Fake news

17 Mar 2017
When prayer becomes intercession, we need to know what we are interceding for. It sounds simple, but this is one of our greatest challenges in today's society. We are bombarded with information and we often have…
The Roma people, often referred to as Gypsy, are originally from India and now live scattered all over the world, especially Europe. After attending a training workshop, Marlute works with a Roma man on a OneStory…
In France, teachers may teach about the Bible, but are strictly forbidden from proselytising or preaching. A step to keep religion out of schools was taken in 2013 when schools were ordered by law to put…
Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) is set to win the largest number of seats in the Dutch election. The current global wave of anti-establishment sentiment, and the migrant crisis has boosted support for PVV. The…
As we remember the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we need to make every effort to overcome the division in the Church that followed the Reformation. In the churches in Germany and Europe there is a…
Operation World reports that as Europe becomes less religious and more secular, a non-religious worldview or a mixed spirituality dominates many people's belief systems. Christians decline in number, and the rate of decline increases each year.…