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Displaying items by tag: passion for the nation

Friday, 22 May 2020 00:48

Moving forward

The following is based on portions of a post on the Passion for the Nation website: ‘As lockdown eases and transition begins, we can pray for a spirit of peace, prosperity, safety and well-being to rest on the cities, towns and streets of this nation. Let us ask for God’s mercy to be with every individual, ministry, businessman or marketplace leader struggling at this time; let us ask Him also to pour fresh joy, fresh strength and fresh life into those feeling failure, despair, disillusionment or loss. We thank God for the equipping of His church, and the work of His Spirit in individuals through this lockdown season. Please continue to pray for our government, scientists, researchers, economists and all advisors. May they work as a team with humility and mutual respect. “Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.” (Isaiah 9:6,7)’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 April 2020 22:31

God is changing His Church

Suzanne Ferrett, head of Passion for the Nation, writes, ‘God is changing the face of His Church across this land. He is changing us in the hidden place so that we will reflect His glory in the visible place. We declare this is a season when He is calling His people into His presence, to know His heart, His ways and His desires, that a fresh revelation of the power of prayer will come to His people, and that the shifts and the changes He desires will be released within us and through us. Pray that as the Holy Spirit moves across His people in this day, we will change individually and corporately, that we will emerge from this season, carrying His heartbeat and the anointing which comes through time spent with Him, cleansed by the fire of God’s Spirit, pure in heart, spirit and soul.’ For the full text of her message, click on the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 February 2020 10:35

Commonwealth 2: prayer for a new era

Let us pray that, as the Commonwealth members enter a new season of advancement, the ‘wealth of these nations’ will be revealed and released in God’s own timing. May He reveal His Isaiah 60 glory in the Commonwealth, and draw on all righteous heritage in the spiritual, governmental, and economic dimensions. May new trade partnerships as well as new quangos be formed to expedite heaven’s plan, and new interdisciplinary committees formed to develop areas of growth, with national governments working together. May this be a new day for the nations of the Commonwealth as a group and as individual nations: not empire-building as in the past, but growing healthy, interdependent partnerships which benefit each member nation. For the full text of Passion for the Nation’s declaration for the Commonwealth, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 November 2019 23:24

Pray for the election

Passion for the Nation reminds us that ‘the favour that brings promotion and power does not come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God’ (Psalm 75:7). Pray that every political party will be filled by gifted people on whom God’s favour rests; men and women of righteousness and integrity, who will know, experience and be guided by heaven’s wisdom and truth, aligning this nation with Kingdom purposes and plans. We can declare that God’s light will shine into every dark place, and we speak God’s plans for good over every other agenda, in the name of Jesus. The Evangelical Alliance has launched a prayer series entitled ‘Praying ahead of the general election’. CARE has recently gone live on a bespoke election website, EngaGE19. The World Prayer Centre team have invited Christians to join them at PrayerShift on 9 November, Watch and Pray on 25 November, and intercession on 12 December. See

Published in British Isles

As we come into agreement with God’s word to ‘trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding’, we decree and declare that every connection concerning government, trade, justice, security, and communication not set according to Heaven’s perfect plan will shift in the Name of Jesus, that the United Kingdom will be positioned and related for His destiny in the days ahead (Proverbs 3:5). As Jesus said, ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for the catch’, we declare that networks and relationships across God’s people in this nation that have not carried life will be replaced and renewed, that the capacity to bring in the fullness of revival and Kingdom transformation that He is opening before us will be established. We declare that those Kingdom nets will be extended into other lands, preparing the way in which other nations will be blessed with His salvation, His love and His power, in Jesus’ name.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 27 June 2019 22:55

Declaration to change a nation

‘According to Proverbs 14:34, we agree that righteousness exalts a nation, so we speak righteousness into every aspect of government. We decree and declare that Kingdom values (well-being, health, safety and prosperity) will be established over all other values in the UK. We thank You, Lord, for the expectation that people are treated justly - economically, educationally and socially - irrespective of class or ethnicity. We thank You for those who are concerned over housing, healthcare and the environment, and for the roots of social justice and concern that lie within Your Kingdom. In this season of the impossible becoming possible, we agree with God’s promise, “You shall declare a thing and it shall be established” (Job 22:28). We declare that the words of God’s people in this nation will release hope and peace, and build Kingdom purposes in our land. We speak mercy, truth, righteousness and Godly wisdom into all spheres of government.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:25

A spiritual Magna Carta

As we pray for the UK - nations are shaking - the referendum challenges - what will our nation look like in future years? Change can bring opportunity, and God hears our prayers. This is the time to knock on heaven’s door for His kingdom to come on earth. Last year was the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. It was not immediately successful, but it did shape our nation for the following centuries. This is the 801st anniversary, the beginning of a new season. In 2016 young people across the United Kingdom declared a spiritual Magna Carta to shape and establish the government and fabric of our nation for this generation and those to come. Prayer Alert intercessors are invited to take time to read and declare this ‘spiritual Magna Carta’ by clicking the ‘More’ link.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:16

Passion for the Nation on local elections

‘Thank You, Father, for those who have served this nation in many capacities across the years; but now this is a new day. Lord, You positioned leaders of ten, leaders of hundreds and leaders of thousands, and You prepared and anointed leaders before their time of service, So, in the Name of Jesus, we call forth across this nation, the leaders You have appointed for this season. We declare they will be positioned and connected for Your voice to be heard, recognised, and active within every place of influence and gateway of society. We declare that those chosen and appointed by you for the next season will stand strong and secure with new levels of revelation and understanding. We declare they will listen, speak and act according to the words and strategies of the Spirit of God, causing them to grow in favour with God and man.’ For the full declaration, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:41

Brexit - what now?

On 14 March MPs voted to delay Brexit by a period of at least three months. Theresa May will now need to go back to the EU to request an extension to the 29 March deadline, even if (as seems unlikely) her Brexit deal is approved by parliament in a third ‘meaningful vote’ before 20 March. It is unclear what might happen if the EU refuses. The following is part of a declaration posted online by Passion for the Nation: ‘Lord, we thank You for every miracle You have worked in our nation in past seasons; for the turnarounds, revivals and personal miracles of provision and healing which have transformed lives, families and communities. At this strategic time within Parliament, we declare that a new desire for solutions will be released, uniting men and women across all parties, so that Kingdom purpose will overwhelm and overcome every personal, political and ideological preference and every strategy of the enemy to bring division.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 December 2018 00:00

UK justice systems

Part of a declaration by Passion for the Nation: ‘Father, We thank You for the call on the UK to display Your righteousness and justice. We praise You for our heritage of godly justice, and we decree, this is a time for a reawakening of Kingdom values within our justice system. May the God-given sovereignty and order of governmental authority for this nation, judicial and legislative, be restored for the United Kingdom. In the Name of Jesus, we speak godly design over every aspect of the Brexit settlement in relation to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, Criminal Justice , Civil Law and Legal Services and for Heaven’s schedule in every aspect of the transitional period, so that no plan of man or of the enemy will alter either Your timing or Your purpose.’

Published in British Isles
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