Vladimir Putin delayed his TV address to Russia to be urgently treated for 'chest pains'. The eventual speech the next day warned of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons and mobilising troops. The delayed broadcast allegedly happened only because doctors had urgently treated him. Comments surrounding his health have intensified in recent months. Russia’s General SVR Telegram channel routinely claims that 69-year-old Putin suffers from illnesses such as cancer or Parkinson’s disease. His mental and physical wellbeing have been in sharp focus since he invaded Ukraine. In the delayed announcement he ranted about purging Ukraine of ‘neo-Nazis’ and wanted referendums in occupied regions. But for thousands of Russians watching TV at home, the most notably worrying elements of the broadcast was the ordering of 300,000 army reservists into battle and preventing 25 million reservists from fleeing Russia. This news has shocked and alarmed even his closest confidants.
Putin’s chest pains and intimidation
Written by David Fletcher 22 Sep 2022
Additional Info
- Pray: for God to give Putin’s top political and security officials confidence to show him their discomfort over and lack of enthusiasm for his latest declarations. (Isaiah 5:20)
- More: metro.co.uk/2022/09/21/putins-speech-delayed-as-he-suffered-coughing-fit-and-chest-pains-17422072/