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Super User

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Saturday, 11 September 2010 11:47

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has spoken out on the issue of sex trafficking, criticising the Government for opting out of an EU directive on the issue. Speaking in the Yorkshire Post he said: ‘According to the International Labour Organisation there are at least 2.45 million people in forced labour globally as a result of people trafficking. A large proportion (43%) is trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation, and an overwhelming majority of those sold into this sex trade (98%) are women or girls. Sex trafficking is nothing more than modern day slavery. This is women being exploited, degraded and subjected to horrific risks solely for the gratification and economic greed of others. I am therefore stunned to learn that the Government are ‘opting out’ of an EU directive designed to tackle sex trafficking. We need to join with our European brothers and sisters and put an end to this evil trade.’

Pray: for the Government to take a more pro-active role with Europe to stamp out this vile trade. (Isa.1:4)


Wednesday, 28 July 2010 16:03

The Archbishop of York launched the Acts 435 charity nationally at the General Synod. The charity helps churches to make a practical difference in their local communities helping those who are going through tough times financially. In the face of further government austerity measures the Archbishop has said it is important for the Church to reach out to those in need. He said: ‘Acts 435 is designed to help us fulfil Christ’s calling and give to those in need. I hope and pray that it will be a wonderful blessing to those on the receiving end of these gifts of love. May it also be a source of joy to the donors as they see the immediate impact of their generosity on those struggling to make ends meet.’ Acts 435 is a Christian Charity, within the Church of England to bring immediate help to people in financial need. It works by matching up those who want to give with those in need.

Pray: for this innovative new approach to the operation of a charity and for its success. (1Jn.4:11)


Monday, 03 June 2013 10:26

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has undergone an operation for prostate cancer and is expected to take a lengthy break from his duties. The Most Rev Dr John Sentamu issued a statement after his operation on Thursday in which he thanked Bill Cross his surgical team at St James’ Hospital Leeds, who performed the operation on Thursday, and the nursing staff who are currently caring or him. “I will be out of action for some time, and will continue to value your prayers,” he said. “I look forward to resuming my ministry as soon as possible.” Doctors had found his cancer to be “locally advanced”, which means that it had begun to spread to the area surrounding the prostate. The Archbishop of Canterbury led well wishers from across the Church of England in sending messages of support and prayer to the 63 year-old.

Pray: for a speedy recovery for Dr John Sentamu and for the team that continues his work in York. (Ps.103:2-3)


Monday, 17 December 2012 19:10

British society is missing out on a massive contribution the elderly could play because too many people are simply waiting for them to die, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned. In his last speech in the House of Lords before he steps down, Dr Rowan Williams said too many older people being were being tolerated rather than valued and that the extremes of human life – childhood and old age – were both being sidelined because of an eccentric idea that only those in the so-called prime of life could make a contribution. He warned that the tendency to view older people as “dependants” or a “problem” was the root cause of neglect and abuse yet their unpaid care or volunteering work was worth the equivalent of at least £50 billion. Despite this, older people are routinely seen as “passive” and dependants instead of an asset, he said.

Pray: for greater understanding that all groups in society have value (Matt.25:40)


Monday, 01 July 2013 15:18

The Archbishop of Canterbury is planning to expand the reach of credit unions as part of a long-term campaign to boost competition in the banking sector. He has approved proposals considering how the Church of England's reach could boost access to credit unions, which are financial co-operatives that offer short term, affordable loans to members. The church is planning a credit union, possibly in partnership with the Church of Scotland, which would lend to members of the clergy and become a source of expertise on the credit union sector.

There are also plans to encourage church members with relevant skills to volunteer at credit unions. Small, local lenders could also be invited to use church buildings and other community locations with the help of church members. With a more diverse financial sector, there should be less need for payday lenders who extract exorbitant interest rates.

Pray: for this innovative idea and that it will expand and be a force for good (Ex.22:25)


Monday, 21 November 2011 10:51

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was among the Christians praying for the world's children on Sunday. The World Day of Prayer and Action for Children has the backing of UNICEF, Religions for Peace, and Save the Children. The day serves as a reminder to adults of the preciousness of children and the need to ensure they grow up in loving and safe environments. "In every faith community, our children are the treasure that we value beyond price," said the Archbishop. "A child born into health and safety is a sign of hope in our common life. In children we recognise the preciousness and dignity of the human being as well as a vulnerability which calls for our care and protection." This year's day of prayer is concentrating on an end to violence against children. The Archbishop said all forms of violence against children demand action and prayer. (See also last week’s P.A. ’Secret Children’).

Pray: for children in the UK and around the world especially those who suffer violence. (Matt.19:14)


Saturday, 26 October 2013 15:15

The recent energy price hikes make people understandably angry, says the Archbishop of Canterbury, who called on big power companies to be ‘conscious of their social obligations’. Justin Welby insisted the Big Six power companies had an obligation to behave morally rather than just maximising profit. Last week Scottish and Southern Electricity announced an 8.2 per cent price rise, and British Gas followed that with the announcement that its electricity prices were to surge by 10.4 per cent and its gas prices by 8.4 per cent from 23 November. The rises would mean £125 a year added to the bills of almost eight million customers. Whilst blaming a range of external factors, the company said it ‘understood the frustration’ of consumers. Speaking to the Mail on Sunday, Mr Welby said: ‘The impact on people, particularly on low incomes, is going to be really severe'.

Pray: that the energy firms will consider their moral obligations rather than just maximising profit. (Lk.12:15)



Monday, 11 March 2013 11:06

In his most significant political intervention since taking office, the Most Rev Justin Welby has warned that “children and families will pay the price” if plans to change the benefits system go ahead in their current form. He and the Archbishop of York have backed a letter to The Sunday Telegraph written by 43 bishops who say the benefits cuts will have a “deeply disproportionate” effect on children. The move will come as a blow to Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, who is attempting to steer the reforms through Parliament. He has said the Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill, which will cap benefit rises at 1 per cent a year until 2016, is needed to help get spending “back under control” and create a fairer deal for taxpayers. However, Mr Welby said the legislation will remove the protection given to families against the rising cost of living and could push 200,000 children into poverty.

Pray: for Government will ensure the most vulnerable in our society will be protected from severe hardship. (Ps.82.3)


Thursday, 18 October 2012 15:58

The Archbishop of Canterbury has spoken out to mark the beginning of Hate Crime Awareness Week. He said, ‘Hate crime is a fundamental challenge to an individual’s dignity and identity. As such it should have no possible place in a society that respects the dignity of all and it should find no possible justification in any kind of religious belief. Christian faith has at its core the conviction that God values each of us infinitely and it should spur us on to combat hatred and prejudice wherever we encounter them.' An act of remembrance for the victims of hate crime was held in St Paul’s Cathedral last Saturday and was supported by 17-24-30, an organisation founded to support the victims of the London nail bomb attacks in 1999.

Pray: for God to change the hearts of mankind to quench hatred and nurture caring love towards one another. (1Jn.2:9)


Friday, 11 January 2013 13:02

The Archbishop of York has launched a new initiative to address homelessness in the city. Dr John Sentamu launched the 'No Second Night Out' initiative at The Salvation Army, Gillygate. 'No Second Night Out' aims to be the link between the homeless, the communities they come from, and the agencies that are able to offer help. The support includes helping rough sleepers to access emergency accommodation and healthcare, and finding long-term solutions to their homelessness. Members of the public are also being encouraged to play an active role by calling a helpline if they see a rough sleeper. The Salvation Army will then attempt to make contact with the rough sleeper and offer them support. In addition to The Salvation Army, the ‘No Second Night Out’ scheme has been developed with the Peasholme Charity, Arc Light, City of York Council, the Foundation, YACRO, Restore and Richmond Fellowship.

Pray: that the needs of the homeless in York and the many other city and town centres with initiatives by church and charities will bring relief to the needy. (Pr.14:21)
