This week, Hungary, which has during the past year come under pressure for its handling of Europe’s mass migration crisis, has become the first government to open an office specifically to address the persecution of Christians…
Swedes need to give up their identity and integrate with migrants because ‘being Swedish needs to be about more than skin colour and place of birth’. In a new TV advert from Swedish charity organisation IM,…
A European intercessor writes, ‘Today the heads of state who make up the European Council will meet in Bratislava (Slovakia holds the EU presidency). This meeting is important because the Council must find a way forward…
Many IS terrorists originate from Europe and North America, with recruiters taking advantage of the economically marginalised. In Tunisia, 90% of recruits are from marginalised neighbourhoods. Over half of the Tunisian population is aged under 30,…
King’s Ministries is an apostolic-prophetic Ministry preparing the Body of Christ for the work of the Gospel and making the way straight for the Lord to come as a King to the Church, to cities and…
On Saturday an abandoned car with no registration plates containing six gas cylinders and a book with Arabic writing was found near Notre Dame Cathedral, sparking an investigation into a possible new Paris terror plot. Police…