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Wednesday, 11 August 2010 16:51

The Head of a Christian advocacy group says Christians must resist attempts to broaden the definition of marriage. However, Simon Hughes, Deputy Liberal Democrat leader, and who is a Christian and admitted previously to being bisexual, said he believed the Government would make it possible for the term ‘civil marriage’ to apply to same-sex couples before the next General Election. ‘It would be appropriate in Britain in 2010 and 2011 for there to be the possibility of civil marriage for straight people and gay people equally,’ he said, adding ‘That’s different of course from faith ceremonies which are matters for the faith communities they have to decide what recognition to give.’ Andrea Minichiello Williams, barrister and director of Christian Concern for Our Nation, said: ‘We should resist this attempt to undermine marriage at the heart of our society and fight to retain the traditional status of marriage as that between a man and a woman.’

Pray: that the explicit purposes of matrimony being procreative and unitive are recognised by all. (1Co.16:13)


Thursday, 05 July 2012 14:21

Christian Concern is taking the Law Society and a government-owned conference centre to court after they cancelled the group's marriage conference. The conference was organised by Christian Concern and the World Congress of Families to debate the nature and role of marriage in light of the Government's consultation on legalising same-sex marriage. The Law Society cancelled Christian Concern's conference booking on the grounds that it breached their equalities policy. The group then booked the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, opposite the Houses of Parliament. However, the booking was cancelled by the conference centre the day before the conference was due to start on 23 May. At the time, Christian Concern sought an emergency injunction overnight but as no lawyers from the Treasury Solicitors Office were available, the injunction was unable to proceed. Despite the last-minute cancellation at the QEII Centre, the conference was able to go ahead as scheduled after an alternative venue was found.

Pray: that moves by organisations to hold back discussions on marriage be thwarted. (Heb.13:4)



Thursday, 13 September 2012 21:34

A Christian councillor has spoken of her disappointment as she faces dismissal from the Green Party for opposing gay marriage. Christina Summers, a member of Brighton and Hove Council, was investigated by the Party after she spoke and voted against a motion in support of the Government’s plans to introduce same-sex marriage during a council meeting in July. She did so on grounds of her Christian belief that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. A disciplinary inquiry panel was set up by the Green Party to carry out the investigation. The panel recommended on Monday that Councillor Summers be expelled from the Party. Councillor Summers said that although she had still not been formally dismissed yet, it was unlikely that the Party would change its mind following the public announcement of the panel’s recommendation. The panel has no authority to enact the recommendation, which must instead be put to Green Party Councillors to vote on and ratify.

Pray: for those in public office that they will speak out their Christian beliefs boldly and not hold back. (Jn.7:18)



Thursday, 21 March 2013 21:28

A graphic designer has claimed that he was denied a job with a county hotel near Colchester simply because of his Christian faith. Jamie Haxby (24) was invited for an interview with Prested Hall Hotel after applying for a job to design the venue's advertising and promotional material. But after discovering that he was a Christian, manager Celie Parker said that he could not be considered for the role because his beliefs would upset atheist employees. Mr Haxby says that the interview was going well until Ms Parker saw his portfolio which contained samples of work that he had done for his local church and a Christian charity. Just over halfway through looking over my portfolio, Celie stopped me and said she did not think we needed to go any further. She then explained that she thought my work was brilliant, but that she and others on her team were atheists.

Pray: for believers as they face challenges to their faith especially when it has nothing to do with what they are involved in. (1Cor.16:13)



Thursday, 10 February 2011 15:52

The Christian GP who was appointed as a Government drugs adviser last month (See Prayer Alert 04-2011) has now been sacked because he co-wrote a study which linked homosexuality and child sex offences. Dr Hans-Christian Raabe, a respected GP, was appointed to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) by the Home Office last month. But because Dr Raabe didn’t declare his involvement in the 2005 scientific study his appointment has now been controversially revoked, a decision which has prompted considerable criticism. Dr Raabe said: ‘My appointment has been revoked based on the wrong perception that I could potentially discriminate against gay people – something I have never done, neither in my private nor professional life.’ He added: ‘My appointment has merely been revoked as a result of my views on matters completely unrelated to drugs policy.’ His concern was echoed by Colin Hart, Director of The Christian Institute, who warned: ‘It looks like political correctness is alive and well at the Home Office.’

Pray: for Dr Raabe and pray against poor decision-making based on ill-informed political correctness. (Isa.26:13)


Tuesday, 01 February 2011 15:18

A Christian doctor who takes a firm line against drug use has been appointed to sit on the Government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). Dr Hans-Christian Raabe has said that children should simply be taught to say 'no' to drugs. The move is seen as a change in direction for the panel, which has focussed on a ‘harm reduction’ approach until now. Dr Raabe has preferred to focus on prevention and made his views clear in a briefing to MPs. ‘Harm reduction has its place’, the GP said, ‘but I’m concerned that it’s the only policy being advocated. In schools, for example, where the majority of children don’t take drugs, we still need a prevention approach.’ Dr Raabe has advocated that strong family life is key to addressing all these matters: ‘Marriage is associated with greater happiness, less depression, less alcohol abuse and less smoking’.

Pray: that objections to this appointment will be quietened and that Dr Raabe will be able to bring quality argument to the work of the ACMD. (Ex.23:21)


Monday, 11 April 2011 17:27

The Christian couple from Derby at the heart of the controversy over whether couples with mainstream Christian views on marriage and sexuality can become foster parents have re-submitted an application to foster to Derby City Council asking the Council to change its policy on carers. Owen and Eunice Johns, together with Derby City Council, had previously made a joint application to the High Court, asking the Court to make a declaration on how the Council should treat an application from potential foster carers who were unwilling to promote the practice of homosexuality to a small child. As was widely reported at the time, although the particular Judicial declaration on the balancing of rights that the parties sought was not given, the Judges used the opportunity provided to make a forceful case against the right to manifest Christian beliefs in the face of equalities legislation, stating that homosexual rights trumped freedom. (See Prayer Alert 09-2011)

Pray: that this move will lead to the Johns’ reinstatement and a change to the law. (Lk.21:15&21)


Thursday, 01 March 2012 16:12

The Association of Christian Financial Advisers (ACFA) has welcomed the Government's decision to investigate payday loans. The Office of Fair Trading is to investigate payday lenders amid claims that they are taking advantage of people in financial difficulty and providing loans without checking that borrowers can afford to repay them. The ACFA is calling for legislation to cap interest rates. The group outlined its concerns in a letter to Chancellor George Osborne last December in which it expressed 'increasing dismay' over the manner in which payday loan companies were allowed to trade. The letter criticised the 'unfair and unreasonable' interest rates charged by lenders. According to the Independent, the typical APR charged by a payday lender is 4,000%. The ACFA is calling upon the Chancellor to introduce legislation to cap interest rates for all personal lending, including unauthorised bank overdrafts. 'There should be no place for the extortion of the desperate and vulnerable.'

Pray: for an end to what amounts to usury targeted at the financially most vulnerable. (Pr.28:8)


Tuesday, 01 February 2011 14:48

David Booker has worked as a hostel support worker for the English Churches Housing Group, recently taken over by the Society of St James, for four years. Allegations against him followed a discussion with colleague Fiona Vardy. The free-flowing conversation lasted 35 minutes and Mr Booker answered his co-worker’s questions while making clear that he had homosexual friends and was not homophobic. ‘I did say that I didn’t agree with same-sex marriages, I didn’t believe pastors or vicars should marry same-sex partners and I didn’t agree with practising homosexuals being a pastor or a vicar.’ A few days later, he was formally suspended. A formal notice told him: ‘On 26 March 09, whilst on shift with Fiona Vardy, you seriously breached ECHG’s Code of Conduct by promoting your religious views which contained discriminatory comments regarding a person’s sexual orientation’. The charity has the Archbishop of Canterbury as a patron.

Pray: for common sense, enabled by the Holy Spirit, to rule for this Christian and others in like situations. (Ac.4:25)


Monday, 14 January 2013 10:53

A charity that runs foodbanks across the UK says Christians should be more responsible when it comes to buying food to stop wastage. The Trussell Trust's comments came after a report revealed that an average family wastes nearly £500 a year on food that ends up in the bin - despite it being perfectly fine to eat. The research by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 'Global Food: Waste Not, Want Not', says across the world people throw away half the food that's produced. Adrian Curtis, Foodbank Network Director for the Trussell Trust said it's an issue we all need to consider carefully. Wasting food doesn't only mean you lose the product but you're also wasting precious resources including land, water and energy. Ten per cent of rich countries' greenhouse gas emissions come from growing food that is never eaten. The report also warns this issues needs to be tackled as the population grows.

Pray: for a comprehensive global reponse to the problem of fodd wastage. (Pr.23:20-21)
