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Thursday, 01 September 2011 15:12

The annual conference of Fiji's Methodist Church, due to start 23 August, was cancelled by Fiji's military government for the third consecutive year after church leaders defied a government directive to step down from their positions. Fiji's Land Force Commander Colonel Mosese Tikoitoga, also directed that no Methodist Church minister be allowed to leave the country, and banned permits under the Public Emergency Regulation for all official Methodist Church meetings. There are concerns that the ban will lead to the collapse of the Methodist church administration and severely affect funding. Michael King, World Church Relationships Team Leader for the Methodist Church in Britain, said the ban was a ‘massive setback’ in church/state relations, given that it seemed that relationships had improved and the political situation had eased.

Pray: that the relations between church and state would be improved and that God would open the doors of reconciliation and understanding. (2Cor.5:11)

More: http://www.eni.ch/featured/article.php?id=5105

Tuesday, 23 August 2011 09:00

Two American hikers imprisoned in Iran for more than two years were sentenced to eight years on Saturday on charges of illegal entry and espionage. Their families hoped authorities would free them during the Islamic month of Ramadan, when pardons are often handed down. Their families pleaded with the authorities in Iran to show compassion and allow them to return home. Both men pleaded not guilty to the charges. Their lawyer, Masoud Shafiei, said he would appeal the verdict. Josh Fattal, Shane Bauer and Sarah Shroud were arrested in 2009 when they inadvertently entered Iran while hiking in the northern Iraq. Shroud was released on $500,000 bail in September 2010, but Iranian authorities refused to release her two companions. Iranian chief prosecutor Jafari Dowlatabadi said Shroud's case ‘is still open and [she] will be tried in absentia.’ Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she is ‘deeply disappointed’ with the sentence.

Pray: for a change of heart by the Iranian authorities and they will release of Josh and Shane. (Ac.5:19)

More: http://www.evangelicalnews.org/indiv_pr.php?pr_id=20204

Tuesday, 27 December 2011 13:48

The Foreign Office has hit out at Argentina following the decision on Tuesday by Argentinia, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil (a South American trading bloc) to ban boats with a Falkland Islands flag from their ports. British diplomats warned, ‘Britain's determination to protect the overseas territory should not be underestimated.’ Urgent discussions are being carried out with countries in the region to establish what concrete effect the ban would have. But tensions have been raised by this symbolic rebuke to Britain. An agreement circulated by the Argentine foreign ministry stated the four countries vowed ‘to adopt all the measures it is possible to impose to impede the entry of boats flying the illegal flag of the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands.’ José Mujica, Uruguay's president said, ‘We hold nothing against the U.K. but we have a lot in favour of Argentina.’

Pray: that this disagreement will not escalate, for wise advice to be given and adhered to, and for sailors and merchants to continue unhindered. (Pr.12:15)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/dec/21/falklands-boat-ban-row-argentina


Monday, 18 June 2012 09:16

The Falkland Islands has announced a referendum to be held next year on its status as a British territory in an effort to fend off aggressive Argentinian claims over the South Atlantic islands. The Islands' legislative assembly said it would authorise a popular poll of the more than 3,000 residents, the first in its history, to demonstrate that the locals remain solidly in support of British ties. The announcement comes as Falkland Islanders prepare to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the unconditional surrender of the Argentinian invasion force on Thursday. David Cameron applauded the announcement from Stanley, claiming it would vindicate British support for the islands.

Pray: that the referendum will clearly reveal the desire of the islanders, so that the issue can be finally settled..(1Sa.30:23b)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/falklandislands/9326833/Falkland-Islands-plan-referendum-to-send-a-message-to-Argentina.html

Sunday, 30 December 2012 15:28

Not many people would see the European Union as 'Christian', but Jeff Fountain, former director of YWAM Europe and currently heading up the Schuman Centre for European Studies in the Netherlands, points to the Christian conviction of the European Union’s founding father Robert Schuman: ‘We are called to bethink ourselves of the Christian basics of Europe by forming a democratic model of governance which through reconciliation develops into a ‘community of peoples’ in freedom, equality, solidarity peace which is deeply rooted in Christian basic values.’ (Robert Schuman, 1958) Although the overwhelming trend in Europe has been one of secularisation, which has been reflected in the general tenor of EU policy making, Christians have carried key roles in the EU, bringing their influence to bear where possible. The current president of the European Council, Belgian Herman van Rompuy, is a devout Christian. At the annual prayer breakfast of the European Parliament a few weeks ago he talked openly about his Christian faith.

Praise: God for all Christians in positions of authority who have opportunities to share their faith. (Heb.13:16)

More: http://joelnews.org/#6cc/custom_plain


Sunday, 18 December 2011 12:13

More than 500 Muslim students accompanied by Muslim police officials burned down a church in the village of Qoto Baloso. Four days earlier 30 police tried to destroy it but managed only to remove the roof when Christians protested. The court ruled that the church was built without proper authorisation and therefore had to be demolished. The church has stood on the land for over 60 years, and the supreme court of the south nations had previously ruled in favour of the Christians when a Muslim business man claimed ownership of the land. All the government officials in the area are Muslims. Non Muslims there live and worship in fear. The actions of the Muslim police as well as the students show the growing Islamisation of Ethiopia.

Pray: the Ethiopian government will stop violations against the rights of Christian minorities in areas dominated by Muslims. (Lev.19:15)

More: http://www.persecution.org/2011/12/13/ethiopian-police-and-muslim-students-demolish-church-2/




Monday, 14 March 2011 19:38

At least one Christian was killed and others injured when thousands of Islamic extremists set fire to 59 churches and at least 28 homes in western Ethiopia in the past five days, Christian leaders said. More than 4,000 Christians in and around Asendabo, Jimma Zone have been displaced as a result of attacks that began on Wednesday (March 2) after Muslims accused a Christian of desecrating the Quran by tearing up a copy, sources said. ‘The atrocity is still going on, and more people are suffering,’ said a source in Addis Ababa who is in close contact with area church leaders. The Christian killed, believed to have been a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, has not yet been identified. A pastor based in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa noted that evangelical church leaders have reported the attacks to authorities and asked officials for help, but no action had been taken at press time.

Pray: for the protection of the Ethiopian Church from these attacks. (Ps.59:4)

More: http://www.opendoorsusa.org/persecuted-christians/persecuted-christians-news/2011/March/One-Dead-as-Islamist-Mobs-in-

Monday, 24 May 2010 08:28

Church leaders in Ethiopia ask Christians everywhere to join them in prayer for the Ethiopian church in the run-up to the national elections on 23 May. Historically the pre-election period has been a time of increased difficulty for the church. Crime levels rise and legal processes slow down as government officials are pre-occupied with securing votes for their political party. Those opposing the Christian faith often take this opportunity to attack church buildings, and Christians who are arrested because of false accusations may have to wait longer before being able to defend their case in court. Church leaders also face increased pressure, many civilians fear a repetition of the 2005 political violence. Open Doors have asked us to pray for peaceful and just election procedures, that God’s will be done, and that the outcome will not result in bloodshed.

Pray: for the protection of Christians located in persecution hot spots and for them to know God’s strength and peace. (Is.49:8)

More: http://www.opendoorsuk.org/pray

Monday, 21 March 2011 09:40

Approximately 10,000 Christians have fled their homes in western Ethiopia after attacks by Muslim extremists. Muslims in Ethiopia have traditionally lived peacefully alongside Christians but some Muslims are becoming radicalised by preachers from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan promoting an aggressive form of Islam. A Barnabas Fund staff member said, ‘The manner in which Christians have been terrorised by radical Islamists is truly shocking.’ At least three Christians have been killed and many more injured in Asendabo, a predominantly Muslim area, after Muslims accused a Christian of desecrating a copy of the Koran. Fifty five churches and dozens of homes have been torched, and properties looted by Islamist mobs numbering thousands. Churches in Jimma city have been overwhelmed by the 10,000 displaced Christians in urgent need of food, medicine, shelter, blankets, clothing and safety.

Pray: for God to protect and provide for those in need and to strengthen those giving support. (Ps.119: 87)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/thousands.of.ethiopian.christians.in.need.after.fleeing.violence/27651.htm

Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:31

Over 100 Christians have been detained since December 30th in raids on churches in or near Asmara, and the town of Nakfa. In one case the entire congregation was taken in for questioning. The director of Release Eritrea, predicted an escalation in persecution in November and her fears are being realised. The church was further shaken by news of Seble Hagos Mebrahtu dying in custody because she was refused medical treatment for malaria. She was tortured for reading a Bible at her home. Open Doors reports an entire congregation of 41 were arrested and beaten on December 31, and 35 believers, including two elderly men in poor health, were arrested on January 9 while worshipping at a private address. It is not yet known whether these believers have been released. Also 27 Christians belonging to various churches were arrested and are still being held by police. President Isaias Afewerki said 'religious groups sought to ‘distract from the unity of the Eritrean people and distort the true meaning of religion.’

Pray: for God to set Eritrea free from deception and to be released into faith in Jesus Christ. (Lk.4:18)

More: http://www.releaseinternational.org/pages/posts/eritrea-scores-of-christians-arrested-in-major-crackdown-794.php