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Displaying items by tag: Boris Johnson

Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:18

Boris Johnson, Carrie Symonds, and a new baby

On 29 April Carrie Symonds, Boris Johnson's partner, gave birth to a baby boy in a London hospital. They have received many congratulations from politicians and are also being prayed for by church leaders, many of whom have written their messages and prayers online. The Archbishop of York wrote, ‘May the angels of God be your shield and defender. A candle is lit for the three of you, and prayers offered.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:06

Boris back at No 10

Boris Johnson has said, ‘The UK is at the moment of maximum risk in the coronavirus outbreak’. Speaking outside No 10 for the first time since recovering from the virus, he said we are now beginning to ‘turn the tide’ on the disease. But he refused to ‘throw away’ the public's ‘effort and sacrifice’ by relaxing the lockdown too soon. We can pray for God to continue to give him strength and stamina as he returns to work. Pray that he paces himself and has the discernment to acknowledge when to allow others to carry burdens for him. May God’s wisdom direct him in every decision and give him heaven’s strategies for the next phase. Pray also for MPs, advisors, civil servants, scientists, and economists to adopt workable policies. Let us also ask our Father in heaven to unite the members of every political party as they work towards unlocking the United Kingdom.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:40

Pray for Boris Johnson

At the time of writing, Boris Johnson is still in hospital, but out of intensive care and 'responding to treatment' after contracting coronavirus and not improving in isolation at home. The Archbishop of Canterbury urged Britain to pray for Boris and thanked the NHS in the country's fight against coronavirus. Boris is being closely monitored by a top lung doctor and his fever has eased while he remains clinically stable. He has been sitting up in bed and engaged positively with the clinical team, although not yet working. He can contact those he needs to as lockdown rules are discussed at this critical time. The NHS medical director warned, ‘Now is not the time to become complacent’. Downing Street hopes that Boris is over the worst of the infection. Pray for health and God’s healing to touch his body. Pray for God to impact his immune system.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 March 2020 20:55

Global: reaching 130 million girls not at school

Julia Gillard, former Australian prime minister, chairs the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and is campaigning for the rights of girls to stay in education. Boris Johnson has called for every girl to be guaranteed twelve years of good quality education. In his party's election manifesto he repeated his support for girls' education globally. There are 130 million girls completely missing out on school. The UK government has been among the biggest backers, giving almost £1bn in 15 years. In Ethiopia there are projects to protect girls from sexual harassment as they go to school or college. Ms Gillard says that getting girls to stay in school is the ‘keystone’ for wider economic improvement. Many girls are married off at a young age or kept at home to work (freeing up an adult to go and earn an income for the family). Despite decades of world leaders’ promises, millions have never started school.

Published in Worldwide

Sajid Javid has shocked Westminster by quitting as chancellor of the exchequer in the middle of Boris Johnson's cabinet reshuffle. He rejected the prime minister's order to fire his entire team of aides, saying no self-respecting minister could accept such a condition. He has been replaced as chancellor by chief secretary to the treasury Rishi Sunak - who just seven months ago was a junior housing minister. Mr Javid’s resignation follows rumours of tensions between him and the prime minister's senior adviser Dominic Cummings. He said his advisers had worked ‘incredibly hard’, and he could not agree to them being replaced. ‘I felt I was left with no option but to resign’, he said, adding that Mr Sunak and the rest of the government retained his ‘full support’. Downing Street said there would now be a joint team of economic advisers for both the chancellor and prime minister. For full details of Mr Johnson’s cabinet reshuffle, see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 December 2019 23:39

‘Let the healing begin’

1 Timothy 2:2 tells us to ‘pray for all who are in high positions’. Boris Johnson’s first speech after the election urged ‘everyone, on either side of an increasingly arid three and a half year argument, to find closure and let the healing begin’. We can pray that his words will be a prophetic declaration, and the division and pain will give way to healing and restoration of our nation. After accepting the Queen's invitation to form a government, he spoke of a ‘one-nation conservative government, acting for everyone in the UK’. Pray for the new legislation which will pave the way for the UK leaving Europe on 31 January. Pray for the future trade and security talks that will begin almost immediately.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 25 October 2019 09:58

PM aims for snap election

In the latest twist to the Brexit saga, Boris Johnson has said he will give MPs more time to debate his deal with the EU - if they agree to a 12 December election. He expects the EU to grant an extension to the 31 October deadline, even though he said he ‘really’ did not want one. But Jeremy Corbyn said he would not support an election until a no-deal Brexit is ‘off the table’. EU leaders could give their verdict on delaying Brexit for up to three months on 25 October. A motion will be tabled on 28 October calling for a general election; under current legislation, it has to be agreed by two-thirds of MPs. We need to pray for our leaders to work together to find solutions to difficult problems with God’s direction. May God guide them to speak respectfully and with humility to one another, and may the Holy Spirit help them to show Christ-like love to those they interact with. May they be wise advocates for their constituents and the nation.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 10 October 2019 23:33

Ireland and Brexit

At the time of writing Boris Johnson and his Irish counterpart Leo Varadkar agree they can ‘see a pathway to a possible deal’. A government website is advising the nation how people and businesses should prepare for 31 October, and the Church is praying. Father, we ask for Your grace and wisdom to come into every phase of decisions. As a Brexit is birthed, and fresh foundations laid, we pray for Heaven’s design and schedules over every vote. We ask You to remove every deadlock so that ‘detailed discussions’ on the Brexit process will connect the United Kingdom to Your perfect plans.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 October 2019 09:51

Brexit: final decisions

Having addressed the Conservative Party conference, Boris Johnson has also delivered new Brexit proposals to the EU. These included plans to replace the backstop, with Northern Ireland staying in the European single market for goods, but leaving the customs union - resulting in new customs checks. Mr Johnson has explained the proposals to MPs, and will update the House of Commons next week. Michael Gove said that the government had given ‘serious proposals’ to the EU; however, one EU spokesman has described them as ‘gravely concerning’, and other commentators are sceptical. The UK hopes to begin a period of intense negotiations, with the aim of reaching a final agreement at the EU summit on 17 October. Let us pray for God to drench European leaders with His strategies as they discuss their response to the latest Brexit plan.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 September 2019 22:08

Saudi Arabia / Iran: tensions

Tensions between powerful Middle East rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran were catapulted to new levels when drones set two Saudi Arabian oil refineries ablaze on 14 September, resulting in halving the Gulf kingdom’s oil output and cutting world crude oil supplies by over 5%. Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed responsibility, but the US blamed Iran for the attacks, and will now deploy troops to the region, triggering fears of Saudi retaliation. Any escalation would be dangerous for the entire region. The drone strikes follow a recent pattern: oil tankers, infrastructure and transportation hubs have been attacked, with indications that Iran and its network are responsible. The US ‘maximum pressure’ policy has not halted Iran’s uranium development. President Rouhani said Iran would present a new Gulf peace initiative in the coming days. On 23 September Boris Johnson blamed Iran for attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities and declined to rule out military intervention or sanctions: see

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