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Wednesday, 02 December 2020 15:51

The global Bride from every nation, colour, tribe, and tongue is getting ready for her Bridegroom. We see Jesus extending His hand to us to join in His dance. With our eyes locked upon His, our movement will come into alignment — the Bride and Bridegroom becoming one.

Join us on Thursday, December 3rd from 5:00PM IST (Jerusalem) / 7:00AM PT (Vancouver) as we come together to fix our gaze on Him through 12 hours of consecutive worship. Let our perfume rise from different nations across the globe.

We believe that this will set the tone for the month of December; a time of consecration where the Spirit of God will seal the Bride’s utter devotion to her Bridegroom.

More details: https://watchmen.org/upcoming/2020/12/3/12-hour-perfume-of-nations  

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 15:51

‘Lifting up a fire wall and rampart over Iberoamérica’

Nations are in the midst of a global shakeup, a global hiatus due to the Crisis caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Many people in the nations are afraid and look for answers. Now more than ever it is time to pray for people, attend to their needs and share the Gospel in the Nations of the Earth.

We recognize that historical moments of crisis have created the perfect atmospheres for the GREAT REVIVALS and the Uprising of the Great Harvests of souls for our beloved Jesus Christ and the expansion of his Kingdom throughout history.

We believe that this is the moment when the Church must arise and take its role as The mouth, the feet, the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ to respond to a humanity that has no hope, that is in total confusion, and that awaits a resolution of their leaders or rulers.

We are living one of the most important prophetic moments in this decade , we see how in the midst of the shaking of the Nations, in a Global Pause, our precious Holy Spirit is moving strategically, bringing Revival in the midst of families, communities and nations . It is time to complete the Great Commission assigned by our Master. The Harvest is ready in the fields, the Angels have already been sent (Mark 13:39) .

The Latin American Prayer Council (CLAMOR) as part of the World Prayer Council (International Prayer Council) invites you to participate in a continuous Continental Vigil that will begin on April 24, and will be held every last Friday of each month until the end of the year 2020.

We want to agree to pray all the nations of Latin America in UNANIMITY , as a single VOICE; believing that something powerful will begin to happen this April. We will pray that the Redeeming gift of the Father, in the intervention of Jesus Christ and in the power of his Holy Spirit, hears our Prayer, receives our repentance and heals our lands. 2 Chronicles 7: 13-14.

We believe that this is the time of the Resurgence of The Ekklesia, a time to give hope to the needy, to the unreached groups of our continent, of the fulfillment of promises, of the manifestation of His mercy, forgiveness, grace. It is the divine time of the spiritual, economic, political and social restart of our peoples.

We cannot lose the window of opportunity that Covid-19 and the World Crisis is providing us to lift the harvest of souls in the fields that are already ready ... IT'S TIME TO PRAY CONTINENTALLY!

More info and sign-up: https://vigiliaunanime.clamor.global/index.php/en/

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 15:51

A number of leaders from different ministries around the world have been gathering online to share what God has laid on their hearts to be doing in 2021.  There is a desire for us to be collaborating like never before, in a spirit of John 17 unity, as we seek to reach the nations with the love of Jesus.

Some of these events are detailed elsewhere within this email, others, we will be updating you on next month… but we would like to suggest that if your ministry is planning event dates for next year, you might appreciate knowing that these international events are in the pipeline in order not to double book! 

More info is available from the websites:

10 Days of Praise & Prayer (13 – 22 May 2021) www.10days.net

The March for Jesus (22 May 2021)  www.themarchforjesus.org

Global Day of Prayer & broadcast (including commissioning to GO)  (23 May 2021) www.globalvoiceofprayer.com/global-day-of-prayer/

GO 21 / Global Outreach Day  (29 May 2021) www.go2020.world/en/go21

GO Decade update (2020 – 2030)  www.go2020.world/en/decade

Hope Movement – 90 Days of Hope / Global Day of Hope 

(June – August 2021)  www.go2020.world/en/go2020continues  

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 15:47

2020 a year of evangelism across the UK

Global Week of Prayer for S-I-K-H-S
Sun 29 Nov - Sun 6 Dec
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Light has Come – Dec 17th

Messiah's House Hanukkah Celebration - 18 Dec, 6.30pm

GO Christmas! Share your faith at Christmas

Latin-American Continuous Prayer Vigil – 26 Dec

Global Family 24/7 365 Online Prayer

Movement for African National Initiatives – Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 8-12 March 2021

10 Days of Praise & Prayer (13 – 22 May 2021)

The March for Jesus (22 May 2021)

Global Day of Prayer & broadcast (including commissioning to GO) (23 May 2021)

GO 21 / Global Outreach Day (29 May 2021)

GO Decade update (2020 – 2030)

Hope Movement – 90 Days of Hope / Global Day of Hope (June – August 2021)

UPRising Events Calendar

GLOBAL UPRISING Manila, Philippines, Nov 2021

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 15:44

There have been numerous significant regional and international gatherings over the last few months.  We would encourage our partner networks to continue to use these wonderful replays and resources that are available on the YouTube channels listed below.  They are a hugely valuable resource!

World Prayer Together on 19th September involved 10,000 people from 123 nations.  

The theme of the 4-hour gathering was ‘Repentance, Reconciliation, Revival and Reaching all with His Gospel.’

Watch the 30-minute excerpts video or the replay of the whole event.  See the programme guides on YouTube or the IPC Website to quickly find specific items.

10 Days / The Return - 365 City Events and 155 Locations around the world took part in 10 Days.  4000+ people registered for the 24/7 Global Zoom Prayer Room and 4600+ took the Consecration Challenge.  

Watch the Facebook Live Replays of 10 Days.

100,000 attended The Return in Washington and 10's of Millions watched the simulcast on TV and Online.

See Jonathan Cahn’s prophetic word for America.

Watch the REPLAY of The Return - Download a Return Prayer Guide and More!

The National Prayer Assembly drew together huge numbers worldwide to an online gathering to pray for America.

Let's continue to pray for His deliverance and destiny for the USA during this crucial election season. May the best days for America be in the coming months and years, serving as a blessing from the Lord, not only to its own citizens but to the rest of the world as well!

View the NPA Sessions and presentations replays on YouTube

CONTEND 2020 - Global Mission Mobilization Initiative

Contend! is a 21 day prayer campaign seeking God for breakthrough in His global Church surrounding an increase of mission mobilization vision across ministry structures, moving mission from the periphery in the Church to its rightful place at the core.

Watch the playlist on YouTube Here

Wednesday, 02 December 2020 15:44

‘Beyond the Pandemic: Is there any word from the Lord?’ by Rev Dr Clifford Hill

When a pandemic is unleashed, how should Christians respond?

Beyond the Pandemic provides a Biblical view of the contemporary world situation.

It focuses upon what the Biblical prophets called “the deeds of the Lord” – the historical evidence of the activity of God in the life and times of the leaders of Israel and Judah, from Moses to Malachi. This revelation of the nature of God is set alongside contemporary events, providing a prophetic view of God’s purposes in these troubled times.

After years of warnings to our society, which has turned its back on Him, who is both Creator and Sovereign over the world in which we live, we must either repent or face yet worse afflictions; Hill points us to the only effective remedy – God’s word spoken through Isaiah 45:22, “Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God and there is no other.”

The Rev. Dr Clifford Hill MA, BD, PhD, Sociologist and Theologian, is a lecturer, preacher and broadcaster who has written over forty books. He is an ordained minister in the Congregational church, has led multi-ethnic congregation in London and continues to exercise pastoral oversight of an inner-city church.

He is editor-in-chief of Prophecy Today UK, which seeks to apply God’s word in the Bible to current affairs and, with his wife, Monica, is joint director of Issachar Ministries which supports Christians in prayer and action.

Beyond the Pandemic is published by Wilberforce Publications and is available to purchase:

CLC bookshop - https://clcbookshops.com/Products/ViewOne.aspx?ProductId=131212&sq=beyond%20the%20pandemic

Amazon - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/191612111X/

Find out more at Wilberforce Publications: https://www.wilberforcepublications.co.uk/

Friday, 27 November 2020 07:02

We are excited to announce the launch of a Global Online 24/7 Prayer Room beginning January 1st of 2021! This "Global Family" is a collaboration of many international ministries from all six continents and will be hosted in many languages using Zoom.

We would like to invite YOU to join us. Each hour will be Spirit-led, Bible-based, Worship-fed, and Christ-exalted times of prayer to multiple gospel movements across the earth. We are encouraging facilitators to include a special time each hour on the remaining unreached peoples.

First, we want to invite you (personally, your church, city, organization, network, etc.) to join us when available each week of 2021 to join hands with this collaboration in prayer.

Second, we'd like to invite you (with at least one back up person who could act as room host) to commit to facilitating prayer the same hour each week for the 52 weeks of 2021.

There will be training and resources available to Hour leaders as we near to the start of the 24/7 Global Family. For more information and how to sign up, visit https://www.globalfamily24-7prayer.org

To Christ be the Glory,
Jonathan Friz, 10Days
Dr. Jason Hubbard & John Robb, IPC
Dr. Jonathan Armstrong, AQ
Elizabeth Adleta, FPS
Soloman Lujan, the Seed Company
Jenny Oliphant, Ethne Prayer Team

Thursday, 26 November 2020 20:32

People across the UK are being urged to think carefully before they take advantage of the relaxation of restrictions over Christmas. Government adviser Prof Andrew Hayward says family gatherings are a ‘recipe for regret’ for people. The devolved administrations have agreed UK-wide rules to allow families to meet between 23-27 December and three households will be allowed to be in each other's homes. The plans have been criticised by pub owners as meet-ups in hospitality venues are banned. The head of the European Commission has said countries could face a third wave if they ease restrictions too early. Nearly 60 million cases have been confirmed globally with around 1.4 million deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020 10:29



Tuesday, 10 November 2020 03:49

We would like to invite our readers to unite in a UK Day of Prayer for our communities and for significant breakthrough this Friday.

The Evangelical Alliance (EA) has called a UK Day of Prayer for Friday 13th November. They are working with networks, denominations and churches to bring people together to pray.

As communities across the UK face a second wave of the Covid-19 virus, further restrictions and lockdowns; as many churches are forced to stop their in-person gatherings; and suffering and loss affect so many families, we hear the call again to unite and seek God together in this time of trouble.

Regardless of lockdowns, we have the great privilege and freedom to be able to call upon the Lord, wherever we are.

Churches and Christians across the UK are being encouraged to come together, in one Spirit, to call on the One who saves – to bring light in dark places, to be the hope to the nations, to bring healing to our lands.

Please join us as we pray for all in leadership at this time, making decisions about the containment of the virus, for those working in health and social care, those working on a vaccine, those most at risk, and those suffering hardship and distress.

Let’s also be thankful for the vaccine breakthrough that has just been announced and for the many positive stories of communities reaching out to assist their neighbours in need.

Resources: The Evangelical Alliance has provided suggestions to help us cry to the Lord in one voice, ‘Hear our prayer and heal our Land’.

Watch the video More at