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Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:08

Mary McAlister, Senior Litigation Counsel for Liberty Counsel, and Liberty Law Professor Dr. Judith Reisman will present a plenary session and a workshop regarding the sexual exploitation of children at the JuST (Juvenile Sex Trafficking) Faith Summit June 20-22 at Bethel University.

The JuST Conference series, a sequence of events hosted by Shared Hope International, includes speakers, thought leaders, and individuals passionate about activism, who provide practical knowledge and actionable responses to raise awareness with the goal to end child sex trafficking in local communities. Approximately 400 pastors, leaders of faith-based organizations, and individuals seeking to fight this heinous crime in their communities are expected to attend.

McAlister and Reisman will present "How Fake Science Has Corrupted the Law to Facilitate Sexual Exploitation of Children" and "Roots of the Social Sexual Epidemic." In the 1980s, Dr. Reisman conducted the first and largest content analysis of Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler and exposed the child pornography images in them. She has also done groundbreaking work on Dr. Albert Kinsey, proving that his team performed sexual experiments on children and infants and calling into question his studies that some claim began the "sexual revolution."

The International Labor Organization estimates there are 4.5 million victims of sex trafficking worldwide. In the United States, this $32 billion-a-year industry is increasing in all 50 states. Human trafficking has surpassed the illegal sale of arms and will exceed the illegal sale of drugs in the next few years.

The Justice Department estimates that each year at least 200,000 children are trafficked for sex in the U.S., and 70 percent of the survivors said they were advertised online at some point while they were being trafficked. In these scenarios, pimps and traffickers, or in some cases the victims themselves, post photos and write classified advertisements on escort sites for buyers to browse. These ads often represent children from 12-17 years old.

LC.org June 13, 2018  

Read the Press Release and join the conversation on Facebook!

Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:05

Afghanistan: Pray for hope and a future for children of tiny Christian minority

US-based think-tank Jamestown reported on the Taliban’s month-long spring campaign on 2 June 2018, describing the Taliban’s strong ability to create havoc and be resilient to all efforts at breaking their power-base. A UNICEFcountry report published in May 2018 shows what this means for civilians, especially for children: 44% of all children in the age between 7 and 17 are not attending school, 60% of which are girls.

A persecution analyst at World Watch Research, explains: “The Jamestown findings are hardly news for long-term country observers. Nevertheless, the fact that there is ongoing fighting across 12 provinces and that 178 out of 407 provinces are either fully under Taliban control (59) or are contested (119) shows just how war-torn the country is. The UNICEF report shows that the out-of-school rate has increased for the first time since 2002. There are more reasons for this than just the insurgency, but the latter is still a major influence. The ongoing insurgency in so many parts of the country affects the tiny Christian minority as well and Christian children - especially Christian girls – have less future employment prospects than others. They are forced to hide their faith carefully, even if they are lucky enough to be able to attend school.”

11bIndia: Pray for the Lord to protect his people in India and bring down the power of the RSS Hindu radicals. 

As reported by UCA News on 31 May 2018, an active member of the ruling BharatiyaJanta Party (BJP) was sworn in as governor of Christian-majority Mizoram State on 29 May 2018. The federal government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi nominated KummanamRajasekharan while he was serving as president of the party's Kerala State unit.

This move has caused concern for Christian leaders who questioned the fairness of the government slotting an ideologically biased politician into what is supposed to be an apolitical role. Rajasekharan is a known activist who belongs to the RashtriyaSwayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a hardline Hindu nationalist paramilitary organization made up of volunteers. A persecution analyst at World Watch Research, sees this as being a very significant development: “Mizoram, in India’s north-east, is one of the few states with a Christian majority, having an 89.6% Christian population according to World Christian Database. As a result, the state experiences virtually no persecution of Christians.

In the 2013 elections in Mizoram, the BJP won no seats at all. However, the next elections for the state assembly are due to take place in November 2018 and the appointment of a Hindu hardliner as governor is almost sure to lead to increasing levels of radical Hindu activity, especially as the November election-date draws closer. For Christians, the appointment of Governor Rajasekharan is a warning that even in clearly Christian-majority states they are not safe.

11cPakistan: Pray for God to erode the influence of Islamist groups

The parliamentary elections in July 2018 will very likely result in a strengthening of Islamist groups, according to a commentary by The Diplomat on 24 May 2018.

A persecution analyst at World Watch Research, explains: “A strengthening of Islamist groups does not necessarily mean a strengthening of Islamist political parties. On the contrary, these parties have usually fared badly in elections. What it does mean is that, whichever party wins the July elections, it will have to come to terms with the growing influence of Islamist groups in society. An example of this influence was the effective blocking of the capital in November 2017 (see: Reuters, 25 November 2017), when protesters from Islamist Tehreek-e-Labaik Party demanded the strict implementation of blasphemy laws.”

“The post-election situation is therefore likely to be one of more volatility and unpredictability in an already unstable region of the world. However, there is a second development to note, which was reported by the main newspaper Dawn on 28 May 2018: The proportion of minority voters is growing fast compared to the proportion of Muslim voters. Hindus make up the largest group, but proportionally, the number of voters from the Christian community (who make up the second-largest minority group) grew even faster - by almost one third – to 1.64 million. It has to be kept in mind, however, that this growth in numbers does not correspond with a likewise growing political representation. The numbers only show registered voters.”

(Provided by an unnamed source)

Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:04

UN Says Record 68.5 Million People Displaced Globally In 2017 

June 19, 2018 09:04 GMT

A Syrian refugee girl sits outside her tent at an informal refugee camp in Arsal, near the border with Syria, in eastern Lebanon on June 13.

“The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) says nearly 69 million people who have fled war, violence, and persecution were forcibly displaced in 2017 -- a new record for the fifth year in a row.

The number of refugees and internally displaced people increased by 4.6 percent in 2017 as compared to the previous year, according to the UNHCR's annual Global Trends Report published on June 19.It said nearly 70 percent of the refugees have fled from five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Burma, also known as Myanmar, and Somalia.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said the flow of refugees could be slowed down greatly if some of the wars and crises in these countries were solved.

"But we haven't seen any significant progress in peacemaking or peace-building in any of these countries," he added.

By the end of last year, Syria's conflict pushed more than 6.3 million people out of the country, accounting for nearly one-third of the global refugee population, UNHCR said. Another 6.2 million Syrians are internally displaced.

The second-largest refugee-producing country, Afghanistan, saw its refugee population grow by 5 percent in 2017 to 2.6 million people. The increase was due mainly to births and more Afghans being granted asylum in Germany, the report saidTurkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Iran were among the main host countries for refugees.


Let’s pray for compassionate treatment of refugees and for good solutions in resettling them that do not destabilize host countries and enable them to return home as soon as possible.

Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:04

“The 87-year-old Hillary Clinton mega-donor accused Trump of being “willing to destroy the world” he and his cronies spent decades trying to create, adding that “everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong.”

Dailymail.co.uk reports:  ‘The bigger the danger, the bigger the threat, the more I feel engaged to confront it,’ Soros said Thursday in an interview with The Washington Post. He had just finished an appearance at the Human Rights Watch conference in Zurich, Switzerland. ‘So in that sense, yes, I redouble my efforts,’ he added.

Soros was a charitable contributor to the Hilary Clinton campaign, and the billionaire has pushed for heavy donations to various campaign across the globe that push globalism. But lately, he has been faced with a slew of attacks from the likes of Roseanne Barr to Vladmir Putin claiming things such as him being a Nazi sympathizer and controlling the Democratic Party. ‘It makes it very difficult for me to speak effectively because it can be taken out of context and used against me,’ Soros stated.

Soros is still in shock that Trump won the election, something he didn’t see happening. ‘Apparently, I was living in my own bubble,’ he said. Soros plans to spend roughly $15million in the 2018 elections but has already faced some rejections as several of his bids for district attorneys in California lost their elections on Tuesday. ‘We ran into a brick wall in California,’ he added.

The billionaire describes Trump as a ‘marcissist’ who ‘considers himself all-powerful. He doesn’t agree with fellow billionaire Tom Steyer’s efforts to impeach Trump, only believing Democrats capable of doing so with the help of Republicans in Congress. Soros refused to endorse any candidates for the 2020 Democratic primaries for president. He was adamant, however, to voice his discontent for Senator Gillibrand of New York…

Soros, a native of Hungary, has made his fortune by managing hedge funs and betting on currency changes. He has given away billions to groups promoting human rights and other liberal causes.


Thanks be to God that this man who has been called “the most evil man on earth” has been frustrated in his efforts to advance his global totalitarian agenda. However, he is still at is in the USA, focusing on the mid-term elections and in other nations.

Let’s pray that he may be given grace to repent of his destructive ways and also that he and his many organizations be rendered impotent to do any more harm in our world.

Pray that his billions will end up serving God’s purposes and be put in the hands of the righteous as the Bible says will happen.

Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:03

We know the world is a dangerous place, but it’s also God’s world…We know that political acumen or financial prosperity will never be enough to set us on the right path. Only in humility to God in prayer, acknowledging him as our true leader, can we begin to chart a right course for our country that will positively influence the world. On Sunday July 1 -- the Sunday before we celebrate our independence -- we can express our dependence upon the Lord in unity by participating in Call2Fall.

Call2Fall is a movement where believers across the country set aside a definite time during worship on July 1, 2018 to get on their knees and faces before the Lord in repentant prayer for God to reshape our lives and renew our land. It’s as simple as that – no fancy program needed. 

Find out how to join us and others across the country in prayer as we respond to the “Call2Fall” before the Lord.

Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:02

This an invitation to Pastors, Intercessors, Leaders, Young adults & Youth Leaders, Young adults and Youths to UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard on August 8-11, 2018

It is so evident that Millennials are faced with challenges never before experienced by generations past. They are asleep or lost interest to the calling of Christ; spiritually dead. In North America, churches are aging while attendance is on a steep decline. Studies by The Pew Research Centre in Washington, D.C. have determined that adults in the US who identify themselves as “Christians” fell from 78% to 71% within a seven year period.

In addition, multiple studies highlight that up to 50% of youth group attendees drift from God after they graduate from high school. Regrettably, Canadian statistics exceed this.

There is no longer any time to hit the snooze button - Jesus Christ’s return is soon-approaching! However, before the Coming of the Son of Man, by faith, we believe that this same generation will be used to usher a new global wave of revival - a revival that the world has never seen before, as declared by many prophets of God.

July 2016 in South Korea marked the beginning of a United Prayer Rising (UPRISING) movement by the youth, for all generations. In South Korea the emerging generation from 36 different nations gathered and where the Millennials were challenged to pray at the DMZ boarders of North and South Korea, where they prayed "ONE DAY, ONE KOREA." On February 2018 in the PeyongChang Olympic Winter Games, a divided nation marched under one flag.

The call was clear: “Awake, O sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14. Generations past and present - rising from their slumber. They gathered. They prayed. They saw the change in their nation.

The waves keep rolling. A rapid series of global UPRISING movements have since taken place:

  • Philippines, September 2017
  • South Africa, September 2017
  • Malaysia, September 2017
  • Mongolia, October 2017
  • Bolivia, November 2017

…with waves set to sweep through Chile, Brazil, Europe, India, and the United States in 2019.

“In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they may possess… all the nations who are called by my Name,” declares the Lord who does this.” Amos 9:11-12

The trumpet has sounded, and Canada has heard the call. WE ARE READY TO “STAND ON GUARD”. We are excited to announce that Canada will host the first United Prayer Rising in North America, and with excitement we say that UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard will be a historic catalyst event.

UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard will take place on August 8th to 11th, 2018 at The Catch the Fire Toronto (Attwell Centre)- hosted by various churches across the Greater Toronto Area and The Emerging Generation Ministry.

This will be a 4-day catalytic prayer convergence, for the reversal of the global trend of attack happening among the millennials today. With faith, we will see the re-birth of prayer, missions, and Jesus movements in our nation… as in the days of the well-known Toronto Blessing.

UPRISING Canada will address the Canadian challenges of attacks on this generation. First a three-day destiny conference on August 8-10, 2018 that will have powerful worship sessions, relevant plenary sessions, and empowering breakout prayer sessions. And on August 11, 2018, concluding with a 12 hour united prayer and worship rally for a time of coming to God to face the Generation's spiritual Goliath. For speaker information, please view attached PDF. (August 8-10, 2018 will be a paid conference and August 11, 2018, Solemn Assembly will be free, please visit our website for more details (www.uprisingcanada.com) - Early Bird Pricing available until April 30, 2018. Pricing goes up on May 1, 2018

Toronto is also known for its vast multi-cultural population. Thus, we will be welcoming participants from all over the world, of those who have heard the call. We are calling forth the emerging generation in Canada and thousands more to rise up! We are expecting thousands to be part of this event.

We ask that you prayerfully consider your participation in UPRISING Canada. It would be a great honour for

you to be part of this event, unite the body and the generations for such a time like this. Be involved

in this historic movement. This opportunity is something that we do not want you to miss out on!

For more information or to register for this event, we invite you to visit www.uprisingcanada.com or Facebook: www.facebook.com/UPRISINGCA/ .

Please pray for many Millennials and youth across Canada and North America to respond and take part in these crucial days of prayer and mission challenge. Pray for His strong anointing and presence to fill the event which will be held in the very place where the “Toronto Blessing” happened. May there be another great outpouring of the Holy Spirit as we meet!

Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:02

Dear Fellow Prayer Leaders

It is with excitement that I send this email.  Generation Fire as a movement is celebrating 12 years.   20 Years ago whilst visiting the Revival in Pensacola, God gave us a vision of a Massive Wave of Fire and Glory coming towards me from the east.  Similar to the Wave Andy Page showed us at Herrnhut last year.  

Last Year in Bangladesh God spoke to Trish and Jed Keenan about New Zealand hosting a Gathering and the Code word was Firestorm.

Registrations are now open and I would like to ask if you could consider send this out to your networks.

All of you are welcome to come.   Our Gatherings are different to normal conferences.  We don't advertise speakers, we let the Holy Spirit lead each session, we do have Workshops, and there will be Prayer Space or Room for Intercession to happen each night.

Following the Gathering will be two days of Mission to Dunedin  - Where people will be mobilised into teams to share the gospel and to carry the Fire and Love of Jesus to the people.

Here is the Weblink - www.generationfire.com.au/firestorm

Donny McGregor

Crosslink Endorsed Minister

International Coordinator

Saturday, 30 June 2018 05:00


Our public schools, colleges, and universities have turned into Godless wastelands. We are seeing the consequences unfold before us.  

It is time to pray and act! Join us at Ignite America.

Ignite America is sponsored by Breaker of Dawn Ministries. It is a gathering where those who come experience the power of the Holy Spirit as the 120 did when they waited in the upper room. They became disciples of Christ and preached the gospel with signs following them. Thousands came to faith in the Living God. 

Send students, campus leaders, intercessors, and pastors to Ignite America, August 2-5, at Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky.

Register now www.breakerofdawn.org

For more information about taking part, please contact Claire James This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please pray for Ignite America and that those students that God wants to be part of it will respond this summer. Pray for His powerful working during the conference and that He will call them to the unique missions He has for their lives.

Friday, 29 June 2018 06:12

Attacks by a new Islamist militant group, Al-Sunna wa Jama’a, are being reported in Cabo Delgado province. Their first attacks targeted police stations. Since then more attacks and beheadings indicate a new jihadist movement in areas previously untroubled by Islamist extremism. Human Rights Watch reported 39 dead and 1,000+ displaced since May. On 5 June men attacked two villages with machetes and a small book in their hands reading loudly Arabic words from the book, before setting houses on fire. All the assailants had their faces covered and spoke Swahili. On 6 June, men with machetes and AK-47 assault rifles raided a neighbouring village, killing six and burning down 100+ homes. On 12 June, an elderly man was beheaded and another 100+ homes burned down when six men with machetes stormed Nathuko village. More. Also Missionary Heidi Baker appeals to Christians to pray for her work there

Friday, 29 June 2018 06:11

Fifteen years of civil war, combined with extreme poverty, a fragile political process and recurrent climatic shocks, have impacted strongly on Burundi’s economy and nutrition. Only 28% of the population have a sufficient, nutritious diet all year round and 58% percent are chronically malnourished. Food security for the majority of Burundians has not improved in recent years, despite a gradual return to peace. With a population growth rate of nearly 3% per annum and agricultural production having declined by 24% since the civil war began, people are going hungry. Even during the harvest season, families spend up to two-thirds of their income on food. Burundi is one of the countries identified by both the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) as being among the most affected by soaring food prices. After so many years of conflict, the capacity of the government to respond to this new challenge is limited.