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Displaying items by tag: North Korea

Friday, 07 July 2017 14:51

North Korean missiles, Trump, and the G20

Donald Trump ordered a ballistic missile drill with South Korea on 5 July, firing missiles north in response to North Korea's launching a test ballistic missile, which could reach Alaska, the previous day. At the G20 summit in Hamburg, Trump will come face-to-face with his Chinese and Russian counterparts following their recent joint statement on North Korea. In it they vowed to work together on a diplomatic solution to Pyongyang's nuclear threat. Onlookers are wondering if Mr Trump will personally repeat his recent tweet which attacked China's trade with North Korea and questioned Beijing's loyalties. The US secretary of state said the missile test escalated the threat to the USA, the region, and the world; Trump said he is 'prepared to retaliate against North Korea ALONE'.

Published in Worldwide

Robert Maginnis who once was a Pentagon insider has helped guide our prayers about security issues. Here is his analysis about some of the hot spots of our world:

Mattis declares North Korea “most urgent.”  The Washington Post reports Defense Secretary Jim Mattis declared North Korea the “most urgent and dangerous threat to peace and security” in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee.  That statement bumps Russia from first place among the threats facing the U.S.  The change comes as Pyongyang moves forward with what the U.S. calls an unprecedented number of tests on nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. “North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them has increased in pace and scope,” Mattis said.  “The regime’s nuclear weapons program is a clear and present danger to all, and the regime’s provocative actions, manifestly illegal under international law, have not abated despite United Nations’ censure and sanctions.”  

South Korea’s president says denuclearizing North is matter of survival.  Yonhap News reports South Korean President Moon Jae-in vowed to work with Japanese and American leaders to rid North Korea of nuclear weapons, calling it a threat to his country’s survival.  “North Korea’s denuclearization is needed to ensure peace in the world and Northeast Asia, but for South Korea, it is a matter of survival,” Moon said.  Japanese leaders stressed to South Korea the need to keep the pressure and international sanctions on Pyongyang until the communist state abandoned its nuclear ambitions.   "President Moon said because it will not end with only pressure and sanctions, we must bring North Korea back to the negotiating table before we can completely denuclearize the North," Park told a press briefing.

Robert Lee Maginnis

Pray that a peaceful way will be found to bring the North Korean regime to denuclearize their country and avoid all out military conflict with the U.S. and South Korea. War that would result in possibly hundreds of thousands dying in the two Koreas is unthinkable.

Friday, 30 June 2017 14:46

North Korea: arrested after meeting family

A North Korean man has been arrested on 'spying' charges after meeting Christian relatives in China. Kim Seung-mo, 61, was arrested early in June after visiting family in China's Jilin province, which borders North Korea. A local source said, ‘After he came back, he openly told his neighbours that his relatives attended a church, whose pastor collected many used clothes from parishioners for him. It seems that someone informed state security agents. All travellers to China are required to report their whereabouts and details about their activities. Kim was charged with spying because he did not report that his relatives are churchgoers, and that the pastor had helped him.’ Kim was reportedly 'shackled and tied with rope ... There were obvious signs of violent assault because he had split lips and black eyes, and he appeared to have sustained an injury to one of his legs'.

Published in Worldwide

South Korea's president, Moon Jae-in, said on 20 June that North Korea should repatriate South Koreans and Americans detained in the reclusive country. American student Otto Warmbier, arrested for theft of a political notice while visiting North Korea as a tourist, was held prisoner for 17 months. He has died at a Cincinnati hospital just days after being released from captivity - in a coma, his parents said. Doctors caring for him said he had extensive brain damage. Three other United States citizens (ethnic Koreans) and six South Koreans remain in custody. President Moon deplored North Korea’s lack of respect for human rights, and said his government will make every effort to obtain the return of the detainees. US President Donald Trump blamed the ‘brutality of the North Korean regime’ for Mr Warmbier’s death. Several of those detained are Christian missionaries charged with subversion. North Korea defends its ‘sovereign right to ruthlessly punish’ US citizens held for crimes against the state.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:25

North Korea: danger zone

US citizen Kim Hak-Song, working at Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, has been detained on suspicion of hostile acts against the Pyongyang regime. He is the fourth US citizen currently detained in North Korea: Kim Sang Duk has been arrested on the same charge, Otto Warmbier is serving fifteen years of hard labour for removing a political sign, and Kim Dong Chul ten years on espionage charges. Meanwhile North Korea slammed Donald Trump’s decision to dispatch a naval fleet to the Korean peninsula, vowing to reduce the White House to ashes. Also, Iran has attempted to launch a cruise missile from a ‘midget’ submarine based on a North Korean design - the same type that sank a South Korean warship in 2010.  The current situation mirrors the disorder prior to the last Korean War. See also

Published in Worldwide

Possible war clouds are darkening the skies over North Korea at this time and we need to pray for the USA and the surrounding nations, especially China and Russia, to be restrained and careful in their responses so that dangerous miscalculations are avoided. Please keep this situation in your earnest prayers for the coming weeks and also that the wicked regime of Kim Jong Un would be removed as quickly and peacefully as possible so that liberation can come to the long-suffering North Korean people who have lived under the oppressive boot of his family’s government for 70 years.

Here are three views with prayer concerns from a South Korean perspective:

  1. Of course the big news in South Korea from this past month is the Constitutional Court's decision to uphold the impeachment of, now, former President Park Geun Hye andher arreston corruption charges as an ordinary citizen.  What is particularly interesting to us is the way this is being played and perceived in the North.  It is stirring up a lot of conversation and comparisons between North and South.  The government's spin on the matter is not as powerful as the object lesson in free democracy.  People are asking questions...

Speaking of which, the other hot topic in international news, North Korea's nuclear weapon's program and Kim Jong Eun's bellicose pronouncements are also raising a lot of questions in the North.  New rocket tech tests could fill a lot of hungry mouths and the people are starting to speak out about it.  Also the routine mobilizations in the face of South Korea and US's annual Foal Eagle exercises are generating less and less enthusiasm among the North's military, especially when soldiers would rather be out foraging for food.  At the same time continuing crackdowns, arrests and executions of various officials and border guards is increasing the discontent and infighting among the leadership.  To finance the nuclear program and other government priorities, the North is constantly looking for sources of hard currency income including such things as sending more workers to Russia and elsewhere, imposing taxes on entrepreneurs, trying to entice foreign investment in casinos and resorting to out-right cyber-theft against foreign banks.  And then, there are all the other illegal activities of NK agents abroad, including assassinations.  The ongoing and newly-threatened international sanctions also increase the North's desperation as well as having tragic ripple effects.  We also pray that the latest increase in sanctions will not prevent humanitarian assistance by Christian and other organizations.

People are also speaking out against influence that protects some from the true administration of justice such as a 19-year-old who escaped a murder charge because of his high-level connections.

In economic news, we have government claims of fertilizer production being belied by what farmers actually get while the illicit import of South Korean goods and styles increases despite efforts to curb it. Along with this is an upswing in North Korea's (illegal) dating culture including couples accessories and "standby lodges."

Please remember all who suffer in this nation in your prayers.

Ben Torrey

The Fourth River Project, Inc.


  1. The Korean Peninsula, A Similar SituationBeforethe Korean War

"Come, let us return to the Lord." (Hos. 6:1)

The United States, that supported the war in Korea, is a spiritual ally of Korea. "Since the impeachment of the formal president Park Geun-hye, the situation of Korean politics is unpredictable. We must strengthen our spiritual alliance between Republic of Korea and USA."

Dr. Jeon, Ho-jin, the director of the Indochina Institute and the dean of Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Myanmar said in a recent email interview with The Mission News. "From a Christian point of view, China can never be our ally. China has invaded us. The United State of America is our spiritual ally."

"Dr. Billy Graham, who was a remarkable evangelist at that time, emphasized that the Korean War was not just a war between nations but a spiritual war against Satan, and cried out for US to take a part in the war and support South Korea."  Dr. Graham visited Korea in December 1952 and proclaimed that Korea should hear the gospel and become a nation for missions." But today, Korea is returning back to such a spiritual war again.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jeon in his article titled, The relationship between South Korea and the United States since the fall of Park Geun-hye, in March 10th, quoted the News Week Magazine reporting that "Seoul seems to be moving away from Washington and moving toward Beijing." According to the article, "The increase of Military forces of North Korea, China and the United States makes a situation difficult more and more for the next President of the Republic of Korea." He said, "Korea is more likely to come closer to China than the West."

(Hs 6:1) "Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.


“Heavenly Father, the Republic of Korea that was built in the center of world missions has received Your wonderful grace. The political views and positions which are now divided more than ever are reaching the extreme. These conflicts and chaos are so unsettling that they resemble to the situation happened just before the Korean War. Lord, You are the only One who can solve this conflict. Heal and bind our hearts, and let Your justice and righteousness flow in this land.”

  1. Thank you so much for your love and prayers for this nation. These days I think the current situation of Korean peninsula looks like the one where were the Israelites when the Red Sea was in front of them while Pharaoh’s army was chasing after them. The Republic of Korea is now under the threat of war as everyone senses, as well as the crisis that the most leftist regime in history can take power. One of the most prominent presidential candidates is the one who at the heart of the previous government that supported nuclear weapons development of North Korea through so called Sunshine Policy. We need His grace. We need a supernatural protection. Many of us think this is the last chance for us to repent before a miserable disaster. A nationwide repentance is needed. At the same time, this is an opportunity that we can see His glorious power as the Israelites saw how glorious our Lord’s power is when they crossed the Red Sea. Many people are fasting in prayers crying to the Lord and asking His mercy. We also have prayed day and night for many months expecting true reformation and revival of this nation.

Please pray for us. Pray for a peaceful reunification of Korea. Pray for the presidential election which will be on 9th of May so that we can have a new president who has a strong and godly leadership prepared by the Lord.


Youngchae Song

All Nations Intercessors

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Donald Trump said the US would consider any lever, diplomatic, economic or military, to forestall North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and tweeted, ‘North Korea is looking for trouble.’ But experts say Pyongyang’s latest missile launch has underlined the futility of his efforts to bully Kim Jong-un into abandoning his nuclear ambitions. ‘There is a problem with playing the military threat card with North Korea because they are inclined to call the bluff,’ said John Delury, a North Korea expert in Seoul. ‘I’m not saying they tested because of the threats. But bringing a naval strike group doesn’t help if your goal is to put off a test. If anything you are increasing the odds.’ Delury added that sabre-rattling rhetoric and erratic use of force would only strengthen Kim’s determination to develop a nuclear deterrent to spare him the fate of Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 March 2017 10:12

Sharing Christ’s love with North Koreans

Some Christians study weather patterns over North Korea in order to choose the best time to launch helium-filled weather balloons, with a GPS transponder, carrying gospel tracts and New Testaments into the country. By including a GPS transponder, workers can track the paths and see where the precious payloads land. Another method of reaching the unreached involves radio broadcasts from South Korea. The North Korean government tries to jam signals, but frequencies are repeatedly changed and sharing the Good News continues. North Korean defectors read Scriptures over the air deliberately slowly so that listeners can write down passages of God’s Word themselves. These handwritten verses are the only Bibles that many will ever have in a nation where owning a Bible is only a dream for most. Also brave Christians hand out Bible tracts. John was detained for passing out gospel tracts in North Korea. Listen to his story by clicking the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Tuesday, 28 February 2017 04:19

North Korea

New Year's Day (both solar and lunar) has come and gone and with it, Kim Jong Un's New Year's Address. Here is a link to the full text for anyone who is interested in wading through it all.  A few highlights:  As expected, he emphasized his nuclear program, vowing to strengthen its capabilities and issued a number of warnings to the West.  He also emphasized agricultural development but without any real recognition of reality and what is needed. An interesting point was Kim Jong Un's unprecedented apology for short comings over the past year.  However, there was not much of a positive response to this from a populace that wants to see actions not words.

On the economic front, the growing donju (money lords or money masters) are dropping more cash on expensive meals in Pyongyang and bidding up real estate in the capital as they follow South Korean styles in remodeling their new homes.  North Korean restaurants are starting to offer free pizza to attract customers.  At the same time new luxury food factories are languishing for lack of demand as people prefer imported foods. Yet, the vast majority still struggle to put food on the table and students, laboring under increased demands for "contributions" to fund growing budgets for "free" public education, are dropping out of school in order to go into business.  North Korea is also selling their raw resources at a discount, especially  coal to China in anticipation of China's coming ban on imports from the country. They are also making a push to get more involved with Russia's Maritime Province.

In the meantime, Kim Jong Un is giving mixed signals about building his personality cult, playing down his birthday but getting ready to erect solo portraits of himself around the country.  At the same time, we are getting reports of growing discontent among the nation's elite and the potential for even more.

Remembering Our Brothers in Prison

Last month, we added Andrew Brunson to our list of pastors suffering imprisonment for the Faith.  Andrew was charged by the Turkish goverment with terrorist activities and is in near solitary confinement.  The accusation and actions came as a total surprise to this American family who have been serving faithfully in Turkey for 23 years.  It seems that too many Muslims were coming to faith through his ministry.  He and his wife are very discouraged and he is not sleeping well.  His two sons are with their grandparents in Montreat, North Carolina.  Hold this family up in your prayers.

We continue to pray for Pastor Hyeon Soo Lim of the Light Korean Church in Toronto as well as South Korean pastors Jeong Wook Kim, Kook Ki Kim and Choon Gil Choi and American Pastor Dong-chul Kim. We also lift up in our prayers University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier. There is little progress in his situation. Pray with us that these men be released to their homes and families soon.  May 2017 be the year of full release! 

Ben Torrey


The Fourth River Project, Inc.


Later development: Almost certainly, the North Korean regime carried out a hit-job in the assassination of Kim Jong Un’s older half-brother, Kim Jong Nam, at the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, airport on Feb. 13 with two assassination teams of four people in each.

Let’s continue to pray that this ruthless and wicked regime will be removed from power and that North Korea can be saved from the horrors of its rule. Pray too for the release of those who have been imprisoned unjustly

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Thanks to Robert Maginnis who maintains a vigilant watch over world security issues, here are some serious, worrying situations that intercessors need to keep on the front-burner of our hearts in intercession. They come from his IRAQ-SYRIA UPDATE during this last month of January. Please do read and pray through these potential and developing threats to the security and peace of our world. The prayers of many provide a spiritual shield of protection over the nations:

Nuclear War Danger

Doomsday Clock advances closer to midnight.  The New York Times reports the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on Thursday moved the clock 30 seconds closer to midnight.  It attributes that change to the global security landscape and especially to President Trump’s statements and actions it labels “unsettling.”  Specifically, the report sites Mr. Trump’s comments about expanding and even deploying the American nuclear arsenal and his alleged “propensity to discount or reject expert advice related to international security.”[i]   Note: I’m not surprised by the Times’ echoing this observation because it fits the paper’s anti-Trump agenda.  Fact is the clock can be moved closer to midnight because North Korea is on the cusp of having a credible nuclear-tipped ballistic missile; Iran continues to pursue a similar capability; China continues to invest in survivable nuclear systems and Russia, our primary nuclear adversary, has poured billions into new ballistic missiles systems and modernizing the world’s largest atomic arsenal.   Mr. Trump, unlike Obama, is not putting his head in the sand.  The world is far more dangerous today than any time sense the end of the Cold War and Mr. Trump sees this and intends to close the gap to make America safer.


Chinese warn Trump not to end one China policy.  Reuters reports the state-run tabloid Global Times warned Mr. Trump that Beijing would “take revenge” if the new president reneges on the one-China policy.  Evidently Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen met with senior U.S. Republican lawmakers during her stopover in Houston on Sunday en route to Central America.  China had asked the U.S. not to allow Tsai to enter or have formal government meetings under the one China policy.  Beijing considers self-governing Taiwan a renegade province ineligible for state-to-state relations.[i]  Note: Count on Beijing to quickly test the new president’s mettle either in the South China Sea or vis-à-vis North Korea.

Trump’s State nominee’s confirmation statement earns Chinese warning of war with the U.S.  The London Telegraph reports blocking Chinese access to islands in the South China Sea would require the U.S. to “wage war,” a Chinese state-run paper said on Friday in the wake of testimony by Mr. Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State suggested such a strategy.  The escalation in harsh rhetoric comes after Beijing warned the president-elect not to welcome engagement with Taiwan’s leader, Tsai Ing-Wen.   Rex Tillerson, Mr. Trump’s nominee for State, told his confirmation hearing that he wanted to send a signal to China that their access to islands in the disputed South China Sea “is not going to be allowed.”  He continued that the U.S. would have to “wage a large-scale war” in the South China Sea to prevent Chinese access to the Islands.[ii]  Note: I predict in Future War that the next major world war will take place in the Asia arena and it will involve both the U.S. and China either as adversaries or parties that seek to find accommodation to prevent the spread of hostilities. 

North Korea

Trump threatens to down North Korean ICBM.  The Military Times reports President-elect Trump will face a defiant North Korea early in his administration.  North Korea is talking about launching a newly perfected intercontinental ballistic missile and unnamed U.S. officials in Washington indicate that if Pyongyang launches a missile that threatens American territory it will be shot down.  The exchange in the news suggests Pyongyang and the incoming U.S. administration are feeling each other out ahead of the 20 January inauguration.  What’s not in question is the fact the North Koreans have nuclear weapons and a growing ballistic missile capability. However, there is question among intelligence officials whether Pyongyang has mastered miniaturizing nuclear warheads to fit atop ballistic missiles.[iii]

Trump foreign policy crisis on front burner: Pyongyang likely has enough for 10 plutonium bombsNorth Korea is believed to have some 50 kg of weapons-grade plutonium, or enough to make 10 nuclear bombs, according to the South Korean Defense Ministry’s 2016 defense white paper, which was released Jan. 11, Yonhap reported. Seoul’s last defense white paper, released at the end of 2014, estimated that the North had around 40 kg of plutonium. Pyongyang has also made significant advancements in its ability to miniaturize a nuclear warhead, as well as its ability to enrich uranium, according to the paper.[i] Note: The regime also has enriched uranium, ballistic missiles and miniaturized warhead technology.  Expect Mr. Trump to face a crisis with Pyongyang early in his administration.

Middle East

Iraqi forces gain more ground in eastern Mosul.  Reuters reports Iraqi special forces made more advances against ISIS in Mosul, pushing the jihadi from another eastern district and edging closer to the city center. Meanwhile, Mosul residents trickled out of the hot zone while others returned to their homes as their areas were retaken from ISIS.  ISIS jihadists have fought fiercely with car bombs, snipers operating from a network of tunnels embedded in Mosul’s civil population.   The battle will likely continue for months in spite of recent progress.[vi]  

2016 bloody year for Iraq.  The Washington Post reports violence and military operations in Iraq last year claimed 16,000 civilian lives, making it one of the deadliest years since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.  A report by the London-based Iraq Body Count reported that 16,361 Iraqi civilians died in 2016 and a plurality were killed in the province of Nineveh, the home of Mosul which was captured in 2014 by ISIS.[iii]

Syrian dictator ready to talk.  Reuters reports even though the truce brokered by Russia and Turkey is showing significant strains, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claims he is ready to negotiate on “everything” at peace talks his Russian allies hope to convene in Kazakhstan, including his own position within the framework of the Syrian constitution.  However, Assad insisted any new constitution must be put to a referendum and it was up to Syrians to elect their president.[viii]

Syrian rebels participate in Russian, Turkish-backed peace talks in Kazakhstan.  Reuters reports Syrian rebel groups will attend peace talks backed by Russia and Turkey in Kazakhstan.  Moscow set the diplomatic effort in motion after Syrian rebels suffered a major defeat at the hands of regime forces.  The U.S., which led failed efforts to launch peace talks last year, has not been involved in the latest peace effort.[vii]

Iran ready to receive fresh shipment of natural uraniumIran is preparing to receive a reported 116 metric tons of natural uranium from Russia as compensation for exports of heavy water, anonymous diplomats with knowledge of the upcoming shipment said, AP reported Jan. 9. The United States and five other major powers that reached a nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 agreed to the shipment, the first since the historic accord came into effect, according to the diplomats. Though Tehran has not explicitly outlined its plans for the delivery, the International Atomic Energy Agency will monitor any natural uranium shipments to Iran for 25 years after the start of the deal.[ix] 

South Asia

Pakistan test-fired first submarine-launched cruise missilePakistan's military test-fired the country's first submarine-launched cruise missile on Jan. 9, Reuters reported. With a reported range of 450 kilometers (280 miles), the Babur-3 missile represents a credible second-strike capability for Pakistan, a statement from the Pakistani military said. Test-firing the nuclear-capable missile is likely to ramp up tensions with neighboring India; the two adversaries are locked in a years-long arms race in which each country views military advances by the other as a direct threat to its security.[xi] 

Trump faces a central Asia conflict; India, Pakistan neck-and-neck in nuclear race.  The nuclear race between India and Pakistan is intensifying, thanks in large part to Islamabad's fear that its military is starting to lag behind New Delhi's. Over the past decade, Pakistan has become alarmed by the widening gap between its ability to wage conventional war and India's. Pakistan has turned to its nuclear inventory to level the playing field. But in doing so, Islamabad has spurred its nuclear competition with New Delhi forward even faster, a rivalry that culminated in Pakistan's Jan. 9 test-fire of the Babur-3 submarine-launched cruise missile. The test of the sea-based nuclear-capable weapon was the first of its kind in Pakistan, underscoring the country's investment in mitigating the threat looming on its eastern border. But as Islamabad takes steps to bolster its nuclear deterrent, New Delhi will almost certainly follow suit, each state engaging in a dangerous contest to stay one step ahead of the other.  Warning: Pakistan’s decision to rely on nuclear weapons to deter India increases the likelihood of nuclear war in South Asia.  Pakistan’s recent sea-based nuclear test demonstrates an alarming pattern of posturing between the two nuclear powers.

Pakistan’s North Waziristan “Epicenter” of global terrorism.  The Voice of America reports the US commander of international forces in Afghanistan recently visited Pakistan’s North Waziristan which many experts condemn as the “epicenter” of global terrorism.  General John Nicholson, commander of NATO’s Resolute Support mission on counterterrorism operations, visited the Pakistan region as part of his effort to work with Pakistan’s military chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, who promised cooperation to target al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the Haqqani Network which operate in the region.[vii]

Taliban kill more than 30 in Kabul.  Reuters reports a Taliban suicide attack near the Afghan parliament in Kabul killed at least 33 people and wounded another 70.  The Taliban spokesman said “We planned this attack for quite some time and the plan was target some senior officers of the intelligence agency.  We sent one suicide bomber to target a minibus that was carrying these officers,” the spokesman said.[viii] 

Taliban buy American arms from Afghan ally.  The Washington Free Beacon reports Taliban jihadi in Afghanistan have been purchasing U.S.-supplied weapons and ammunition from Afghan army and police forces.  A U.S. government report indicates just 63% of Afghanistan is under allied control, despite billions in military aid and meanwhile that country is experiencing an increase in violence.  Evidently, according to the report, Afghan security forces are selling their American-supplied weapons to their Taliban enemies.[viii]


Trump’s State and Defense nominees speak frankly about Russian threat.  The Guardian reports that Trump’s defense nominee retired Gen. James Mattis said at his confirmation hearing the West should recognize the reality that Russian President Putin is trying to break NATO and Trump’s State nominee, Mr. Rex Tillerson, described Russia’s annexation of Crimea “as an act of force” and said that when Russia flexed its muscles, the U.S. must mount “a proportional show of force.”  Of course in response to Russian aggression in Eastern Europe the U.S. and NATO allies have steadily increased air patrols and training exercises across the region.  At this time troops from the Third Armor Brigade Combat Team, 4thInfantry Division, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, are moving from the U.S. to Germany and then railing to Poland with their 87 tanks and 144 other armored vehicles.  This move has the Russians’ attention and drew their criticism.[i] Note: The Obama administration began its eight year run with a Russian reset.  It would appear the Trump administration is setting the stage for a serious re-evaluation of our relationship with Russia that at this point appears more confrontational.

Robert Maginnis, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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