In a chilling interview over Skype, a 28-year-old Italian woman who joined the ranks of IS last year told Corriere della Sera that the Islamic State is a ‘perfect country’ and when the group beheads people,…
Leaders of the four main churches in the North West ‘got on their bikes’ at Ebrington for theformal launch of the 2015 Tour de Foyle charity cycle. Proceeds from the event, on 29 August, will go…
Iceland's parliament has abolished its blasphemy laws, despite opposition from some of the country's churches. A bill was put forward by the minority Pirate Party, which campaigns for internet and data freedom. It came after the…
The city of Budapest has a big number of homeless people, some of whom have been living on the streets for the last 30 years or more. It is heart-breaking to hear their stories of how…
From 5 to13 July the Pope is visiting Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. His message puts him on delicate ground. Pope Francis has accused multinational companies of stripping poor countries of natural resources, criticised unfettered capitalism for…
On Friday, Greece asked for 53.5 billion euros to help cover its debts until 2018, a review of primary surplus targets and ‘re-profiling’ the country’s long-term debt. Greece’s future is in the hands of the European…