On 22 March the European Parliament raised its terror alert level in Brussels to orange and heightened security in close cooperation with the Belgian authorities, following the bombing attacks there. France has heightened its measures to monitor suspected personnel, and David Cameron has held meetings to discuss new measures of security in the British Isles. Across the nations a wave of apprehension, coupled with the determination to thwart terror attacks, appears to be taking hold. As well as praying for the victims, their families and friends, we can pray for the cities across Europe to stand strong against the hatred which is emerging at this time.
Heightened security across nations
Written by David Fletcher 26 Mar 2016
Additional Info
- Pray: for the God of justice to prevail against attempts to make people experience anger and fear. (Ps.3:6)
- More: www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20160322IPR20408/Heightened-security-at-European-Parliament