freedoms.

Pray: for tall those who attended this event that they will respond to the call to leadership to 'fight the good fight'. (Eph.6:14-15)


Friday, 22 October 2010 15:16

Dr John Sentamu said colonial powers were not solely to blame for ‘Africa's ills’, and warned the current generation there were too many black people in jail and urged them to turn their backs on violence. He also said the ‘worship’ of celebrity culture was not a path to success. In interviews which coincided with Black History Month, he said: ‘Work hard at your education, stay focused and don't sit around waiting for success to be delivered to you on a plate, because it won't be. Don't blame someone else; for you have the energy, potential and creativity so use it for the good of humankind. Don't waste it. Your future success does not lie in guns, gangs and knives or in the worship of celebrities, but in the pursuit of study and hard work and in valuing who you are under God - wonderfully and fearfully created in his image.’

Pray: for God to reach out to those youngsters for whom gang culture is the only way of life they know. (Eze.34:16)



Thursday, 03 January 2013 19:34

One in 10 young people feel they cannot cope with day-to-day life - with those not in work, education or training more than twice as likely to feel this way - according to a Prince's Trust survey. The annual Youth Index report questioned 2,136 16 to 25-year-olds. A total of 27% of respondents in work feel down or depressed always or often, compared with 48% who were not in education, employment or training. It also found 22% did not have someone to talk to about their problems. The 2012 report discovered 52% of so-called NEETs said they often or always felt depressed. The index, now in its fifth year, gauges young people's happiness across a range of areas, from family life to physical and mental health. Despite the pressures many are facing, it only shows relatively slight changes in overall confidence and happiness amongst young people, says BBC social affairs correspondent Alison Holt.

Pray: that our young people will not succumb to the pressures of this current time.


Monday, 08 October 2012 11:59

Anglican and Methodist churches in Yorkshire have entered into a groundbreaking regional partnership.

The Church of England and Methodist Church nationally have been committed to greater cooperation since signing a national covenant in 2003, but this is the first time a covenant has been signed between the two Churches at regional level in Britain. The Covenant Area Partnership, between the Leeds Methodist District and the Ripon and Leeds Anglican Diocese was inaugurated at a special celebration at Trinity Methodist Church in Harrogate last Saturday. The partnership covers 85 Anglican parishes and 65 Methodist churches who will work together in mission and ministry, and consult each other on the deployment of staff and resources throughout the region. ‘The lives of both Churches have already been greatly enriched by our determination to work, worship and grow together,’ said the Rev Julian Pursehouse, ‘It is a fantastic opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to one another and to live out our calling to serve our communities in a more dynamic and coherent way.’

Pray: for this new partnership and for those tasked with making it work. (Heb.10:25 )
