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Friday, 19 November 2010 08:56

This September saw the numbers entering English seminaries to become Catholic priests at their highest level in a decade. Fifty-six men began the journey towards priesthood this year. ‘The number of people responding to the call of Christ to be priests has been rising slowly but surely, and may rise further as people respond to the visit of Pope Benedict.’ said the Chairman of the Vocations Directors of England and Wales. Many dioceses and religious orders now run discernment groups for young men and women where all vocations are discussed. Such groups encourage lay, religious and priestly vocations. The director of the National Office of Vocation said, ‘When everybody in the Church takes seriously Newman’s insight that ‘God has created me to do him some definite service,’ then a greater number discover their call to the priesthood and religious life.’

Praise: God for all those who hear Christ's calling to join His church and follow His paths for their lives. (Mt.4:19)


Friday, 09 July 2010 17:12

An audience of 120 doctors from 50 countries sat in stunned silence as a renowned heart doctor produced evidence of how, after he had prayed for a patient who had died and was being prepared for the morgue, was brought back to life after prayer. Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall, who serves at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic, Florida, made his dramatic presentation which stunned his audience of fellow medical professionals. In his powerful testimony he produced dramatic evidence that was shown on the screen and since made publicly available. ‘We had a fifty-three year old man who came to the emergency room with a massive heart attack and his heart had stopped,’ he said. ‘The medical people had worked on him for over forty minutes in the emergency room and then declared him dead’. Dr Crandall was called to evaluate the patient. The Holy Spirit told him to ‘turn around and pray for that man.' When the Holy Spirit talks to you, you have to respond.

Praise: God for this demonstration of the Spirit’s power. (1Cor.2:4)


Thursday, 20 September 2012 14:29

Elyse knew she needed to do something. Her world was turned upside down by a DVD she watched on human trafficking. Together with two Operation Mobilisation team mates, she jumped into the car and headed to a brothel 10 minutes away. ‘Our plan that night was just to go out and pray,’ explains Elyse. ‘But we soon realized it was more serious than we knew and we decided to come back every single night.’ Thus began a month of prayer, with a small group posted across the street from the brothel each night, praying for those inside. A month after praying began, the signs were removed, a notice was put on the door and the brothel was shut down. The team couldn’t believe it at first; they continued to pray another night before actually reading the sign on the door that confirmed it.

Praise: God for how He speaks to us and teaches us how to pray. (1Pet.4:11)



Thursday, 12 January 2012 14:00

‘Prayer Spaces In Schools’ are enabling children to explore faith and spirituality in a safe, creative and interactive way. In the UK, prayer spaces are spreading fast. Schools and youth workers say these creative, prayer/reflective spaces provide simple effective ways to communicate and to welcome young people into experiences of Christian faith. Teachers say prayer spaces fit well with different curriculum areas - R.E. and Citizenship being the most obvious but not the only ones. There were 6 prayer spaces in 2008, 12 in 2009, 48 in 2010 and 92 in 2011. There are others known about but not officially recorded. A Conference in London promoting Prayer Spaces in Schools attracted 110 teachers, schools and youth workers; and there were training events in Aberdeen and Belfast that helped speed up the spread of prayer spaces in Scotland and Ireland.

Praise: God for the growing number of prayer spaces being hosted in schools, and may He continue to anoint organisers as they develop new resources in 20212 (Ps.8:2)



Thursday, 06 December 2012 11:38

The organisers of the National Day of Prayer have announced plans for a prayer road-show to visit towns and cities across the UK. The road-show is the follow-up to the day of prayer for the nation which brought 30,000 Christians to Wembley Stadium in September. Organisers hope to engage with some of the people who were at Wembley and many more who couldn't make it on the day but have a heart to pray for the nation. Churches are being invited to sign up to host one of the stops on the road-show, which is being run in conjunction with United Christian Broadcasters and the Neighbourhood Prayer Network. 'You came to Wembley and now we would like to come to you,' said road-show organisers. 'Let's work together to reach this Nation for Jesus.' If you want the road-show to come to your town, register at

Praise: God for the organisers of the road-show and for many churches to respond to the invitation to host the show. (Mk.16:15 )



Wednesday, 28 September 2011 14:37

Christian leaders from all over the British Isles gathered at Wembley Stadium for a day of prayer and vision setting. The Carry the Torch meeting was organised by Global Day of Prayer (GDOP) London as it pushes ahead with plans to fill the entire stadium with Christians for a day of prayer in 2012. The 1,000 leaders at the stadium on Saturday included GDOP London Convener, Dr Jonathan Oloyede, the Bishop of Barking, the Rt Rev David Hawkins, More than Gold CEO, Dave Willson, Senior Minister of Cornerstone Christian Centre, Hugh Osgood, and the grandson of Billy Graham, Will Graham. Dr Oloyede spoke of his vision to see Christians uniting in prayer across the British Isles, and the nations transformed and taking the Gospel to the world again. He said he was inspired to serve God in Britain because of the example set by the British missionaries who pioneered his native Nigeria.

Praise: God for His vision placed in the hearts of those that gathered. (2Cor.12:1)


Saturday, 04 August 2012 12:46

The atmosphere was ‘electric’ as the Praise Bus rolled into London last week, says one of the people behind the historic project. The open top double decker left Land’s End on 19 May and traversed the nation ahead of the Olympic torch, travelling more than 8,500 miles through England, Scotland and Wales and playing host to over a hundred musicians and singers who filled the air with Christian-inspired music. An estimated million people saw the Praise Bus during its 65-day journey. Also, a 70-day prayer relay ended its journey in Westminster last Thursday, having accompanied the Olympic torch to 70 towns and cities as it criss-crossed the nation. In each location, church leaders exchanged a prayer baton containing prayers and a specially written prayer of blessing. The final stop was the Emmanuel Centre, a stone’s throw away from the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey where a prayer session was hosted by Christian groups serving in Parliament.

Praise: God for the diversity and unity of the Christian witness of the Church across the British Isles.


Thursday, 20 June 2013 13:13

In Birmingham last weekend In Birmingham last weekend1100 intercessors prayed for the British Isles in the midst of brokenness. There were awesome moments as different groups gathered at the Cross during the day, under 30s, people from nations outside the UK and those praying for the return of prodigals. Within hours of that heart cry the following message was sent to the World Prayer Centre from a church leader in East Sussex. ‘Well, we had 7 prodigals this morning - 3 said ‘I'm coming home’ - and 11 fatherless teens off the estate turned up out of the blue - never been in church before. Just happened to be the Father’s Day special and probably 90% were from awful home situations. God moved in very deep ways! Such mind blowing stuff happening and electric atmosphere! Let us thank God together and let us continue to press in to Him as we boldly go out to proclaim His goodness to a broken and hurting world. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!' To continue to pray into Trumpet Call’s 30 day prayer vigil click on the link below

Praise: and give thanks to God for answered prayer, and a clear prophetic message to the church to stand up and proclaim Biblical truths as He leads us to build and to plant. (Jer.1:10)




Saturday, 14 August 2010 13:49

Buoyed by a new president who has been exposing corruption, religious leaders in northern Philippines want to battle sleaze at the local level. ‘President Benigno Aquino III has shown he meant business in fighting graft, which inspires us as church leaders to do our part in helping to bring about righteous governance,’ said the Rev Dr Simplicio Dang-awan Jr of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Dang-awan was on 10 August addressing his partners in the Baguio-Benguet Ecumenical Group, an organization that brings together Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders, and a Muslim imam. (Graft- the misuse of public money for private gain poses a very grave challenge to national development in the Philippines, and the magnitude of the problem is staggering.) See Prayer Alert 3010

Praise: God that people in authority, used by God to bring about His purposes, and continue to pray for leaders wherever they are. (1Tim.2:1-4)


Thursday, 01 August 2013 19:10

The poor country of Peru has been experiencing an economic revival that has tripled their economy in the last decade. However, the economic front is not the only place where revival and growth is being experienced. According to a Charisma News report, there is also a rapidly-increasing spiritual revival encompassing the South American country. Peru has seen the number of born-again Christians rise ‘dramatically,’ says the Charisma News report. The Evangelical population reportedly grew from ‘single digits to 12.5 percent in 2007.’ This year's tally of Evangelical Christians in Peru is estimated around 17 percent, but could be as high as 20 percent or higher.

Praise: God for this wonderful news and for the growth of His people. (Ps.85:6)
