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Displaying items by tag: Pakistan

Tuesday, 28 February 2017 11:33


“Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men; protect me from men of violence,”  Psa 140:1

 Let’s pray about world peace and the central role Pakistan plays. Eastern side - WAR BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN - Both countries have fought two wars over Kashmir that involves the rights of who controls the water of the five rivers that flow into Pakistan.

Shortly after Pakistan was created the U.N. and the World Bank established the “Indus Treaty.” The rivers first flow through India and then into Pakistan.  India was to get the water from two of the rivers. They are now taking water from all five of the rivers.

Without water the people perish.  The prime ministers in each country have brought this up in recent weeks again and again.  The Indian P.M. has said  several times that he does not care about the Indus Treaty - India will take  all of the water.  Some have referred to the “Zero Line” (where the Indus  River passes through Kashmir) as the biggest potential for World War III.  Both  countries have threatened to go to war using their nuclear weapons; this would  draw in many other countries. Even more alarming is the fact that China is diverting water from the Tibetan plateau for their own use.  Almost half of the  world’s population depends on the water from this plateau.

 (See the following videos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dtsqwvOJfc   (the last 4 min)


PRAY   For the resolution over the water problems of these two countries.

PRAY for peace between these two countries.

Western side - TERRORIST WAR - AFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTAN - Terrorism will not be stopped until there is peace between these two countries. Along the border these people are relatives and move back and forth between these two counties with ease.  When NATO was in Afghanistan the terrorists moved and operated out of Pakistan.  When NATO left Afghanistan, Pakistan’s new military commander in chief did a superb job of cleaning out the terrorists on the Pakistani side of the border.  But the majority of the terrorists moved to Afghanistan. Until both governments work together it will be difficult to resolve this.

PRAY both countries will work together to resolve the terrorist issue and bring peace, that affects both countries and the world.

PRAY Pakistan’s new military commander-in-chief will continue to bring down the terrorists.

VISAS – There are still problems for missionaries getting visas.  It seems to be every mission is having trouble throughout the country no matter what kind of work they are doing.  Some have been promised visas even by the prime minister, and then this promise has been broken.  

PRAY for God to intervene and visas to be granted

PRAY for those in this department that are blocking this.

Tagged under
Friday, 10 February 2017 11:02

Pakistan: Christian freed on bail

Last week, after more than three years in jail, a Christian facing the death penalty on charges of blasphemy was granted bail by the Supreme Court in Lahore. Adnan Prince had been imprisoned in Lahore’s district jail since November 2013 after he was accused by a work colleague of insulting Islam, the Qur’an and Islam’s prophet. The three-man bench ordered the release of Prince, with bail set at Rs 300,000 (around £2,300). According to Mr Prince’s lead counsel, the case against her client should have been decided within two years. This did not take place due to lawyers’ strikes and delaying tactics by the prosecution, she said. She also explained that legal formalities were not fulfilled; guidelines passed by the Supreme Court say that a police officer of at least the rank of superintendent should have conducted the investigation. She added that there were no direct eyewitnesses and that all forensic evidence failed to link the accused. Although earlier bail applications had been dismissed by both a district judge and the Lahore High Court, the Supreme Court granted Prince bail and ordered his release. Similar cases have been known to take as long as seven years to reach trial.

Published in Praise Reports
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Friday, 13 January 2017 07:04

Pakistan: Christian food ‘unclean’

Many Christian children in Pakistan face discrimination, abuse, hostility and even violence at government schools. A class of schoolgirls in Pakistan were taking an exam in Home Economics. The examiner was tasting the food they had cooked. But when she got to the Christian girls she refused to touch what they had cooked, saying it would make her unclean. She tipped the food in the bin, and the girls failed the exam. Four Christian girls at a Punjabi high school were forced to bring their own drinking glasses and water bottles to school after Muslim students complained they were unclean. There are also many who cannot go to school at all because their parents cannot afford the fees. Instead, children are forced to work as menial labourers, often in high-risk jobs.

Published in Worldwide
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:04

Is UK aid ‘exporting the dole’?

Tory MP Nigel Evans has harshly criticised a foreign aid programme that hands money directly to Pakistan’s poorest people. Britain currently helps fund the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), which offered cash support to over 235,000 families across Pakistan in 2012 and could be helping 441,000 by 2020. The Department for International Development (DfID) argues that offering just over £10 a month to these families cuts out middlemen, reduces the risk of fraud, and minimises the cost of the programme. The budget for the transfers, which help people who live on less than £1 a day, has risen from £53 million in 2005 to an annual average of £219 million in the period 2011-2015. However, Evans has called on DfID to launch an urgent examination of the process, saying, ‘This should only be a temporary measure, but it seems as if we’re exporting the dole to Pakistan, which is clearly not a clever idea.’

Published in British Isles

The son of a murdered Pakistani politician is facing death threats from Islamists because he supported an imprisoned Christian woman who is on death row. Human rights activist Shan Taseer asked for people to support Mrs Asia Bibi, over Twitter this week. Bibi has been sentenced to death, accused of "insulting" Islam after she defended her Christian faith. Muslims in Pakistan are now accusing Taseer of blasphemy against Islam. His father, Salman Taseer, was a Pakistani politician who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for opposing the country's blasphemy laws in January 2011. Shan Taseer's Twitter account can no longer be seen, but tweets with hashtags supporting him are spreading from different accounts.

Published in Worldwide
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