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Displaying items by tag: coronavirus

Thursday, 23 April 2020 21:51

Australia urges G20 action on wildlife markets

The Australian government wants G20 countries to take action on wildlife wet markets, calling them a ‘biosecurity and human health risk’. It is not calling for a ban, but believes they may need to be ‘phased out’. Although wet markets sell fresh meat and fish, some also sell wildlife. It is believed that coronavirus began in a Chinese wet market selling foxes, wolf cubs, civets, turtles, pangolins, and snakes. Australia’s agriculture minister said, ‘A market like the Sydney fish market is perfectly safe. But when you add live exotic wildlife, it opens up human risks to the extent we have seen.. China itself reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health that a wet wildlife market was the cause of Covid-19. WHO said, ‘When these markets are allowed to reopen, it should only be on the condition that they conform to stringent food safety and hygiene standards’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 April 2020 23:17

Leadership in a time such as this

Prayer is needed for people involved in commerce, industry, charities and church. Pray for the light of Christ to shine on leaders in lockdown. May they have wisdom and clarity of thought and insight. Pray for revelation as to the best approach for each organisation in times of crisis. Pray for leaders involved in health and those involved in the economy. What people are facing right now is far bigger than the individual area that they work in; we pray that all leaders see the big picture. May there be powerful God-led leadership teams, involving new thinking and encouraging their teams’ work. May every decision be based on the compassion and care that Jesus displayed, particularly when a staff member or supplier or customer is experiencing family, work or health pressures. May they see each person as made in the image of God.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 April 2020 23:11

Coronavirus problem in care homes

There are 15,517 care homes in England, and 200 hospitals. HC-One, operating 350 homes, had 311 coronavirus deaths. The Methodist Homes Association reported 210 deaths in 131 homes. However the official statistics at the same point recorded only 217 coronavirus deaths in care homes in England and Wales. Pray for the Care Quality Commission to investigate and update recorded deaths daily from the 15,517 residential and nursing homes. Care workers see up to twenty clients during a shift. The Government's advice to residential care is almost the same as for hospital workers: single-use disposable gloves, aprons, and face masks. Pray for speedy delivery of these nationally. The government now promises that care home residents who develop symptoms will be tested. Care providers are reporting at least a quarter of their staff in isolation. Pray that the Government is able to keep its promise to recruit 20,000 social care staff by July and test the vulnerable for coronavirus.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 16 April 2020 23:03

A call to pray in unity daily

At 3pm on Good Friday, thousands stood in the street outside their homes to pray against the negative effects of coronavirus and for restoration and healing in the land. The National Day of Prayer and Worship team are now calling Christians to join a 24-hour prayer chain to run through April, May and June until there is complete victory and tangible answers to our prayers. 1,000+ churches have already chosen a prayer slot. The target is for 2,000 churches to choose a day when they will pray for 24 hours. Individuals or small groups can also pick an hour slot when they will pray. To register to pray at a certain time, click the ‘More’ button, go to the specially prepared website, and choose a date. No amount of time you give is too small or too big.

Published in British Isles

Despite relentless caution from medical workers battling the virus in hospitals, President Hassan Rouhani’s government pressed ahead and reopened sectors of the economy deemed to be less vulnerable in the face of the disease. The project saw public transport, with strict protocols, resume normal activity. However, overcrowded buses and metro wagons prompted the government committee tasked with fighting the virus in Tehran to warn that it would only be a matter of days before the megacity was rocked by an exponential infection growth. Now the media are reporting that at least three Iranian provinces are experiencing a resurgence of coronavirus. ‘We are playing a chess game with coronavirus,’ said health minister Saeed Namaki. An updated government report stated that at least three provinces (including Qom, the initial epicentre) are currently grappling with a resurgence of the pandemic.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 April 2020 22:13

Syria: fragile ceasefire and coronavirus

A ceasefire few expected to last is holding in Idlib, for now - but the last rebel-held area in northwest Syria is bracing itself for the expected onslaught of the deadly coronavirus. The 5 March truce between Russia and Turkey halted a dangerous escalation of nine punishing years of war in Syria, but Idlib's breathing space is fraught with fear of the new enemy. The health system has been destroyed by bombing by Russian and Syrian warplanes. Nearly a million displaced people, sheltering inside flimsy tents, or on open ground, have few defences against the powerful Covid-19. ‘There's a humanitarian and political imperative for a complete, immediate nationwide ceasefire throughout Syria’, said the UN special envoy, in his recent briefing to the UN Security Council.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 April 2020 22:10

India: children struggling to survive

On 24 March India shut its £2.3 trillion economy, closing businesses and issuing strict stay-at-home orders to over a billion people. The lockdown, due to end on 14 April, has been extended as the virus spreads through dense communities and new clusters of infection are being reported daily. The sudden lockdown threw the lives of millions of children into chaos. Tens of thousands are calling helplines daily, and thousands are going to bed hungry. India has the largest child population in the world (472 million). The lockdown has impacted 40 million children from poor families. Everyone must stay home - but what about the street children? Where do they go? Officially Delhi has over 70,000 street children, but the real number is much higher. Pray for the millions of homeless children on streets, under flyovers, or narrow lanes and bylanes. See

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 April 2020 22:08

Yemen: Houthis refuse cease-fire

Days after the UN called for a halt to fighting in Yemen amid the coronavirus pandemic, a two-week ceasefire was declared by the Saudi-UAE coalition. But the Houthis said they would keep fighting unless a years-long siege on the impoverished nation is lifted. The conflict has killed over 100,000 people and pushed millions to the verge of famine. The vulnerable impoverished people now have their first coronavirus case, and the country is now bracing itself for the pandemic. Continue to pray for a de-escalation in the fighting, widely seen as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and for the Houthis to join the UN-sponsored talks for a settlement to the five-year conflict. Pray particularly for God to soften the heart of Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, the Houthi spokesman.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 16 April 2020 21:43

USA: Trump cuts WHO funding

‘It will disappear one day like a miracle’ is how Donald Trump originally described coronavirus. For weeks he assured Americans it was ‘totally under control’. However, the US now has the largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases (644,188). Healthcare workers have medical shortages. Hospitals are overwhelmed. The president is accused of ignoring crisis warnings and misleading Americans. Trump insists he is ‘doing the job right’, using daily briefings to promote his achievements. He has now made the controversial decision to halt funds to the World Health Organisation, accusing it of mismanaging the virus spread. America is WHO’s largest donor. The UN said, ‘It is not the time to reduce resources for any humanitarian organisation in the fight against the virus’. Trump is suspected of attempting (in the lead-up to the presidential election for his second term) to make a case that his previous optimistic statements had been based on inaccurate information from WHO: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:15

EU becoming climate-neutral

The EU wants to be climate-neutral by 2050. That means a restructuring of energy supply, industry, traffic and agriculture. Global warming will result in rising sea levels, with flooding of cities such as London, Rotterdam, and the North Sea coast of Germany, and increases of extreme weather conditions. The C-virus has caused almost everything to stop, which has helped the decrease of CO2. May we learn things from this 'quiet season' which are helpful for the future when life returns to normal. France advocates further use of nuclear energy with new reactors. They now have a better carbon footprint than Germany. Pray for the nations to understand the controversial paths to sustainable development. Pray for Christians and churches to set an example in business and lifestyle that creates CO2 reduction. Pray for governments, commerce and industry to make milestone decisions that halt global warming.

Published in Europe