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Monday, 06 November 2023 05:34

7 WEEKS  - 2023

Praying: for the Persecuted Church

13 – 19 November 2023

‘Dying Daily – The Suffering Church’

Watch Daniel Brink’s video which outlines the vision of ‘7 WEEKS – 2023’ HERE

IPC Colleague and friend, Daniel Brinks is Director of Jericho Walls International Prayer Network, based in Cape Town, South Africa.

Many of our partner intercessors have been taking part in their 7 WEEKS - 2023 Initiative - mobilising prayer through WhatsApp groups.  It's not too late to join the final week of 2023, praying for the Persecuted Church.

Isaiah 62:6-7: ‘I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.’

How to participate:

  • Download and read the briefing in the special Prayer Guide, with daily guidelines focusing on the Persecuted Church
  • Consider taking a daily timeslot on the hour to pray through and agree with the prayer focus provided.
  • Join an existing 24-7 Prayer Group or start your own group with friends/family. (See link below)

How to create your own 24-7 prayer group:

Download the Guide

Register your group:

Complete the form HERE, or send your details via WhatsApp to +27833216909.

May our prayers for the persecuted church bring testimonies of God’s interventions.  May He save for His sake and for the sake of the godly generations that have gone before us! 

The day must come when ‘…all the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You.’  Psalm 22:27.

Because He is worthy…

Daniël Brink - Managing Director
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

Monday, 06 November 2023 05:33

Awakening a Jesus Generation

We're gathering 3,500 Gen Z individuals on November 27 to 29, 2023 for a JREV CONVERGENZ at the Ynares Sports Arena, Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines.

"You were not born to just go to church. You were born to shift the destiny of the Philippines." - Ps Jerome Ocampo

NOVEMBER 27-29, 2023

JREV ConverGenz 2023

It will be three days of believing with audacious faith to move a whole generation for Jesus, and of impartation to young emerging and persevering leaders, movers, and influencers who are Millenials and GenZs.


Dr. Leif Hetland - Founder and President of Global Mission Awareness
Bishop Dan Balais - National Chairman of the Intercessors for the Philippines
Dr. Jason Hubbard - Director of International Prayer Connect
Ptr. Paul Yadao - Senior Pastor of Destiny Ministries International
Ptr. Jerome Ocampo - Founder and Vision Keeper of Jesus Revolution Now
Ptr. Hiram Pangilinan - Senior Pastor of Church so Blessed
Ptr. Ziggie Buksh - National Coordinator of Jesus Revolution Now
Ptr. Lathur Badoy - Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in Davao
Ptr. Stephen Ocampo - Founder of Gateway House of Prayer

Worship Teams

JREV (Manila)
Destiny Music (Laguna)
Lighthouse (Davao)
Maranatha (Cebu)

Don't miss this transformational event!

Reserve your seats now and make sure you don't miss the JREV ConverGenz on November 27-29, 2023.

More Info and Register:  

Monday, 06 November 2023 05:33

Dec 6-12, 2023
Ushiaia, Argentina

‘The New Revival Wave of His Glory’

During 2023 CLAMOR has been fervently praying for the spiritual shaking worldwide participating in the different global initiatives under IPC. 

In addition, our focus in the last semester has been emphasized on presidential, senate and governor’s  elections in different Nations in Latin American (Guatemala, Ecuador , Argentina, Colombia , Brazil , Venezuela).

We have been standing in the gap for our region that has been tied up by the enemy with a spiritual corset
(left and right regimes). This “caduceus” has strangled us with poverty, witchcraft, corruption, lack of leadership, lack of godly women, men, and families that felt hopeless in seeing any transformation in our societies.

In line with this, CLAMOR is inviting you to join us in the uttermost part of the earth:  Ushuaia , Argentina December 6th to the 12th, 2023 to pray, worship, battle spiritually and wait before our good Father for a divine intervention.

Awakening, breakthrough and a Revival of His Glory is what we will be expecting during this heavenly convocation!!!

More info and Register at:

Thank you for your partnership in prayer.

Together advancing the Kingdom, 

Yanira Gonzalez

IPC Latin America Director / CLAMOR

Monday, 06 November 2023 05:31

Links to all IPC Projects:

110 Cities Prayer    

12:11 Daily Prayers at Noon for Peace
in Israel, Gaza & the Middle East

Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App

The Beauty & Majesty of Jesus - 10 Aug to 28 Sep

World Prayer Assembly - Perth
Oct 3-6 – Replays & Reports

18 Days of Prayer for Hindu World
Oct 29 - Nov 15
Adult Guide  |  Childrens Guide

Global Day of Prayer – Hindu World – 12th Nov
Click Link to join us Online! (info below)
Zoom ID – 84602907844   Passcode 32223 

Global Esther Fast for Israel

7 Weeks – Suffering Church – 13-19 Nov

Convergenz 2023 – Nov 27-29
Manila, Philippines

CLAMOR – Latin America Prayer Summit
Argentina, 6-12 December 2023

Monday, 06 November 2023 05:30

Our vision is to see the 110 most unreached cities in the world reached with the Gospel, praying for thousands of Christ-exalting churches to be planted among them!

We believe prayer is key! To this end we are reaching out in faith to cover this outreach with the powerful prayers of 110 million believers - for breakthrough, praying around the throne, around the clock and around the globe!


Watch the video invitation to pray with 110 million people for 110 strategic cities! (Psalm 110:3)

Here’s 3 ways you can get involved with 110 Cities!

  1. Pray once a day!                       
  2. Join our 4 Days of Prayer  - Next one is November 12th – praying for the Hindu World
  3. Pray the interactive Map   

The website is chock full of resources to use in whatever way suits you... browse the 110 Cities and their prayer points along with the 24-7 worship and prayers of our Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room or stream the International House of Prayer Kansas City worship and intercessions.

Join us now at:

Monday, 06 November 2023 05:30

The Beauty and Majesty of Jesus was a free 8-week online course led by Dr Jason Hubbard and facilitated by Melody Divine.

The course has finished, but we are pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to watch the replays!

During this course we explored the depths of the beauty and majesty of Jesus as the Creator, the Lamb of Glory, the Glorious Bridegroom, the Good Shepherd, and the King of the Nations!

We look at the attributes and characteristics of Jesus described in the book of Revelation in the setting around the throne, the Beauty Realm of God!

You will come away with greater insight and revelation of the glorious person and power of Jesus - how to connect with him in prayer and learn Who He wants to be to you!

By God’s grace you will both fall more in love with him and stand in greater awe and reverence of Him!

Watch the Course Recordings by clicking the links below:

Session 1  |  Session 2  |  Session 3 | Session 4
Session 5  | Sessions 6 | Session 7 | Session 8

Monday, 06 November 2023 05:29

This is a second edition of this widely read and highly acclaimed book written by the respected father of the worldwide Prayer Movement - Brian Mills.

Have you ever wondered just why the darkness in the world today seems to be getting darker, and what can be done about it?

This book sheds fresh light on this topic, and on the spiritual nature of this darkness. It shines the light of Scripture on the evil one and on the way in which so many have become bewitched. This is a clarion call to the church and individual Christians to get ready to do battle with the powers of darkness, and to shine Christ's light more powerfully.

Brian Mills writes out of many years of experience in international prayer ministry. He is a senior advisor in the International Prayer Council and is one of the leaders in the International Reconciliation movement. He has ministered in over 75 nations and authored nine books to date. He is also part of a global group that is seeking to understand more about the dark spiritual powers at work in the world.

Excerpts from some recent reviews:

"The most informative book for our times I’ve read for a long time." (John D Robb – Transformation Prayer Foundation)

'Thought provoking insights into the spiritual aspects of today's world and reminder of our role to pray. Well worth a read.' JRB - Amazon

'An easily read and timely call to vigilance and to personal holiness. Much needed. We've bought a number of copies for passing on to friends.' RC - Amazon

'Strategic book for understanding tactics of the enemy! I have now read this twice it is so appropriate for preparation for mission, for church leaders and intercessors!' Anon - Amazon

This version includes some minor revisions, lay-out changes and is increased to 150 pages.

Order ‘Window on the Darkness’ by Brian Mills in print or Kindle formats from:

Amazon USA  $5.98 Paperback | $3.77 Kindle

Amazon UK   £8.99 Paperback | £2.99 Kindle

Monday, 30 October 2023 10:46

This Sunday sees the launch of 18 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World!

Our goal across these 18 days is to help Jesus Followers throughout the world focus on praying for Hindu people.

To guide us through this, we have partnered to produce an online daily prayer guide. It is a tool translated into 30+ languages and used by thousands of prayer networks and groups.

We are anticipating that many millions of people will be praying and are excited to invite you and your contacts to join them!

Real Life Stories to Build Our Faith!...

Across many of the days, you will be encouraged as you read some amazing stories of how the Holy Spirit has been working in the hearts of Hindu people, with healings and breakthroughs happening in people groups that have been largely unreached with the Gospel.

Prayer-Cover for the Prayer Walkers

Teams of Jesus Followers will be out praying for spiritual breakthroughs in some cities during the days leading up to the Diwali festival. We invite you to pray with us for those prayer-walking teams using the included briefings and prayer points.

18 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World

Childrens Hindu Prayer Guide

We also have a dedicated prayer guide for young people aged 6-12 years. Edited by our colleagues at, the Childrens Hindu Prayer Guide also includes daily themes and action points on sharing Jesus.

GDP Hindu World HD

Global Day of 24hrs Prayer for the Hindu World - November 12th

Join thousands of believers of all ages from many churches and Christian ministries around the globe, as we come together ONLINE for a 24-hour prayer meeting covering key cities and regions of the Hindu world.

This will be an opportunity to pray together, exalting Jesus Christ as King throughout the Hindu world, asking the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to every unreached people group in these cities and nations!

Do join us for an hour (or more) of this 24 hours, to pray for Gospel movements throughout the Hindu world and Asia! 

More info on both guides and the Global Day of Prayer are available in 30+ languages at

May the Holy Spirit guide and speak to you as you pray for our Lord to bring a revelation of Himself to Hindus.

All Glory to the Lamb!

Dr. Jason Hubbard - Director
International Prayer Connect

Saturday, 14 October 2023 06:39

REV 12:11 - 21 Days of Prayer for Israel

On behalf of all of the IPC family, I want to thank you so much for praying with us during these 21 days at 12 Noon for 11 minutes each day on behalf of Israel, for Jews, Arabs and internationals.

We are praying for:

  1. A Great Harvest
  2. The Peace of Jerusalem
  3. God to Restrain and Contain this war

…from our key verse, Revelation Chapter 12 Verse 11:

‘They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even unto death, soaked in blood, strong in witness, sacrificial in life.’

12:11 – Praying at Noon for 11 Minutes each Day

Now, as we're praying at noon, each day in our different time zones, we will literally be praying around the clock on behalf of the peoples of the nation of Israel.

3 Scriptures:

We believe this is a war over the harvest.

  1. The second chapter of Peter verse three reads: God's desire is that none would perish, but all come to repentance.
  2. First Timothy two verse four the word says God wants all to be saved, and come to a knowledge of the truth.
  3. And let's remember Matthew 5:44, Jesus says, But I tell you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.

Let’s Plead the Promises

We know that God releases His power in response to the prayers of His people. So let's plead the promises of God from God's Word. We plead from the answer with the answer in mind. And as we pray according to God's will, and for his renown, his activity always increases, it will increase in the midst of this war.

It will be for His glory for our joy for the salvation of multitudes in Israel and in the Middle East.

Global Esther Fast – Oct 15-18

Our friends at the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem have called a Global Esther Fast October 15, through to the 18th. As the Lord leads you, let's join them for three days in desperate prayer with fasting for breakthrough.

Prayers for the Impacts of the War

Let's continue to pray for the families of the Jews and families of Palestinians who have been killed, and will be killed in this war. Let's grieve with them.

Let's pray for their protection. Let's pray for their grieving to lead them to revelation that Jesus is the Lord, the God of all Hope, and the God of all comfort.

I want to ask us to continue to pray that Jesus would appear to them in dreams and visions, in the midst of their pain.

Let's pray for the soldiers and families of soldiers to cry out to God and have revelation of Jesus as the Comforter, the great prince of peace and the all mighty God.

Let's pray for believers that are in the land, to have incredible opportunities to share their faith with those who are hurting, and meet practical needs as a tangible expression of Christ in their midst.

Links to more info + Videos

Watch the Video with this Email

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem – Esther Fast

Asher Intrater’s talk on Revelation 12

12:11 Prayer Points for Harvest and Peace

The IPC Call to Pray for the War Situation

More IPC Project Links

Let's remember to keep our eyes on Jesus right in the midst of all the news, the pain, the anger, the grief. Let's worship the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings, Lord of the nations, the worthy Lamb who was slain.

May He receive the due reward for his suffering in the land of Israel.

For the Glory of the Lamb,

Dr Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect

Wednesday, 11 October 2023 12:54

We sense this is a key moment for the body of Christ to release a call to 21 days of focused prayer on behalf of Israel:  Jews, Arabs and Internationals – Oct 11th to Nov. 1st.

We want to pray for a Great Harvest and for the Peace of Jerusalem

In light of recent signs that I have shared - of a significant harvest emerging in the Middle East, and Israel now at war, we want to contend for the Gospel of the Kingdom to be proclaimed with demonstrations of power and love throughout the land of Israel.

Our of our partner ministries has hundreds of volunteer laborers prayer walking and sharing the message of Hope in Jesus across Israel this month.  Their assignment has heightened importance due to the war.  They are finding that people are more receptive than ever to the Gospel - but they need our prayers!

Will you pray with us for these Laborers, for a massive Harvest - and for Peace?

As the Lord leads you, would you consider praying each day for 21 days in your home, church, house of prayer, workplace, or prayer tower on behalf of the nation and peoples of Israel.

21 Days of Prayer

12:11 – HOW TO PRAY

We invite you to set your alarm for 12 Noon each day and pray for 11 minutes (minimum) using the 12 prayer points below – a Revelation 12:11 call to pray!

 “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death”   Rev 12:11 (ESV)

You may also consider fasting – a Daniel Fast – 21 days of no meats or sweets – as the Lord leads you!

Here are some prayer points to help guide your prayers:


  • Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted as King and take His rightful inheritance in the land! Ps. 2, 110


  • Pray for laborers to be sent forth throughout the land of Israel who will overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony and laying down their lives even unto death” (Rev. 12:11)
  • Pray for the Lord to remove the blindness that the God of this age has placed over the minds of the unbelievers that they might see the Light of the Gospel in the face of Jesus! 2 Cor. 4:4-6
  • Pray for Open Doors for the Gospel in the hearts of men, both Jews and Arabs in the land. Co. 4:2-4
  • Pray for signs, wonders and miracles throughout the land of Israel! Acts. 4:29-31, Micah 7:15, Acts 2:17-21


  • Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and an end to war and bloodshed. Pray for this war to be ‘restrained and contained’ and not pushed into a larger regional or global war - Psalm 122
  • Pray for the Lord to rebuke the enemy, bind the spirit of violence, and rage, and cast down the accuser of the brethren.
  • Pray for the poor and vulnerable ones in the midst of war who are suffering and grieving.
  • Pray for those being persecuted for the Gospel to remain loyal in their love and allegiance to Jesus, even in the face of Satan’s most severe persecutions.
  • Pray for governmental leaders to have wisdom walking in the ‘fear of the Lord’ 1 Tim. 2:1-2


  • Pray for a global ‘gift of tears’ to be released to the body of Christ, as we cry out for mercy on behalf of Israel, Ps 126:5-6 (See Video)
  • Pray for the Highway of Holiness, from Egypt to Assyria to Israel to be established, Isaiah 19:23-25

May the Lord call us to a Revelation 12:11 lifestyle – Soaked in the Blood, Strong in Witness, Sacrificial in Life. (See Video)

For the Glory of the Lamb,

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect

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