France: leftist alliance rejects Macron’s calls for coalition after inconclusive election

Written by David Fletcher 11 Jul 2024
France: leftist alliance rejects Macron’s calls for coalition after inconclusive election

Emmanuel Macron has urged France's mainstream political forces to form a coalition after the elections resulted in a hung parliament. The New Popular Front, which emerged as the largest bloc with around 190 seats, have demanded that Macron accept their pick for prime minister and allow them to form a government. They insist that respecting the election results is essential for democracy. Any new government - of the left, centre, or a broader coalition - could quickly fall victim to a no-confidence vote from the opposition if it has not secured sufficient support. One commentator has said that it will have to seek to pass laws on a case by case basis, with ad hoc agreements. For more details about how Marine le Pen’s dreams have unravelled - her party unexpectedly came third in the elections - see

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