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Friday, 09 July 2010 16:50

The Orange Order has rejected draft legislation for new mechanisms to deal with contentious parades. The Grand Lodge met in County Tyrone on 6 July to consider the plans. The vote was 37 against and 32 for, with four abstentions. The proposals were drawn up after the Hillsborough Agreement and envisage a focus on dialogue and a code of conduct for both residents and marchers. The DUP said: ‘We are the only party to have put proposals on the table to deal with issues surrounding parading and protests, based upon upholding the fundamental right to freedom of public assembly’. The DUP and Sinn Fein set up a six-strong group to work on the matter to propose a new and improved framework to rule on controversial marches. One of those who sat on the working group, Sinn Fein MLA John O'Dowd, said that the vote showed the Orange Order needed to ‘wake up’.

Pray: for reconciliation between the opposing parties in the province. (Lk.12:58)

More: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/10534075.stm

Wednesday, 28 July 2010 16:07

Christians have welcomed the launch of Prime Minister David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ initiative as a way of getting everyone involved in their communities. Spelling out his vision in Liverpool on Monday, Cameron hailed the Big Society as ‘the biggest, most dramatic redistribution of power from elites in Whitehall to the man and woman in the street’. He wants to see more people at the grass-roots level work together to improve the quality of living for all through voluntary work. Initiatives include the local buy-out of a rural pub and the recruitment of volunteers to keep museums open. Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, said Christians are already at the heart of serving their communities, and should grasp this opportunity to get further involved. Steve Chalke, founder of Faithworks and Oasis, welcomed the thinking behind the ‘Big Society’. ‘This is what the church has always been about so there are enormous opportunities for churches in all of this.

Pray: for Christian groups to prayerfully consider how this opportunity can be used for God’s work. (1Th.5:15)



Monday, 17 January 2011 20:56

Only half of British adults are confident that Britain can now be described as ‘a Christian country’, according to research. The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, has written to David Cameron urging him to review laws that have seen Christians forced to abandon their faith in public. He warned that reforms introduced under Labour promoted ‘tolerance, equality and fairness’ at a cost of eroding Christianity as the foundation of British culture and society. The warnings follow a series of court cases in which the beliefs of Christians have come into conflict with the state authorities. In the letter to the Prime Minister, Lord Carey said Christians were too often ‘ridiculed’ and dismissed as relics of ‘a bygone age’. ‘Notwithstanding its vast and varied contribution to our society, there appears to be a suspicion about the validity and value of the role that the Christian faith plays in our national life,’ he said.

Pray: for the Church to take up the challenge to be the light in the darkness. (1Th.5:5)

More: http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/2010/12/27/only-half-of-britons-say-uk-is-a-christian-country/

Wednesday, 19 May 2010 12:24

The Archbishop of Canterbury has told Anglicans at the Fourth Global South to South Encounter in Singapore that it is only the work of God’s Spirit that can heal tensions within the worldwide Anglican Communion. Dr Rowan Williams said in a video message to the meeting this week that the recent actions of certain provinces had made the ‘confusion, brokenness and tension’ in the Anglican family ‘still more acute’. Dr Williams pointed to the Anglican Communion Covenant, a document aimed at uniting the provinces despite their divisions, as a new way of ‘grounding’ the Communion’s mission and laying the foundation for its future. ‘It is the work of the Spirit that heals the body of Christ, not the plans or the statements of any group, or any person, or any instrument of communion’ he said.

Pray: that God would send His Spirit to heal the broken body of His bride. (Mt.12:25)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/only.god.can.heal.wounds.in.body.of.christ.archbishop/25750.htm

Monday, 11 April 2011 17:21

An online video promoting church weddings is launched today on the Church of England website, to meet an increase in demand for information on church weddings. Featuring vicars enthusiastic about weddings, couples who have rated their church weddings extremely highly, and the Bishop of Hertford, the professionally produced five-minute video explains how the church has a warm wedding welcome for all. It can be viewed on the weddings website www.yourchurchwedding.org  and on the national Church of England website www.churchofengland.org  The video, and website, form part of the Church of England's project to promote church weddings that has included road-shows and workshops for clergy in many parts of the country. The Rt Revd Paul Bayes, Bishop of Hertford, explains in the video: ‘Now people move around the country a lot more, we've changed the law so you can get married not just in your local church, but also in a whole range of churches that are special for you.’

Pray: for a strengthening of marriage in society and that this site will be a helpful aid to those considering how to go about getting married. (Jn.2:2)

More: http://www.churchofengland.org/media-centre/news/2011/04/online-video-meets-increased-demand-for-information-on-church-weddings.aspx

Thursday, 08 August 2013 19:30

Online game companies need to do more to prevent players becoming too addicted in order to avoid Government intervention, a study has warned. Researchers at Cardiff, Derby and Nottingham Trent universities said some gamers play up to 90 hours a session, developing a ‘pathological’ addiction. They say while conventional video games have an ending, role-playing games involving numerous players may not. But the gaming body Ukie said it took the health of users seriously. It said it had a number of measures in place to ensure that games could be enjoyed safely and sensibly. The universities' research warned that if game companies did not create restraints for players and their games grew in popularity, Western governments might have no choice but to follow Asia and limit usage. The study, published in the Addiction Research and Theory Journal, has said Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) are an inexhaustible system of goals and success.

Pray: that Online Gaming companies will bring the necessary controls into place that would help those addicted to gambling. (1Jn.5:19)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-23576035


Sunday, 09 December 2012 17:25

The UK's flatlining economy is having a devastating effect on charities, according to research that suggests that two out of five face closure, with many set to disappear as early as next year unless things improve. A poll commissioned by the Charities Aid Foundation confirms that public spending cutbacks and falling donations are conspiring to devastating effect. The foundation warns that as many as one in six charities believe they may close in the coming year, while nearly half say they are being forced to dip into reserves. One in three say they fear being forced to cut services. The figures will make gloomy reading in Downing Street, which believes the third sector has a vital role to play in delivering the prime minister's vision for his 'big society'. The funding crisis comes as charities report that there is more demand for their services.

Pray: for charities and their supporters that they may be able to continue to do their good work. (Ro.2:7)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/dec/09/one-in-six-charities-close

Wednesday, 19 May 2010 12:18

The number of church hustings registered on CARE’s election web site Make the Cross Count broke through the 200 mark over the weekend, with more than 220 church hustings now registered. Nola Leach CARE’s chief executive said, ‘The number of hustings registrations surpassed all expectations. When we set out we hoped we might get 50, never expecting that two weeks into the campaign we would have over 200! We continue to be unaware of any larger single source of hustings. It’s wonderful to see the church playing such a strategic role during this election.’ Dan Boucher, CARE’s director of parliamentary affairs said of the site, which addresses subjects as diverse as human trafficking and euthanasia, child poverty and religious liberty. ‘We really hope that Make the Cross Count empowers Christians to make the most of their hustings and to ask challenging questions, putting Christian concerns and priorities right at the heart of this election.’

Pray: for the Holy Spirit to empower Christians to voice God’s will and purposes in the run-up to the election. (Ro.12:2)

More: http://www.christiantoday.co.uk/article/one.in.three.constituencies.to.hold.church.hustings/25743.htm

Thursday, 07 March 2013 18:56

Millions of Britons are using consumer power to boycott companies seen to be avoiding their fair share of UK tax, new research reveals. A ComRes survey about public perceptions around tax avoidance, commissioned by Christian Aid, found a third (34 per cent) of Britons say that they are currently boycotting the products or services of a company because it does not pay its fair share of tax in the UK. Almost half (45 per cent) say they are considering a boycott. Public outrage appears to be growing following recent revelations about the remarkably small amount of UK tax paid by some multinationals, the poll suggests. Two out of three (66 per cent) of Britons now believe tax avoidance to be morally wrong, up 10 percentage points from when people were asked the same question in August 2012. And a remarkable four out of five respondents (80 per cent) say that multinationals’ tax avoidance makes them feel angry.

Pray: that the public awareness of tax avoidance and other corporate greed will lead to changes. (Lk.12:15)

More: http://www.christianaid.org.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/march-2013/one-in-three-are-voting-with-their-wallet-following-tax-revelations.aspx

Thursday, 22 December 2011 15:36

More than a quarter of young women today lost their virginity when they were below the legal age of consent, an NHS survey has revealed. According to the study 27 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds had underage sex. By comparison, just four per cent of women now aged 55 to 69 first had sex when they were underage. NHS Information Centre chief executive Tim Straughan said: ‘The survey paints a picture of sexual behaviour which is changing over the generations, with younger women beginning to have sex younger.’ Across all age groups, the statistics show that 14 per cent of women lost their virginity before the age of 16 compared with 20 per cent of men. The average age for losing virginity was 17, although for those now aged 16 to 24 it was 16. Diane Abbott, the Shadow Public Health Minister, commented: ‘The rising numbers of girls having under-age sex is alarming.’

Pray:that ways would be found to reverse these statistics and improve moral standards. (1Cor.6:9)
