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Displaying items by tag: South Korea

Friday, 16 February 2018 09:30

South Korea: Olympics opportunities

Over five billion people across the world are not followers of Jesus, and two billion have never even heard the Gospel. Most will never hear unless somebody tells them. Pyeongchang has welcomed the world for the 2018 Olympic Games. 92 nations are participating. The world's best athletes are competing side by side with people from every corner of the world. They represent every possible worldview, religious background, and political system. Many - maybe most - of these athletes, families, and fans have never heard the Gospel. This is a special window of time for Christian athletes and participants to shine His light to those around them. What if the Olympic Games became an open door for the message of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed to the nations? Pray for an anointing of evangelism for every Christian involved in the Olympic Games.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:33

North Korea 'devastating' EMP Threat

Only a few weeks after a team of experts warned Congress that the nation faces an “existential threat” from North Korea from a possible electromagnetic pulse attack, a new report says the rogue nation is mapping a specific plan.

Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner wrote in his “Washington Secrets” column that the White House “is being warned that North Korea is mapping plans for a ‘devastating’ attack on the United States with an atmospheric nuclear explosion that would disable the nation’s electric grid, potentially leading to the deaths of virtually all impacted.”

He said President Trump “is being urged to create a special commission to tackle the potential for an electromagnetic pulse attack, one similar to the iconic Manhattan Project.”

Bedard cited Marine Corps veteran Tommy Waller, an advocate for an EMP commission, now the director of special projects at the Center for Security Policy.

“The first and foremost thing he must write is an executive order establishing his own EMP commission in the White House – a task force that draws from the experience of the previous EMP Commission,” Waller wrote.

Waller said that after “massive intelligence failures grossly underestimating North Korea’s long-range missile capabilities, number of nuclear weapons, warhead miniaturization, and proximity to an H-Bomb, the biggest North Korean threat to the U.S. remains unacknowledged – nuclear EMP attack.”

“North Korea confirmed the EMP Commission’s assessment by testing an H-Bomb that could make a devastating EMP attack, and in its official public statement: ‘The H-Bomb, the explosive power of which is adjustable from tens of kilotons to hundreds of kilotons, is a multi-functional thermonuclear weapon with great destructive power which can be detonated even at high altitudes for super-powerful EMP attack according to strategic goals.'”

One of those experts who delivered the warning to Congress, Peter Pry, told WND it is the deep state, entrenched bureaucrats whose loyalties likely lay with a previous administration, that is indifferent to a threat that testimony has confirmed could kill 90 percent of the people in the affected region within a year.

Get the real story about EMP in the ground-breaking “A Nation Forsaken” by F. Michael Maloof, as well as “Lights On” by Jeffrey Yago, from the WND Superstore.

Pry, a nuclear strategist formerly with the CIA who served as chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission until it was terminated in September (the same month North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb, which it described as capable of a super powerful EMP attack), said liberal Democrats still are running a lot of Washington even after President Trump’s election.

“The people who sabotaged the EMP Commission, Obama holdovers, are still at the Department of Defense. They have not been replaced by the Trump administration. This is happening not just with the vitally important EMP Commission,” he said. “Our society, the Trump administration and the people who voted for Trump are paying for the failure of Congress to support Trump appointees quickly.

“At the same time during the Obama administration, he had twice as many appointees appointed to positions in government than Trump has. It’s not President Trump’s fault – these people are undermining and opposing the policies that President Trump has enacted, including the case of the EMP Commission.”

Pry explained Obama administration bureaucrats, who believed Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidential election, did everything they could to sabotage and undermine the commission.

“They held back money for a whole year. They held back security clearances. They tried to stop the commission’s staff from working, arguing that ‘you need a contract in order to work for the EMP Commission.’ They wouldn’t even let me work, or other staff, pro-bono. We did anyway.

“Had Hillary won, we would never have received any of our funding or security clearances. It was all after she clearly lost and Congress intervened that they relented at the last minute. A commission that was supposed to have been able to work 18 months at EMP ended up with resources and support from the Department of Defense that enabled us to put in six months of work. That’s no way to provide for the national security of the country against an existential threat like EMP.”

An EMP comes from a nuclear explosion at altitude over the United States. The blast would disrupt electronics in line of sight, including those computer and other systems that deliver food, fuel, energy and communications to Americans.

Further, repairing or replacing those systems easily could take months, or even longer.

The result would be a run on food currently in stores, and starvation when those supplies failed, as replacements would be impossible without those delivery systems.

Pry detailed how an EMP attack would be more devastating than an asteroid hitting.

“We have a population of 320 million Americans today – we are only able to sustain that population because of our technology. Our modern technological economy and all of our critical infrastructure that support that economy is keeping 320 million Americans alive,” he explained. “Communication, transportation, business and finance, our industrial capability, even food and water depend on electricity. When you subtract electricity, when you cause a nationwide blackout, blackout the electric grid and all the life-sustaining critical infrastructures, how can you now support 320 million people? How many people can you support?”

Pry said many downplay the threat of an EMP attack by claiming the conditions resulting from the attack would be similar to “time traveling” to a time when people were less dependent on electricity. But in reality, he warned, the “aftermath of an EMP would be an unprecedented environmental catastrophe.”

There would be a ripple effect to the problem, too.

“Gas line pipes are going to blow up – you’ll have firestorms in cities from exploding gas pipelines. Chemical spills, toxic clouds industrial accidents, where fires break out because of the failure of safety … systems,” he said. “This huge chemistry set that is our society isn’t just going to sit there and black out; in many cases, it’s going to detonate and basically turn into bombs. In seven days, the nuclear reactors will go Fukushima and spread radioactivity everywhere.”

Jeffrey Yago, a licensed engineer and certified energy professional, says the danger of an EMP attack is very real.

“I think in the future of this country, we’re going to certainly see not only more power outages in more areas, but they’re going to last a lot longer,” Yago said during an interview on The Hagmann Report. “I’m not talking about a two-day outage [caused] by a storm or a weeklong outage by something like Hurricane Sandy or Katrina, but we’re talking potentially, these problems could impact major parts of the United States for months, not days.”

Yago believes if America continues on its current path of escalating tensions with North Korea, an EMP attack will be imminent. He suspects China, North Korea’s biggest ally, would rather see North Korea attack the U.S. with an EMP weapon than with a more conventional nuclear missile. A nuclear missile would destroy buildings and other infrastructure that China, the U.S.’s largest foreign creditor, may hope to own one day. An EMP attack would destroy America’s electrical grid while leaving other critical infrastructure intact.

Plenty of experts in the public and private sectors are aware of the EMP threat to America’s power grid. Multiple studies have been published, including “Securing the U.S. Electrical Grid” by the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress in 2014, “Electric Grid Vulnerability” by the staff of two Democratic congressmen in 2013, and “Large Power Transformers and the U.S. Electric Grid” by the U.S. Department of Energy in 2012.

Get the real story about EMP in the ground-breaking “A Nation Forsaken” by F. Michael Maloof, as well as “Lights On” by Jeffrey Yago, from the WND Superstore.

More at: http://www.wnd.com/2017/11/warning-n-korea-mapping-specific-plan-for-devastating-emp/#P7hXxjs1JO0v2m0S.99

Also see: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/09/05/millions-american-lives-could-be-at-stake-as-north-korea-threatens-to-attack-power-grid.html

Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:32

North Korea Further Briefing (Dec 2017)

I trust you have been following the news about the current threat from North Korea that could impact both Asia and North America, especially if Kim Jong Un, fires another ICBM and accidentally hits Japan or South Korea, prompting retaliation and war, or shoots a nuke a couple hundred miles above North America in what is called an EMP or electro-magnetic pulse attack that could knock out power grids and put the lives of millions in the continent at stake.

Please see the article below and pray for a wall of protection around the countries of Asia and North America. The Psalmist reminds us over and over that the Lord is the one who protects our nations. He is our only security in the final analysis. He is our "strength and shield", "a fortress of salvation" and hears our cry for mercy (28:6-8) so let's pray accordingly in this tense time.

I was in Washington DC last week and met with one of the USA's national security people who is an expert on North Korea also a woman of prayer. She said the crisis is likely to get "more intense" and that we should pray there will be no miscalculation on either side. Let's please therefore pray that God would give wisdom and restraint to all the political leaders involved whether in North and South Korea, Japan, China, Russia and the USA.

During a national prayer call that focused on the Korean situation last night, I quoted a theologian who penned those famous words: "History belongs to the intercessors who believe the future into being." Let's trust God together and believe for a peaceful solution to this grave situation.

Please watch and pray over the news from the Korean peninsula. This is the most threatening and dangerous situation the world faces right now and it looks to be worsening.

Pray: that the North Koreans will back down from their provocative actions.
Pray: that Kim Jong Un will either change course or be removed by his own government or by Chinese intervention.
Pray: that a military confrontation that could take the lives of hundreds of thousands or even millions would be averted.
Pray: ask that God would give special wisdom and restraint to President Trump, President Xi Jinping of China, President Moon Jae-in of South Korea as well as all other leaders involved in the current crisis that a peaceful solution can be found to ending North Korea's nuclear threats and weapons program.

Please refer to our previous articles on the IPC Prayer Website: http://www.ipcprayer.org/ipc-connections/item/9956-praying-for-north-korea-nov-2017.html

John D RobbChairman
IPC Prayer Connect

Sarah Lee writes: The situation is more precarious than ever. In fact, the crisis we are seeing is one that is unprecedented. The present South Korean government is pushing ahead with near-communist policies at full-throttle. In the midst of the threats being hurled from North Korea, such governmental steering has enraged some people, confused others, and brainwashed even others with false ideologies.

The threats from North Korea saying that it will make Seoul a sea of fire is being ratcheted up even more, and this has greatly contributed to the rapid fraying of a near 70 year old alliance between South Korea and the U.S. Many analysts and experts see this fraying as the first step toward the communization of all of Korea.

Pray: that the tides would turn and that the South Korea-U.S. alliance would be reinforced.
Pray: That the destiny of this alliance — and this nation — cannot be left to the hands of the sympathizers of the North Korean regime.

We are feeling with every cell in our bodies that the only hope for this nation is in Christ alone. We are seeing a new fire being ignited in the prayers of the Korean Church. New prayer gatherings with new strength are rising up throughout the nation. For this, we praise the Lord!

I am thankful that we are able to join in the midst of prayers being lifted up to the Lord in our respective places.

Thank you again, for your prayers in such a critical time.

In His hope and faithfulness,


Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:27

Praying for North Korea (Nov 2017)

No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the Lord.  Is 54:17

In this edition of IPC Connections, we are once again highlighting the extremely volatile situation on the Korean Peninsula, that needs our prayers.  

Last month, we prayed about the potential of military options, which could cause many deaths. There is still the danger of provocative actions which we continue to pray against.  We also highlighted the significant relationship with China, who has the power and influence to broker a peaceful resolution to the crisis.  

Since then, an interview (reported here) with an academic with close relations to the Chinese government has warned that a war between China and North Korea was 'on the table'.  Chong Sho-Hu, a professor from Renmin University, Beijing said that the relationship with North Korea was now worse than it had been with both the Soviet Union and Vietnam at the time of the wars with those countries in the past.

In his words: "North Korea is standing on the edge of a deep cliff, one light blow could push this country off the cliff."   When asked whether this meant one more missile test could trigger war, the professor agreed.

Let's pray for continued peace and a 'breakthrough intervention' in the relationship between China and North Korea that will open the door for a U-turn and for positive de-nuclearization negotiations.

We also report in this edition on the real threat that the continued development of intercontinental ballistic rockets by North Korea's regime is creating. North Korea’s deputy U.N. ambassador called his country’s nuclear and missile arsenal “a precious strategic asset that cannot be reversed or bartered for anything.” A UK Daily Mail article also included in this month's edition quotes North Korean official's ambitions - both defensive and offensive capability that will hold the whole of the United States within it's range.  

As I have been writing this, a notification has arrived of an un-confirmed tunnel collapse in September at the North Korean nuclear test site that resulted in 200 deaths of 100 workers and a further 100 rescuers who were killed in a second collapse.  Whilst any loss of life is regrettable, there is no doubt that such an incident will have hampered the efforts of the regime in their attempts to develop these nuclear weapons.  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-tunnel/tunnel-collapse-may-have-killed-200-after-north-korea-nuclear-test-japanese-broadcaster-idUSKBN1D018L?il=0

Pray on for the nuclear ambitions of North Korea to be thwarted. (Is 54:17) Let's also pray into the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and other United Nations efforts to restrict and reduce the development of nuclear arsenals globally.

Many Christians are suffering in North Korea for their faith.  Choi Kwanghyuk (55) escaped a work camp where he was sent after being targeted and persecuted by the government for his Christian faith. Read about his harrowing experiences below.

Robert Park, a US prisoner of the Kim Jong-il regime from December 2009 to February 2010 estimates that there are up to 400,000 believers worshipping secretly in North Korea.  He reminds us of the fact that thousands of the imprisoned Christians are in prison camps that are located close to military targets such as weapons facilities and test sites.  Read Robert's moving plea for a workable and peaceable solution addressed to the Korean President below.

Pray on for those being persecuted, raped, beaten, tortured for their faith. (Matt 5:11-12).  Pray for their release and an end to the oppression of believers of all faiths.  Pray for a solution to the crisis that does not endanger lives, either side of the border.  

On a more positive note, let’s be thankful for news of a growing Christian Church in North Korea, reported in this month's edition and for the innovative means being used to make the word of God available to them, through 'Bible Balloons containing text from the Bible or flash drives containing the whole Bible - Praise God!

Pray for the continuing efforts to encourage, equip and educate new believers in North Korea and for those who are taking great risks both in these efforts from South Korea and those who are nurturing God's people within North Korea.  Pray for one, united Korea.

May God bless and encourage you all as you join us in praying both for Korea and these other important global matters.

In His service,

John Robb, IPC Chairman

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:17

North Korea - Shock warning of Chinese BLITZ

A CHINESE academic with close links to officials inside the country's defence establishment has revealed that China is prepared to "go to war" with North Korea.

In a shocking bombshell interview, an academic with close ties to the Chinese government has warned war with North Korea was on the table.

Chong Sho-Hu, who is a professor of international relations at the Renmin University, in Beijing, said North Korea was "seeking death".

He also confirmed the long-lasting era of Chinese friendship with North Korea has ended.

Despite historic ties between the two countries, president Xi Jinping has reportedly become "fed up" with the erratic behaviour of the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.

Speaking to the BBC, the professor warned that one more missile test would be the move "to push the country off the cliff".

President Jinping was said to be "boiling with fury" after North Korea recently tested a missile just as China was gearing up to host a pivotal global economic conference.

The former US ambassador to China Max Baucus recently claimed the only time he saw the Chinese leader use "undiplomatic language" was in relation to Kim Jong-Un.

Professor Sho-Hu, who has ties to China's defence and foreign affairs establishment, suggested that the time may have come for a military solution to the problem.

He said: "The Chinese government is mad, China’s top leader is mad. China wants to punish North Korea.

"China once had special relations with the Soviet Union but they had war with that country.

"They also had a very special relationship with Vietnam but then they had a war with them in 1979

"The relationship between China and North Korea is worse than both of those.

"I will say, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies."

The professor added: "North Korea is in an awkward situation. No country has ever encountered such tough sanctions before.

"If they do nothing, they will starve to death. If they do another ICBM test, they will seek to die.

"North Korea is standing on the edge of a deep cliff, one light blow could push this country of the cliff."

When asked whether this meant one more missile test could trigger war, the professor agreed.

This week the China's leader Xi Jinping outlined his plans to make China the most powerful nation in the world.

In a three and a half hour speech at the Chinese Communist Party Congress, he said he would build the biggest army in the world, but wanted to avoid a conflict with US President Donald Trump over North Korea.

But, speaking of the People's Liberation Army, he said: “A military is built to fight.”

He told delegates: “By 2050 China will become a global leader in terms of comprehensive national strength and international influence with the rule of law, innovative companies, a clean environment, an expanding middle class, adequate public transportation and reduced disparities between urban and rural areas.

“Chinese people will enjoy greater happiness and well-being, and the Chinese nation will stand taller and firmer in the world.

“China is approaching the centre of the world stage.”

A cyber security expert told Express.co.uk China could strike the US by pretending to be North Korea.

Matt Morris, vice president of NexDefense, said hackers knew the digital footprints of other states and were mimicking them to use as a decoy.

CIA chief Mike Pompeo said on Thursday that North Korea could be only “months” away from gaining the ability to hit the United States with nuclear weapons.

US President Donald Trump is expected to try and pressure the Chinese president when they meet next month.

The White House want China to do more to rein in North Korea, following the president's consolidation of power at the Communist Party Congress.

More: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/869329/North-Korea-latest-Chinese-military-expert-Beijing-offensive-Kim-Jong-Un

Friday, 08 September 2017 10:07

South Korea: US training assassins?

US Navy SEALs who purportedly killed al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden will train South Korean commandos to take out North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the event of war, according to the Times of London. ‘We are in the process of conceptualising the plan; I believe we can create the unit by 1 December’, said the South Korean defence minister. The US has also decided to waive restrictions on the size and range of South Korean ballistic missiles, allowing it to develop and drop bunker-busting bombs on the underground headquarters of the North Korean leadership in Pyongyang. President Trump told Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe that the US is ready to use the ‘full range’ of capabilities, including the nuclear arsenal at its disposal, in dealing with North Korea.

Published in Worldwide

We are sharing this word about North Korea, from Rick Ridings who many readers will remember from the World Prayer Assembly:

My friend Dutch Sheets sent out a call to prayer and prophetic word concerning North Korea yesterday on July 7th.  That same day, I was with a team at the border of North Korea to pray.  I had been speaking for a conference in Seoul, and the Lord had spoken beforehand to go after my speaking to the DMZ, the “Demilitarized Zone” along the cease-fire line that became the border with North Korea. I have ministered in conferences in South Korea many times in the past seven years, but never felt I had a release from the Lord to go to the DMZ.  But this time, I felt a compulsion to go there for a specific ‘prophetic action’.

We went as a group of five, including a pastor who had escaped from North Korea, and who leads a church in the area near the DMZ.  Two other local Korean pastors joined us there, making a team of seven praying on 7.7 on the Gregorian calendar and during the year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar.

I felt strongly that I was to drop a plumb line there, and proclaim from Isaiah 28:14-18 over the regime of North Korea.  These verses speak of floods of water ”overflowing” hidden lies, exposing them and sweeping them away.  It says that the flood will come in waves like a whip against those evil rulers, and annul their covenant with death.  

When I proclaimed the same verses in Washington, D.C., in January 2016  (Patti and I were leading worship in “David’s Tent”, a place of 24/7 worship and prayer at the base of the Washington Monument), I stated that flooding would happen in Washington as a sign that the Lord would do this spiritually.  Immediately afterward, heavy rains started, and the next day the Washington newspapers reported flooding there, and soon after that many political secrets were exposed.  

The same thing happened along the DMZ region bordering with North Korea!  As I finished proclaiming these spiritual floods to expose the lies and sweep away the North Korean regime, a heavy downpour of rain started (during a time they had been experiencing unusual drought), and the next day, the news reported flooding in that area along the DMZ.

I had taken a small piece of the Berlin Wall that I threw over the barbed wire face declaring that the same LORD who brought down the Berlin Wall and Soviet communism in a sudden surprise, would bring down the barrier between North and South Korea to reunite them and bring healing to the Land.

I was in prayer conferences in Germany during the time preceding the reunification of Germany.  I had heard their sincere confession of the sins of their forefathers and their nation towards the Jewish people.  And we proclaimed at that time, as they had humbled themselves in many corporate gatherings and confessed the sins of the nation (as in 2 Chronicles 7:14), that the LORD would heal their divided land as He promised.

I have now been in, and know of, many conferences where South Koreans have confessed the sins of their nation, and felt this was the time I was to proclaim that the LORD has heard and will bring about the reunification of Korea with a sudden event. Only afterward, did I find out that Dutch Sheets had sent out on the same day we prayed at the DMZ (July 7th) a prayer alert where he explained that he had recently prophesied in South Korea that “…the man-made barrier between North and South Korea would be removed, and the rebirth/rebuilding/ restoration of all of Korea would happen so amazingly fast that it would be a sign and a wonder to the world”.

I believe that Satan would love to use North Korea to bring great devastation upon the world, and to hinder the LORD’s calling on all of Korea to be a great missionary sending nation, especially impacting the Middle East.  But our God is greater!  Let us pray for His plumb line of justice and righteousness to continue to be extended over North Korea, for His floods to expose their regime’s lies, to “annul its covenant with death”, and to bring about its collapse and the liberation of North Koreans to worship the LORD.  Let us pray for all of Korea to be one reunited, healed and mighty missionary sending nation!

Rick Ridings

Robert Maginnis who once was a Pentagon insider has helped guide our prayers about security issues. Here is his analysis about some of the hot spots of our world:

Mattis declares North Korea “most urgent.”  The Washington Post reports Defense Secretary Jim Mattis declared North Korea the “most urgent and dangerous threat to peace and security” in testimony before the House Armed Services Committee.  That statement bumps Russia from first place among the threats facing the U.S.  The change comes as Pyongyang moves forward with what the U.S. calls an unprecedented number of tests on nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. “North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them has increased in pace and scope,” Mattis said.  “The regime’s nuclear weapons program is a clear and present danger to all, and the regime’s provocative actions, manifestly illegal under international law, have not abated despite United Nations’ censure and sanctions.”  

South Korea’s president says denuclearizing North is matter of survival.  Yonhap News reports South Korean President Moon Jae-in vowed to work with Japanese and American leaders to rid North Korea of nuclear weapons, calling it a threat to his country’s survival.  “North Korea’s denuclearization is needed to ensure peace in the world and Northeast Asia, but for South Korea, it is a matter of survival,” Moon said.  Japanese leaders stressed to South Korea the need to keep the pressure and international sanctions on Pyongyang until the communist state abandoned its nuclear ambitions.   "President Moon said because it will not end with only pressure and sanctions, we must bring North Korea back to the negotiating table before we can completely denuclearize the North," Park told a press briefing.

Robert Lee Maginnis

Pray that a peaceful way will be found to bring the North Korean regime to denuclearize their country and avoid all out military conflict with the U.S. and South Korea. War that would result in possibly hundreds of thousands dying in the two Koreas is unthinkable.

South Korea's president, Moon Jae-in, said on 20 June that North Korea should repatriate South Koreans and Americans detained in the reclusive country. American student Otto Warmbier, arrested for theft of a political notice while visiting North Korea as a tourist, was held prisoner for 17 months. He has died at a Cincinnati hospital just days after being released from captivity - in a coma, his parents said. Doctors caring for him said he had extensive brain damage. Three other United States citizens (ethnic Koreans) and six South Koreans remain in custody. President Moon deplored North Korea’s lack of respect for human rights, and said his government will make every effort to obtain the return of the detainees. US President Donald Trump blamed the ‘brutality of the North Korean regime’ for Mr Warmbier’s death. Several of those detained are Christian missionaries charged with subversion. North Korea defends its ‘sovereign right to ruthlessly punish’ US citizens held for crimes against the state.

Published in Worldwide

Possible war clouds are darkening the skies over North Korea at this time and we need to pray for the USA and the surrounding nations, especially China and Russia, to be restrained and careful in their responses so that dangerous miscalculations are avoided. Please keep this situation in your earnest prayers for the coming weeks and also that the wicked regime of Kim Jong Un would be removed as quickly and peacefully as possible so that liberation can come to the long-suffering North Korean people who have lived under the oppressive boot of his family’s government for 70 years.

Here are three views with prayer concerns from a South Korean perspective:

  1. Of course the big news in South Korea from this past month is the Constitutional Court's decision to uphold the impeachment of, now, former President Park Geun Hye andher arreston corruption charges as an ordinary citizen.  What is particularly interesting to us is the way this is being played and perceived in the North.  It is stirring up a lot of conversation and comparisons between North and South.  The government's spin on the matter is not as powerful as the object lesson in free democracy.  People are asking questions...

Speaking of which, the other hot topic in international news, North Korea's nuclear weapon's program and Kim Jong Eun's bellicose pronouncements are also raising a lot of questions in the North.  New rocket tech tests could fill a lot of hungry mouths and the people are starting to speak out about it.  Also the routine mobilizations in the face of South Korea and US's annual Foal Eagle exercises are generating less and less enthusiasm among the North's military, especially when soldiers would rather be out foraging for food.  At the same time continuing crackdowns, arrests and executions of various officials and border guards is increasing the discontent and infighting among the leadership.  To finance the nuclear program and other government priorities, the North is constantly looking for sources of hard currency income including such things as sending more workers to Russia and elsewhere, imposing taxes on entrepreneurs, trying to entice foreign investment in casinos and resorting to out-right cyber-theft against foreign banks.  And then, there are all the other illegal activities of NK agents abroad, including assassinations.  The ongoing and newly-threatened international sanctions also increase the North's desperation as well as having tragic ripple effects.  We also pray that the latest increase in sanctions will not prevent humanitarian assistance by Christian and other organizations.

People are also speaking out against influence that protects some from the true administration of justice such as a 19-year-old who escaped a murder charge because of his high-level connections.

In economic news, we have government claims of fertilizer production being belied by what farmers actually get while the illicit import of South Korean goods and styles increases despite efforts to curb it. Along with this is an upswing in North Korea's (illegal) dating culture including couples accessories and "standby lodges."

Please remember all who suffer in this nation in your prayers.

Ben Torrey

The Fourth River Project, Inc.


  1. The Korean Peninsula, A Similar SituationBeforethe Korean War

"Come, let us return to the Lord." (Hos. 6:1)

The United States, that supported the war in Korea, is a spiritual ally of Korea. "Since the impeachment of the formal president Park Geun-hye, the situation of Korean politics is unpredictable. We must strengthen our spiritual alliance between Republic of Korea and USA."

Dr. Jeon, Ho-jin, the director of the Indochina Institute and the dean of Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Myanmar said in a recent email interview with The Mission News. "From a Christian point of view, China can never be our ally. China has invaded us. The United State of America is our spiritual ally."

"Dr. Billy Graham, who was a remarkable evangelist at that time, emphasized that the Korean War was not just a war between nations but a spiritual war against Satan, and cried out for US to take a part in the war and support South Korea."  Dr. Graham visited Korea in December 1952 and proclaimed that Korea should hear the gospel and become a nation for missions." But today, Korea is returning back to such a spiritual war again.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jeon in his article titled, The relationship between South Korea and the United States since the fall of Park Geun-hye, in March 10th, quoted the News Week Magazine reporting that "Seoul seems to be moving away from Washington and moving toward Beijing." According to the article, "The increase of Military forces of North Korea, China and the United States makes a situation difficult more and more for the next President of the Republic of Korea." He said, "Korea is more likely to come closer to China than the West."

(Hs 6:1) "Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.


“Heavenly Father, the Republic of Korea that was built in the center of world missions has received Your wonderful grace. The political views and positions which are now divided more than ever are reaching the extreme. These conflicts and chaos are so unsettling that they resemble to the situation happened just before the Korean War. Lord, You are the only One who can solve this conflict. Heal and bind our hearts, and let Your justice and righteousness flow in this land.”

  1. Thank you so much for your love and prayers for this nation. These days I think the current situation of Korean peninsula looks like the one where were the Israelites when the Red Sea was in front of them while Pharaoh’s army was chasing after them. The Republic of Korea is now under the threat of war as everyone senses, as well as the crisis that the most leftist regime in history can take power. One of the most prominent presidential candidates is the one who at the heart of the previous government that supported nuclear weapons development of North Korea through so called Sunshine Policy. We need His grace. We need a supernatural protection. Many of us think this is the last chance for us to repent before a miserable disaster. A nationwide repentance is needed. At the same time, this is an opportunity that we can see His glorious power as the Israelites saw how glorious our Lord’s power is when they crossed the Red Sea. Many people are fasting in prayers crying to the Lord and asking His mercy. We also have prayed day and night for many months expecting true reformation and revival of this nation.

Please pray for us. Pray for a peaceful reunification of Korea. Pray for the presidential election which will be on 9th of May so that we can have a new president who has a strong and godly leadership prepared by the Lord.


Youngchae Song

All Nations Intercessors

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