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Displaying items by tag: Slaves Rescued

Thursday, 22 October 2020 22:53

Slaves rescued

Recently the Ghana police, working with the department of social welfare and IJM, rescued nine children and arrested five suspects. We are thankful to the resilient and brave team who made this rescue possible. Please pray for further Ghana rescues. Four Filipino children were also rescued thanks to another multi-agency effort led by the Philippines Women and Children Centre. One suspect, believed to be a child’s relative, was arrested. Finally in South Asia ten people, including children, were rescued from bonded labour at a brick kiln.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 28 May 2020 22:08

South Asia: 360 slaves rescued

Praise God for a successful rescue operation of 360 children, women and men freed from a brick kiln. They had been made to work under debt bondage for the last six months and faced extreme violence when they asked to leave during the COVID-19 pandemic. IJM and its partner supported local officials in the operation to get them finally to safety. This is the third time in five years that authorities have rescued people from this same brick kiln, but in the past the owner has always been released on bail.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 February 2020 03:16

South Asia: Rescued from bonded-labour slaver

The International Justice Mission writes, ‘Praise God for 115 people rescued from bonded-labour slavery just this week! These children, women and men were rescued by IJM, our partners and local authorities from six brick kilns, a rice mill and several roadside cafes. All had been forced to work in gruelling conditions for the last 2 to 10 years. Instead of going to school, many of the children had grown up making bricks alongside their parents. We are so grateful for local officials who quickly took up cases from IJM and our partners, and how they treated the victims with dignity and respect. Please pray for follow-up in all these cases and for these families to resettle safely as they begin new lives in freedom.’

Published in Praise Reports