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Displaying items by tag: abortion

Thursday, 09 January 2020 19:38

Worldwide: abortion largest cause of death

Over 42 million abortions took place globally in 2019, according to the tracking service Worldometers. Once again abortion was the single largest cause of death across the planet, causing significantly more than half the total of all deaths worldwide. More than 190,000 worldwide abortions were recorded in the first two days of 2020. The true totals may be either lower or higher, however, as they rely on health and mortality statistics from the World Health Organisation (WHO), which in turn uses estimates from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. Worldometers found similar numbers last year, leading left-wing outlets such as Snopes to attempt to minimise the news, not by disputing the numbers but by arguing that abortion should not be considered a ‘cause of death.’ Scientifically speaking, however, it is a settled biological fact that the embryos and foetuses destroyed by abortion are living human beings.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 October 2019 22:28

Abortion on Christian family's disabled daughter

Specialists will perform an abortion on a woman from a Christian home who has severe learning disabilities and is twelve weeks pregnant. Mr Justice Williams ruled that the woman's pregnancy could be terminated after analysing the case at the Court of Protection, where judges consider issues relating to people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions. A police investigation is under way to discover how a woman in her twenties, with the mental capacity of a toddler, became pregnant. Was she raped or made pregnant by a male friend with learning disabilities? Police will carry out DNA tests to establish the father’s identity. The woman's foster parents are Christians and churchgoers. Pray for this case to highlight the need for the NHS, social services and trusts to examine, and update where needed, appropriate care packages for safeguarding vulnerable people in their care.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 September 2019 22:28

Northern Ireland: abortion liberalisation

800+ health professionals have written to the secretary of state opposing the Northern Ireland liberalisation of abortion laws. Doctors, nurses, and midwives say their consciences will not allow them to stay silent. They want reassurance as ‘conscientious objectors’ that they will not have to perform or assist abortions. Abortion restrictions will be drastically reduced unless the Stormont assembly is restored by 21 October. In July MPs passed the Executive Formation Act, placing a duty on the government to provide access to abortion in Northern Ireland. Those who signed the letter said their concern was for pregnant mothers and their unborn children. As Christians, it is their firmly held belief that abortion is the ‘unjust and violent taking of human life’. There are two strands to this argument: the unborn child is a human being with value and worth, and women in crisis pregnancies need compassionate care.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 22 August 2019 23:47

Florida court overturns abortion ruling

Florida’s supreme court historically backed abortion rights, but now has more conservative justices. In a victory for abortion opponents, an appeals court overturned a judge’s ruling from January 2018 stating there was no need to make a person wait 24 hours before having an abortion. They argued that the law violates privacy rights and places roadblocks in the way of women seeking abortions. The 24-hour time gap will now give the person time to consider more deeply the act of abortion and ensure they give ‘informed consent’. This case could become a key test for anti-abortion lobbyists.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 August 2019 23:11

Saving lives against all odds

Jennie Powell was 22 weeks pregnant when she went into labour while on holiday. She was taken to a specialist neonatal unit 190 miles away. Despite being given tiny chances of survival, Ruben and Jenson Powell were born, and cared for extensively, and are alive today - a wonderful example of protecting the most vulnerable in our society. The inspiring story demonstrates the humanity of very young children - before they even have meaningful protection in law - at least within England and Wales. Last year, thousands of children were aborted after 20 weeks of pregnancy in England and Wales alone. Nearly 1 in 4 pregnancies ended in abortion (excluding miscarriages and stillbirths). All these children didn't get a chance. Pro-life advocacy has fought against the culture of abortion for over 50 years in the UK, and now the culture of death could spread to Northern Ireland.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 May 2019 22:40


The Alabama senate has passed a law that says abortions should not be allowed in any circumstances apart from ‘risk to the mother's life’. A British Christian researcher, Katie Brookfield, disagreed with Alabama’s ruling. ‘The reality is that making abortion illegal does not end abortion, it drives it underground where it's extremely dangerous.’ Meanwhile, a pro-life campaigner said, ‘The Alabama ruling is a fantastic step in the right direction. But you can't celebrate it without taking a long hard look at our own situation. The UK government is pushing to decriminalise abortion totally up to 24 weeks, not recognising there are two people in the case of abortion. This is happening because the UK church, like the priest and the Levi, is choosing to look the other way, walk on the other side of the road and not see the truth. These little human beings are being disposed of and denied burial through every single abortion procedure.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 February 2019 21:48

USA: born-alive bill

By a vote of 53-44, the Senate failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have required doctors to provide medical care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion procedure. The bill needed sixty votes to overcome the legislative filibuster. Currently, medical professionals are not required to treat and save a baby that is still living after an abortion procedure. However, three days before the vote, the Trump administration issued a draft proposal to cut millions of dollars in federal funding to abortion providers, who currently receive $250m for clinics providing birth control and abortion services. The draft rule would also prevent funding being given to organisations that refer women elsewhere for abortions. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 June 2018 23:06

Catholic hospitals must carry out abortions

Irish hospitals with a Catholic ethos will be expected to carry out abortions when the country’s new laws on terminations come into effect, the Taoiseach has made clear. Leo Varadkar said that while individual doctors, nurses or midwives could opt out of performing procedures on conscience grounds, entire institutions will not have that option. He was addressing concerns about surgical abortions. The government is drafting legislation to allow any woman to request an abortion up to 12 weeks, subject to a cooling-off period, and to allow abortion in extreme cases between 12 and 24 weeks. This was after citizens voted two-to-one in a referendum to repeal the state’s constitutional ban on abortions. The Taoiseach said the legislation would follow the model of the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013, which allowed for terminations in extreme medical circumstances and for individual medics to opt out.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 31 May 2018 23:41

Abortion in UK and Ireland

The Taoiseach’s comments in February when the 8th amendment referendum announcement was made were that abortions should be ‘safe, legal and rare’. In the United Kingdom abortion is not rare. The abortion law currently being proposed by Ireland's government goes even further than the already very permissive UK law. The British law allows one in every five pregnancies to end in abortion each year. An article written by the Iona Institute sets out exactly how what is on offer in Ireland is more permissive than the British law. To read the article click the ‘More’ button. The most recent statistics on abortions carried out in England and Wales are for 2016; when there were 190,406 carried out for residents and 4,810 for non-residents.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 27 April 2018 00:35

Ireland's abortion referendum

Ireland goes to the polls on 25 May to vote in a referendum that could end the country’s ban on abortion. Voters will be asked if they want to repeal the eighth amendment of the country’s constitution, which recognises the equal right to life of both mother and unborn child, effectively banning terminations. This amendment has been in place since 1983, and the campaign to repeal it has rapidly picked up steam in recent years. If the amendment is repealed, it will allow the Irish government to legislate on abortion as they see fit, most likely allowing it up to twelve weeks. The two biggest parties in the country, Fine Gael and Fianna Fail, are allowing members to take a free position on the issue, while Sinn Fein and Labour are officially backing a Yes vote. The eighth amendment is spearheaded by women, who now want to involve men to achieve a reform.

Published in Europe
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